Security News
Node.js EOL Versions CVE Dubbed the "Worst CVE of the Year" by Security Experts
Critics call the Node.js EOL CVE a misuse of the system, sparking debate over CVE standards and the growing noise in vulnerability databases.
Advanced tools
Preprocess Polymer templates and extract UI strings to JSON for build-time I18N with i18n-behavior
Preprocess Polymer templates and extract UI strings to JSON for build-time I18N with i18n-behavior
npm install --save-dev gulp-i18n-preprocess
Quick Tour with polymer-starter-kit-i18n
Build tasks from source to dist:
from the bundles objectbundle.*.json
from the bundles objectSample to show default options:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var i18nPreprocess = require('gulp-i18n-preprocess');
gulp.task('preprocess', function () {
// default options values
var options = {
replacingText: false, // does not replace strings with {{annotations}}
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON stringification parameter for formatting
srcPath: 'app', // base source path
force: false, // does not force preprocessing when i18n-behavior.html is not imported
dropHtml: false, // does not drop the preprocessed HTML for output
dropJson: false, // does not drop the extracted JSON files for output
constructAttributesRepository: false, // does not construct localizable attributes repository
attributesRepositoryPath: null // does not specify the path to i18n-attr-repo.html
return gulp.src([ 'app/elements/**/*.html' ])
var gulp = require('gulp');
var i18nPreprocess = require('gulp-i18n-preprocess');
// Global object to store localizable attributes repository
var attributesRepository = {};
// Scan HTMLs and construct localizable attributes repository
gulp.task('scan', function () {
return gulp.src([ 'app/elements/**/*.html' ]) // input custom element HTMLs
constructAttributesRepository: true, // construct attributes repository
attributesRepository: attributesRepository, // output object
srcPath: 'app', // path to source root
'bower_components/i18n-behavior/i18n-attr-repo.html', // path to i18n-attr-repo.html
dropHtml: true // drop HTMLs
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/elements')); // no outputs; dummy output path
var gulp = require('gulp');
var merge = require('merge-stream');
var i18nPreprocess = require('gulp-i18n-preprocess');
// Global object to store localizable attributes repository
var attributesRepository; // constructed attributes repository
// Other standard pipes such as crisper / minification / uglification are omitted for explanation
gulp.task('preprocess', function () {
var elements = gulp.src([ 'app/elements/**/*.html' ]) // input custom element HTMLs
replacingText: true, // replace UI texts with {{annotations}}
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: 'app', // path to source root
attributesRepository: attributesRepository // input attributes repository
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/elements')); // output preprocessed HTMLs and default JSON files to dist
var html = gulp.src([ 'app/**/*.html', '!app/{elements,test}/**/*.html' ]) // non-custom-element HTMLs
replacingText: true, // replace UI texts with {{annotations}}
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: 'app', // path to source root
force: true, // force processing even without direct i18n-behavior.html import
attributesRepository: attributesRepository // input attributes repository
return merge(elements, html);
var gulp = require('gulp');
var i18nLeverage = require('gulp-i18n-leverage');
var bundles = {};
gulp.task('leverage', function () {
return gulp.src([ 'app/**/locales/*.json' ]) // input localized JSON files in source
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: 'app', // path to source root
distPath: 'dist', // path to dist root to fetch next default JSON files
bundles: bundles // output bundles object
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); // path to output next localized JSON files
var gulp = require('gulp');
var fs = require('fs');
var JSONstringify = require('json-stringify-safe');
var bundles; // constructed bundles
gulp.task('bundles', function (callback) {
var DEST_DIR = 'dist';
var localesPath = DEST_DIR + '/locales';
try {
catch (e) {}
for (var lang in bundles) {
bundles[lang].bundle = true;
if (lang) {
fs.writeFileSync(localesPath + '/bundle.' + lang + '.json',
JSONstringify(bundles[lang], null, 2));
else {
fs.writeFileSync(DEST_DIR + '/bundle.json',
JSONstringify(bundles[lang], null, 2));
Outputs are ready to commit in the repository
var gulp = require('gulp');
var merge = require('merge-stream');
var i18nPreprocess = require('gulp-i18n-preprocess');
// Only applicable to development builds; Skip it in production builds
gulp.task('feedback', function () {
// Copy from dist
var locales = gulp.src([ 'dist/**/locales/*.json', '!dist/locales/bundle.*.json'])
// Regenerate default JSON files
var elementDefault = gulp.src([ 'app/elements/**/*.html' ])
replacingText: false,
jsonSpace: 2,
srcPath: 'app',
dropHtml: true,
attributesRepository: attributesRepository
// Regenerate default JSON files for non-custom-element HTMLs, i.e., i18n-dom-bind
var appDefault = gulp.src([ 'app/**/*.html', '!app/{elements,test}/**/*.html' ])
replacingText: false,
jsonSpace: 2,
srcPath: 'app',
force: true,
dropHtml: true,
attributesRepository: attributesRepository
return merge(locales, elementDefault, appDefault);
library (highly experimental)polymer-build 0.4.0
, polymer-build
library is pre-release and subject to change.Polymer CLI 0.13.0
, the private API userTransformers
is deprecated and no longer available.package.json
and the dependent packages of the following gulpfile.js
npm init # if package.json is missing
npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-debug gulp-grep-contents \
gulp-i18n-add-locales gulp-i18n-leverage gulp-i18n-preprocess \
gulp-if gulp-ignore gulp-match gulp-merge gulp-size gulp-sort gulp-util \
json-stringify-safe strip-bom through2 xliff-conv polymer-build plylog merge-stream
gulp locales --targets="{space separated list of target locales}"
gulp default
- Build with polymer-build
library for gulp
'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var debug = require('gulp-debug');
var gulpif = require('gulp-if');
var gulpignore = require('gulp-ignore');
var gulpmatch = require('gulp-match');
var sort = require('gulp-sort');
var grepContents = require('gulp-grep-contents');
var size = require('gulp-size');
var merge = require('gulp-merge');
var through = require('through2');
var path = require('path');
var stripBom = require('strip-bom');
var JSONstringify = require('json-stringify-safe');
var i18nPreprocess = require('gulp-i18n-preprocess');
var i18nLeverage = require('gulp-i18n-leverage');
var XliffConv = require('xliff-conv');
var i18nAddLocales = require('gulp-i18n-add-locales');
const logging = require('plylog');
const mergeStream = require('merge-stream');
const isPolymerCLI = global._babelPolyfill;
// Global object to store localizable attributes repository
var attributesRepository = {};
// Bundles object
var prevBundles = {};
var bundles = {};
var title = 'I18N transform';
var tmpDir = '.tmp';
var xliffOptions = {};
// Scan HTMLs and construct localizable attributes repository
var scan = gulpif('*.html', i18nPreprocess({
constructAttributesRepository: true, // construct attributes repository
attributesRepository: attributesRepository, // output object
srcPath: '.', // path to source root
'bower_components/i18n-behavior/i18n-attr-repo.html', // path to i18n-attr-repo.html
dropHtml: false // do not drop HTMLs
var basenameSort = sort({
comparator: function(file1, file2) {
var base1 = path.basename(file1.path).replace(/^bundle[.]/, ' bundle.');
var base2 = path.basename(file2.path).replace(/^bundle[.]/, ' bundle.');
return base1.localeCompare(base2);
var dropDefaultJSON = gulpignore([ 'src/**/*.json', '!**/locales/*.json' ]);
var preprocess = gulpif('*.html', i18nPreprocess({
replacingText: true, // replace UI texts with {{annotations}}
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: '.', // path to source root
attributesRepository: attributesRepository // input attributes repository
var tmpJSON = gulpif([ 'src/**/*.json', '!src/**/locales/*' ], gulp.dest(tmpDir));
var unbundleFiles = [];
var importXliff = through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {
// bundle files must come earlier
}, function (callback) {
var match;
var file;
var bundleFileMap = {};
var xliffConv = new XliffConv(xliffOptions);
while (unbundleFiles.length > 0) {
file = unbundleFiles.shift();
if (path.basename(file.path).match(/^bundle[.]json$/)) {
prevBundles[''] = JSON.parse(stripBom(String(file.contents)));
bundleFileMap[''] = file;
else if (match = path.basename(file.path).match(/^bundle[.]([^.\/]*)[.]json$/)) {
prevBundles[match[1]] = JSON.parse(stripBom(String(file.contents)));
bundleFileMap[match[1]] = file;
else if (match = path.basename(file.path).match(/^bundle[.]([^.\/]*)[.]xlf$/)) {
xliffConv.parseXliff(String(file.contents), { bundle: prevBundles[match[1]] }, function (output) {
if (bundleFileMap[match[1]]) {
bundleFileMap[match[1]].contents = new Buffer(JSONstringify(output, null, 2));
else if (gulpmatch(file, '**/locales/*.json') &&
(match = path.basename(file.path, '.json').match(/^([^.]*)[.]([^.]*)/))) {
if (prevBundles[match[2]] && prevBundles[match[2]][match[1]]) {
file.contents = new Buffer(JSONstringify(prevBundles[match[2]][match[1]], null, 2));
var leverage = gulpif([ 'src/**/locales/*.json', '!**/locales/bundle.*.json' ], i18nLeverage({
jsonSpace: 2, // JSON format with 2 spaces
srcPath: '', // path to source root
distPath: '/' + tmpDir, // path to dist root to fetch next default JSON files
bundles: bundles // output bundles object
var bundleFiles = [];
var exportXliff = through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {
}, function (callback) {
var file;
var cwd = bundleFiles[0].cwd;
var base = bundleFiles[0].base;
var xliffConv = new XliffConv(xliffOptions);
var srcLanguage = 'en';
var promises = [];
var self = this;
var lang;
while (bundleFiles.length > 0) {
file = bundleFiles.shift();
if (!gulpmatch(file, [ '**/bundle.json', '**/locales/bundle.*.json', '**/xliff/bundle.*.xlf' ])) {
for (lang in bundles) {
bundles[lang].bundle = true;
this.push(new gutil.File({
cwd: cwd,
base: base,
path: lang ? path.join(cwd, 'locales', 'bundle.' + lang + '.json')
: path.join(cwd, 'bundle.json'),
contents: new Buffer(JSONstringify(bundles[lang], null, 2))
for (lang in bundles) {
if (lang) {
(function (destLanguage) {
promises.push(new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
xliffConv.parseJSON(bundles, {
srcLanguage: srcLanguage,
destLanguage: destLanguage
}, function (output) {
self.push(new gutil.File({
cwd: cwd,
base: base,
path: path.join(cwd, 'xliff', 'bundle.' + destLanguage + '.xlf'),
contents: new Buffer(output)
Promise.all(promises).then(function (outputs) {
var feedback = gulpif([ '**/bundle.json', '**/locales/*.json', '**/src/**/*.json', '**/xliff/bundle.*.xlf' ], gulp.dest('.'));
var config = {
// list of target locales to add
locales: gutil.env.targets ? gutil.env.targets.split(/ /) : []
// Gulp task to add locales to I18N-ready elements and pages
// Usage: gulp locales --targets="{space separated list of target locales}"
gulp.task('locales', function() {
var elements = gulp.src([ 'src/**/*.html' ], { base: '.' })
.pipe(grepContents(/<dom-module /));
var pages = gulp.src([ 'index.html' ], { base: '.' })
return merge(elements, pages)
.pipe(debug({ title: 'Add locales:'}))
if (isPolymerCLI) {
module.exports = {
transformers: [
debug({ title: title }),
size({ title: title })
else {
const polymer = require('polymer-build');
//const optimize = require('polymer-build/lib/optimize').optimize;
//const precache = require('polymer-build/lib/sw-precache');
const PolymerProject = polymer.PolymerProject;
const fork = polymer.forkStream;
const polymerConfig = require('./polymer.json');
let project = new PolymerProject({
root: process.cwd(),
entrypoint: polymerConfig.entrypoint,
gulp.task('default', () => {
// process source files in the project
let sources = project.sources()
// I18N processes
.pipe(debug({ title: title }))
.pipe(size({ title: title }))
// add compilers or optimizers here!
// process dependencies
let dependencies = project.dependencies()
// add compilers or optimizers here!
// merge the source and dependencies streams to we can analyze the project
let allFiles = mergeStream(sources, dependencies)
// fork the stream in case downstream transformers mutate the files
// this fork will vulcanize the project
let bundled = fork(allFiles)
// write to the bundled folder
let unbundled = fork(allFiles)
// write to the unbundled folder
return mergeStream(bundled, unbundled);
or i18n-element.html
is not importedi18n-behavior.html
or i18n-element.html
npm install -g polymer-cli
npm install -g generator-polymer-init-i18n-starter-kit
mkdir i18n-starter-kit
cd i18n-starter-kit
polymer init i18n-starter-kit
# Add Locales
npm run build locales -- --targets="de es fr ja zh-Hans"
# Build
npm run build
# Translate XLIFF ./xliff/bundle.*.xlf
# Build and Merge Translation
npm run build
# App with Run-time I18N on http://localhost:8080
polymer serve
# App with Build-time I18N on http://localhost:8080
polymer serve build/bundled
attribute of html
element from "en" to other locales such as "ja" <html lang="ja">
cd i18n-starter-kit
npm run build
git diff
Preprocess Polymer templates and extract UI strings to JSON for build-time I18N with i18n-behavior
We found that gulp-i18n-preprocess demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
Did you know?
Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
Critics call the Node.js EOL CVE a misuse of the system, sparking debate over CVE standards and the growing noise in vulnerability databases.
Security News
cURL and Go security teams are publicly rejecting CVSS as flawed for assessing vulnerabilities and are calling for more accurate, context-aware approaches.
Security News
Bun 1.2 enhances its JavaScript runtime with 90% Node.js compatibility, built-in S3 and Postgres support, HTML Imports, and faster, cloud-first performance.