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Grunt plugin for running jsxgettext
and gettext
tools against your
codebase. jsxgettext
extracts strings from your JS and template files
(EJS/Jinja (nunjucks)) to a pot format.
Upgrade notes
Version 0.0.20 of i18n-abide
has changed how it handles locales with
script subtags. E.g. sr_LATN
now becomes sr_Latn
. In other words
locales with script subtags are now formatted so the initial character
of the subtag is capitalized and the remainder is lower-case. If you're
using i18n-abide
>= 0.0.20 rename any locales from xx_XXXX
to xx_Xxxx
If you're using 0.0.20 of i18n-abide
you should also upgrade to
>= 0.0.11.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check
out the Getting Started guide, as it
explains how to create a Gruntfile
as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that
process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-i18n-abide --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your
Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The tasks
- abideExtract
- abideCreate
- abideMerge
- abideCompile
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named abideExtract
to the
data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
This example show two targets for extracting strings from JS and HTML.
They both use the same destination.
abideExtract: {
js: {
src: 'lib/**/*.js',
dest: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot',
options: {
language: 'JavaScript',
html: {
src: 'templates/**/*.html',
dest: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot',
options: {
language: 'Jinja',
Standard grunt files src config allowing a set of paths to make up the list
of files that are searched for gettext strings.
Standard grunt files dest config allowing configuration of where the pot file
should be created.
Default value: locale/templates/LC\_MESSAGES/messages.pot
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Join messages that already exist.
Type: String
A way to specify what gettext function you are using e.g. '_' for
_('Translate this')
Type: String
Default value: 'JavaScript'
A string value to tell jsxgettext
what type of code you are
extracting strings from.
The abideCreate
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named abideCreate
the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
abideCreate: {
default: {
options: {
template: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot',
languages: ['en-US', 'fr', 'es'],
localeDir: 'locale',
Type: String
Default value: locale/templates/LC\_MESSAGES/messages.pot
The path to the template pot file strings are extracted to.
Type: Array
A list of the language codes you want to create locales for e.g. en-US not
Type: String
Default value: locale
The base locale directory.
The abideMerge
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named abideMerge
to the data
object passed into grunt.initConfig()
This command merges newly extracted strings into the locales.
abideMerge: {
default: {
options: {
template: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot',
localeDir: 'locale',
Type: String
Default value: locale/templates/LC\_MESSAGES/messages.pot
The path to the template pot file strings are extracted to.
Type: String
Default value: locale
The base locale directory.
The abideCompile
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named abideCompile
to the data
object passed into grunt.initConfig()
This command can take multiple targets, so you can compile more than one set
of files if you want or a mix of mo/JSON.
Example Conf
abideCompile: {
json: {
dest: '/json/',
options: {
type: 'json',
localeDir: 'tests/tmp',
mo: {
options: {
type: 'mo',
localeDir: 'tests/tmp',
Standard grunt files dest config allowing configuration of where the json
should end up.
Type: String
The type of compilation mo
or json
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Only relevant when options.type
is set to 'json'
If false
the JS files won't be created alongside the json. If you don't need
the js e.g. you're not producing a client-side app that uses the JS then set
this to false
Type: String
Default value: json_locale_data
Allows you to override the JS var used in the JS output. The var is added to
the window object. So by default you'll end up with window.json_locale_data.
This value is crudely validated to help ensure you don't use a reserved word
or an invalid property name.
Type: String
Default value: locale
The base locale directory.
Type: String
Default value: grunt-i18n-abide.lock
An option to customise the lockfile name.
This can be useful if you might be running multiple builds concurrently
on the same server. Set this to use an environment variable or use a grunt
cli option so each job has a unique lockfile name.
A complete configuration example
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
abideCreate: {
default: { // Target name.
options: {
template: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot', // (default: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot')
languages: ['en-US', 'fr', 'es'],
localeDir: 'locale',
abideExtract: {
js: {
src: 'lib/**/*.js',
dest: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot',
options: {
language: 'JavaScript',
html: {
src: 'templates/payments/*.html',
dest: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot',
options: {
language: 'Jinja',
abideMerge: {
default: { // Target name.
options: {
template: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot', // (default: 'locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot')
localeDir: 'locale',
abideCompile: {
json: {
dest: 'media/locale/',
options: {
type: 'json',
createJSFiles: false, // defaults to true
mo: {
options: {
type: 'mo',
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding
style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test
your code using Grunt.
Where to file bugs
Bear in mind this code only wraps jsxgettext
and standard gettext
If there's a problem with how grunt talks to jsxgettext
or those CLI tools
then that's a problem with this package. However if the output is not correct
(and it's not related to configuration) please file a bug on the relevant
Release History
See https://github.com/mozilla/grunt-i18n-abide/releases