Death to Redundant View Templates!
I'll release this to NPM soon, but in the meantime you can just download the file and use it.
I keep mine in my_app/lib
This is how to use it in your Express project:
app.configure('development', function(){
hbsPrecompiler = require('./lib/handlebars-precompiler');
__dirname + "/views",
__dirname + "/public/javascripts/templates.js",
['handlebars', 'hbs']
In this example, we watch for changes to *.handlebars
and *.hbs
files in our views directory.
When changes are made, precompilation is run on all Handlebars templates and exported to a single minified
Javascript file.
On the browser side, you will need to deploy the Handlebars runtime-only release.
You could use the full release which includes a compiler, but you'd just be wasting resources.
Templates will be named and stored in the Handlebars
object according to their file paths,
e.g. Handlebars.templates['users/show']