Security News
pnpm 10.0.0 Blocks Lifecycle Scripts by Default
pnpm 10 blocks lifecycle scripts by default to improve security, addressing supply chain attack risks but sparking debate over compatibility and workflow changes.
Advanced tools
Merge changes in default JSON into localized JSON for i18n-behavior
Merge changes in default JSON into localized JSON for i18n-behavior
Project template available at polymer-starter-kit-i18n. On Github Pages (
npm install --save-dev gulp-i18n-leverage
Build tasks from source to dist:
from the bundles objectbundle.*.json
from the bundles objectSample to show default options:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var i18nLeverage = require('gulp-i18n-leverage');
gulp.task('leverage', function () {
return gulp.src([ 'app/**/locales/*.json' ]) // input localized JSON files in source
jsonSpace: 2, // default JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: 'app', // default path to source root
distPath: 'dist', // default path to dist root to fetch next default JSON files
finalize: false, // empty meta information if true
bundles: {} // default output bundles object is empty
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); // path to output next localized JSON files
var gulp = require('gulp');
var i18nPreprocess = require('gulp-i18n-preprocess');
// Global object to store localizable attributes repository
var attributesRepository = {};
// Scan HTMLs and construct localizable attributes repository
gulp.task('scan', function () {
return gulp.src([ 'app/elements/**/*.html' ]) // input custom element HTMLs
constructAttributesRepository: true, // construct attributes repository
attributesRepository: attributesRepository, // output object
srcPath: 'app', // path to source root
'bower_components/i18n-behavior/i18n-attr-repo.html', // path to i18n-attr-repo.html
dropHtml: true // drop HTMLs
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/elements')); // no outputs; dummy output path
var gulp = require('gulp');
var merge = require('merge-stream');
var i18nPreprocess = require('gulp-i18n-preprocess');
// Global object to store localizable attributes repository
var attributesRepository; // constructed attributes repository
// Other standard pipes such as crisper / minification / uglification are omitted for explanation
gulp.task('preprocess', function () {
var elements = gulp.src([ 'app/elements/**/*.html' ]) // input custom element HTMLs
replacingText: true, // replace UI texts with {{annotations}}
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: 'app', // path to source root
attributesRepository: attributesRepository // input attributes repository
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/elements')); // output preprocessed HTMLs and default JSON files to dist
var html = gulp.src([ 'app/**/*.html', '!app/{elements,test}/**/*.html' ]) // non-custom-element HTMLs
replacingText: true, // replace UI texts with {{annotations}}
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: 'app', // path to source root
force: true, // force processing even without direct i18n-behavior.html import
attributesRepository: attributesRepository // input attributes repository
return merge(elements, html)
.pipe($.size({title: 'copy'}));
var gulp = require('gulp');
var JSONstringify = require('json-stringify-safe');
var through = require('through2');
var xliff2bundlejson = require('xliff2bundlejson');
// Import bundles.{lang}.xlf
gulp.task('import-xliff', function () {
var xliffPath = path.join('app', 'xliff');
var x2j = new xliff2bundlejson({});
return gulp.src([
.pipe(through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {
var bundle, bundlePath;
var base = path.basename(file.path, '.xlf').match(/^(.*)[.]([^.]*)$/);
var xliff = String(file.contents);
if (base) {
try {
bundlePath = path.join(file.base, 'locales', 'bundle.' + base[2] + '.json');
bundle = JSON.parse(stripBom(fs.readFileSync(bundlePath, 'utf8')));
x2j.parseXliff(xliff, { bundle: bundle }, function (output) {
file.contents = new Buffer(JSONstringify(output, null, 2));
file.path = bundlePath;
callback(null, file);
catch (ex) {
callback(null, file);
else {
callback(null, file);
title: 'import-xliff'
var gulp = require('gulp');
var i18nLeverage = require('gulp-i18n-leverage');
var bundles = {};
gulp.task('leverage', function () {
return gulp.src([ 'app/**/locales/*.json' ]) // input localized JSON files in source
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: 'app', // path to source root
distPath: 'dist', // path to dist root to fetch next default JSON files
finalize: false, // keep meta information
bundles: bundles // output bundles object
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); // path to output next localized JSON files
var gulp = require('gulp');
var i18nLeverage = require('gulp-i18n-leverage');
var through = require('through2'); // for unbundle
var stripBom = require('strip-bom'); // for unbundle
var bundles = {};
gulp.task('leverage', function () {
return gulp.src([ 'app/**/locales/*.json', '!app/**/locales/bundle.*.json' ]) // exclude bundles
// replace contents with unbundled ones
.pipe(through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {
var bundle, base = path.basename(file.path, '.json').match(/^(.*)[.]([^.]*)$/);
if (base) {
try {
bundle = JSON.parse(stripBom(fs.readFileSync(path.join(file.base, 'locales', 'bundle.' + base[2] + '.json'), 'utf8')));
if (bundle[base[1]]) {
file.contents = new Buffer(JSONstringify(bundle[base[1]], null, 2));
catch (ex) {}
callback(null, file);
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: 'app', // path to source root
distPath: 'dist', // path to dist root to fetch next default JSON files
finalize: false, // keep meta information
bundles: bundles // output bundles object
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); // path to output next localized JSON files
var gulp = require('gulp');
var fs = require('fs');
var JSONstringify = require('json-stringify-safe');
var bundles; // constructed bundles
gulp.task('bundles', function (callback) {
var DEST_DIR = 'dist';
var localesPath = join.path(DEST_DIR, 'locales');
try {
catch (e) {}
for (var lang in bundles) {
bundles[lang].bundle = true;
if (lang) {
fs.writeFileSync(localesPath + '/bundle.' + lang + '.json',
JSONstringify(bundles[lang], null, 2));
else {
fs.writeFileSync(DEST_DIR + '/bundle.json',
JSONstringify(bundles[lang], null, 2));
must match with the default language of the app. var gulp = require('gulp');
var through = require('through2');
var xliff2bundlejson = require('xliff2bundlejson');
// Generate bundles.{lang}.xlf
gulp.task('export-xliff', function (callback) {
var DEST_DIR = 'dist';
var srcLanguage = 'en';
var xliffPath = path.join(DEST_DIR, 'xliff');
var x2j = new xliff2bundlejson({
date: new Date() // XLIFF's date attribute
var promises = [];
try {
catch (e) {
for (var lang in bundles) {
if (lang) {
(function (destLanguage) {
promises.push(new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
x2j.parseJSON(bundles, {
srcLanguage: srcLanguage,
destLanguage: destLanguage
}, function (output) {
fs.writeFile(path.join(xliffPath, 'bundle.' + destLanguage + '.xlf'), output, resolve);
Promise.all(promises).then(function (outputs) {
Outputs are ready to commit in the repository
var gulp = require('gulp');
var merge = require('merge-stream');
var i18nPreprocess = require('gulp-i18n-preprocess');
// Only applicable to development builds; Skip it in production builds
gulp.task('feedback', function () {
// Copy from dist
var locales = gulp.src([
'dist/**/xliff/bundle.*.xlf', // Add this item if xliff import and export are enabled
//'!dist/locales/bundle.*.json' // Remove this item if translation is done in bundles
// Regenerate default JSON files
var elementDefault = gulp.src([ 'app/elements/**/*.html' ])
replacingText: false,
jsonSpace: 2,
srcPath: 'app',
dropHtml: true,
attributesRepository: attributesRepository
// Regenerate default JSON files for non-custom-element HTMLs, i.e., i18n-dom-bind
var appDefault = gulp.src([ 'app/**/*.html', '!app/{elements,test}/**/*.html' ])
replacingText: false,
jsonSpace: 2,
srcPath: 'app',
force: true,
dropHtml: true,
attributesRepository: attributesRepository
return merge(locales, elementDefault, appDefault)
.pipe($.size({title: 'feedback'}));
polymer-cli 0.8.0
, polymer
command and the project templates are pre-release and subject to change including the private API userTransformers
on which this integration works.package.json
and the dependent packages of the following guilfile.js
npm init # if package.json is missing
npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-debug gulp-grep-contents \
gulp-i18n-add-locales gulp-i18n-leverage gulp-i18n-preprocess \
gulp-if gulp-ignore gulp-match gulp-merge gulp-size gulp-sort gulp-util \
json-stringify-safe strip-bom through2 xliff-conv
gulp locales --targets="{space separated list of target locales}"
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var debug = require('gulp-debug');
var gulpif = require('gulp-if');
var gulpignore = require('gulp-ignore');
var gulpmatch = require('gulp-match');
var sort = require('gulp-sort');
var grepContents = require('gulp-grep-contents');
var size = require('gulp-size');
var merge = require('gulp-merge');
var through = require('through2');
var path = require('path');
var stripBom = require('strip-bom');
var JSONstringify = require('json-stringify-safe');
var i18nPreprocess = require('gulp-i18n-preprocess');
var i18nLeverage = require('gulp-i18n-leverage');
var XliffConv = require('xliff-conv');
var i18nAddLocales = require('gulp-i18n-add-locales');
// Global object to store localizable attributes repository
var attributesRepository = {};
// Bundles object
var prevBundles = {};
var bundles = {};
var title = 'I18N transform';
var tmpDir = '.tmp';
// Scan HTMLs and construct localizable attributes repository
var scan = gulpif('*.html', i18nPreprocess({
constructAttributesRepository: true, // construct attributes repository
attributesRepository: attributesRepository, // output object
srcPath: '.', // path to source root
'bower_components/i18n-behavior/i18n-attr-repo.html', // path to i18n-attr-repo.html
dropHtml: false // do not drop HTMLs
var basenameSort = sort({
comparator: function(file1, file2) {
var base1 = path.basename(file1.path).replace(/^bundle[.]/, ' bundle.');
var base2 = path.basename(file2.path).replace(/^bundle[.]/, ' bundle.');
return base1.localeCompare(base2);
var dropDefaultJSON = gulpignore([ 'src/**/*.json', '!**/locales/*.json' ]);
var preprocess = gulpif('*.html', i18nPreprocess({
replacingText: true, // replace UI texts with {{annotations}}
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: '.', // path to source root
attributesRepository: attributesRepository // input attributes repository
var tmpJSON = gulpif([ 'src/**/*.json', '!src/**/locales/*' ], gulp.dest(tmpDir));
var unbundleFiles = [];
var importXliff = through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {
// bundle files must come earlier
}, function (callback) {
var match;
var file;
var bundleFileMap = {};
var xliffConv = new XliffConv();
while (unbundleFiles.length > 0) {
file = unbundleFiles.shift();
if (path.basename(file.path).match(/^bundle[.]json$/)) {
prevBundles[''] = JSON.parse(stripBom(String(file.contents)));
bundleFileMap[''] = file;
else if (match = path.basename(file.path).match(/^bundle[.]([^.\/]*)[.]json$/)) {
prevBundles[match[1]] = JSON.parse(stripBom(String(file.contents)));
bundleFileMap[match[1]] = file;
else if (match = path.basename(file.path).match(/^bundle[.]([^.\/]*)[.]xlf$/)) {
xliffConv.parseXliff(String(file.contents), { bundle: prevBundles[match[1]] }, function (output) {
if (bundleFileMap[match[1]]) {
bundleFileMap[match[1]].contents = new Buffer(JSONstringify(output, null, 2));
else if (gulpmatch(file, '**/locales/*.json') &&
(match = path.basename(file.path, '.json').match(/^([^.]*)[.]([^.]*)/))) {
if (prevBundles[match[2]] && prevBundles[match[2]][match[1]]) {
file.contents = new Buffer(JSONstringify(prevBundles[match[2]][match[1]], null, 2));
var leverage = gulpif([ 'src/**/locales/*.json', '!**/locales/bundle.*.json' ], i18nLeverage({
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: '', // path to source root
distPath: '/' + tmpDir, // path to dist root to fetch next default JSON files
bundles: bundles // output bundles object
var bundleFiles = [];
var exportXliff = through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {
}, function (callback) {
var file;
var cwd = bundleFiles[0].cwd;
var base = bundleFiles[0].base;
var xliffConv = new XliffConv();
var srcLanguage = 'en';
var promises = [];
var self = this;
while (bundleFiles.length > 0) {
file = bundleFiles.shift();
if (!gulpmatch(file, [ '**/bundle.json', '**/locales/bundle.*.json', '**/xliff/bundle.*.xlf' ])) {
for (var lang in bundles) {
bundles[lang].bundle = true;
this.push(new gutil.File({
cwd: cwd,
base: base,
path: lang ? path.join(cwd, 'locales', 'bundle.' + lang + '.json')
: path.join(cwd, 'bundle.json'),
contents: new Buffer(JSONstringify(bundles[lang], null, 2))
for (var lang in bundles) {
if (lang) {
(function (destLanguage) {
promises.push(new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
xliffConv.parseJSON(bundles, {
srcLanguage: srcLanguage,
destLanguage: destLanguage
}, function (output) {
self.push(new gutil.File({
cwd: cwd,
base: base,
path: path.join(cwd, 'xliff', 'bundle.' + destLanguage + '.xlf'),
contents: new Buffer(output)
Promise.all(promises).then(function (outputs) {
var feedback = gulpif([ '**/bundle.json', '**/locales/*.json', '**/src/**/*.json', '**/xliff/bundle.*.xlf' ], gulp.dest('.'));
var config = {
// list of target locales to add
locales: gutil.env.targets ? gutil.env.targets.split(/ /) : []
// Gulp task to add locales to I18N-ready elements and pages
// Usage: gulp locales --targets="{space separated list of target locales}"
gulp.task('locales', function() {
var elements = gulp.src([ 'src/**/*.html' ], { base: '.' })
.pipe(grepContents(/<dom-module /));
var pages = gulp.src([ 'index.html' ], { base: '.' })
return merge(elements, pages)
.pipe(debug({ title: 'Add locales:'}))
module.exports = {
transformers: [
debug({ title: title }),
size({ title: title })
object git clone
cd polymer-starter-kit-i18n
npm install -g gulp bower # if missing
npm install && bower install
# Development build with scan/preprocess/leverage/bundle/feedback tasks
gulp --dev
# Run-time I18N demo on http://localhost:5000
gulp serve
# Build-time I18N demo on http://localhost:5001
gulp serve:dist --dev
attribute of html
element from "en" to "ja" or "fr" <html lang="ja">
cd polymer-starter-kit-i18n
gulp --dev
git diff app
Merge changes in default JSON into localized JSON for i18n-behavior
The npm package gulp-i18n-leverage receives a total of 3 weekly downloads. As such, gulp-i18n-leverage popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that gulp-i18n-leverage demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
pnpm 10 blocks lifecycle scripts by default to improve security, addressing supply chain attack risks but sparking debate over compatibility and workflow changes.
Socket now supports uv.lock files to ensure consistent, secure dependency resolution for Python projects and enhance supply chain security.
Security News
Socket researchers have discovered multiple malicious npm packages targeting Solana private keys, abusing Gmail to exfiltrate the data and drain Solana wallets.