Concatenate files in the order you require
Note that this plugin has not yet been released, and only works with the latest bleeding-edge, in-development version of grunt. See the When will I be able to use in-development feature 'X'? FAQ entry for more information.
Getting Started
If you haven't used grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a gruntfile as well as install and use grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-neuter --save-dev
Neuter task
Run this task with the grunt neuter
This task is a multi task so any targets, files and options should be specified according to the multi task documentation.
Use a neutering task for
Breaking up a project into files: some applications are easier to reason about
when their source is divided into files and organzied with directories
Keep intra-project dependency management inline: rather than have to track
and updated files and their order in a Make/Cake/Rakefile or a JSON object.
Have files separated in debugging, combined in production: When using
good development tools you want to easily map your debugging efforts to
a specific file, not read through one giant file.
Not need a dependency management library deployed: for applications
deployed as a single file the benefits of modular file loaders like
require.js is minimized.
Neuter is based on the Rake pipline web-filter of the same name
Type: String
Default: "(function){ <%= text %> })();"
The wrapper around your code. Defaults to a closure-style function so locally delcared variables
won't leak into the gloabl scope. The text of your source JavaScript file is available as text
within a template.
Type: Boolean`
Default: false
Includes a the path to your source JavaScript file as //@ sourceURL="path/to/my/file.js"
nicer debugging. Note that this wraps your source JavaScript file (as a string) with eval
and should not be used in prouduction.
Type: String
Default: "\n"
Neutered files will be joined on this string. If you're post-processing concatenated JavaScript files with a minifier, you may need to use a semicolon ';'
as the separator although the semicolon at the end of the
template should suffice.