API for making google search requests with captcha support
`npm install -S gsearch-node`
API explained
Initailization (with deathbycaptcha as captcha solver)
var deathByCaptcha = require("deathbycaptcha")
var dbc = new deathByCaptcha("username", "password")
var gsearch = require("gsearch-node")
var gs = new gsearch({solver: dbc})
- <h5>Initailization (with custom solver)</h5>
var captchaSolver = {
solve: function (img, cb) {
if (err) {
cb (null, {
err: err,
solution: null
cb (null, {
err: null,
solution: "solved captcha as string"
API methods
- `gs.get(searchString, cb)`
This is an async function which returns a `cb` with `(nullVar, respObj)`.
`nullVar` is a variable with `null` value.
`respObj` is an object with following structure :-
respObj = {
err: null,
resp: {}, // a response object from request library. use respObj.resp.body to get the html.
parsed: {} // parsed html using whacko lib (a fork of cheerio).
// so you can apply css selectors directly.
This is a sync function which returns 'respObj' as described above.
Note on callbacks
The format of callbacks for this API is *not* `(err, resp)` but is `(nullVar, respObj)` where `err` is a property of `respObj`.
This is because I have used deasync lib which throws `err` if `(err, resp)` format is used for the callback which make the code to break.
Error handling is more easier as we can use `if` syntax instead of `try catch`.
(function () {
// var deathByCaptcha = require("deathbycaptcha")
// var dbc = new deathByCaptcha("username", "password")
var gsearch = require("gsearch-node")
var gs = new gsearch({solver: {}}) // {solver: dbc} for using deathbycaptcha api
console.log("Sync version")
var searchPage = gs.getSync("Everyone shifting to nodejs?")
if (!searchPage.err) {
$ = searchPage.parsed
$("a").each(function (i, a) {
} else {
console.log("\nAsync version")
gs.get("Everyone shifting to nodejs?", function (nullVar, searchPage) {
if (!searchPage.err) {
$ = searchPage.parsed
$("a").each(function (i, a) {
} else {
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