Install package with NPM and add it to your development dependencies:
npm install gulp-rb-validate-html --save-dev
var rbhtml = require('gulp-rb-validate-html');
gulp.task('rb-validate', function () {
With Parameter
var rbhtml = require('gulp-rb-validate-html');
gulp.task('rb-validate', function () {
abortOnError: true,
indent: '\t',
checkremote: false,
checkviewport: false
abortOnError: Boolean (Default: false)
This will cause the plugin to abort with exit code 1 as soon as an error with obligation level red is found
indent: String (Default: 4 spaces)
Defines the standard indentation pattern for the project
checkindent: Boolean (Default: true)
Set to false to deactivate indentation checks altogether
checkremote: Boolean (Default: true)
Set to false to deactivate all warnings caused by remote resource URLs in HTML code
checkviewport: Boolean (Default: true)
Set to false if the application is not responsive/for mobile devices