halfpenny // COINS API Javascript client
What is a halfpenny, anyway? Beyond an old-timey coin (AKA a pence), halfpenny is the official javascript API client for the COINS platform.
alpha warning
halfpenny is still in active development! it is not ready for public usage!
peer dependencies
A HTTP request agent is required to retrieve the Client source code and to make
requests. Axios was chosen as that client in order to support both server and
browser environments.
In order to persist data to disk, a localstorage interface is required. In the
browser, this means supplying window.localStorage
in the browser, and using
or dom-storage
on the server.
basic configuration
See examples
The above configuration parameters are required.
Note that the 'requestFn' must be promisified
how it works
The source code for the client is auto-generated during the build process of the
API itself. The API then bundles and serves the source code from /client/client.js
This package retrieves the bundled source code and evaluates it. The result is an
object with properties corresponding to each method exposed by an API endpoint
(e.g. ScansApi.get()
const agent = require('axios');
const DomStorage = require('dom-storage');
const store = new DomStorage('/path/to/file', {strict: true});
const apiClientOptions = {
xhrAgent: agent,
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8800',
store: store
const clientReady = require('halfpenny')(apiClientOptions)
.catch((err) => {
clientReady.then((client) => {
return client.auth.login('username', 'password');
clientReady.then((client) => {
return client.ScansApi.get(null, 'M87100000')
See nodeapi/test/integration
for more
- support UMD and browser compatibility.
- Auto-generate documentation from API client
- 2.x
- convert to auto-generated api client, built from server API spec
- remove browser support temporarily
- 1.x
- 0.x