Hapi Typescript scaffold project
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List of features available in this project
- Generate Hapi typescript starter project
- Generate independent controller with route (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)
- Pre-defined gulp task to compile and run server.
Work in Progress
- Entity creation for Model
- Joi validation for API
- Swagger documentaion integration
Possible ways to contribute this project
- Raising issues
- Writing unit test cases
- Developing Work in Progress items
For any queries reach my email ashokjp93@gmail.com
Steps to kickstart with hapi typescript scaffold
1.) Install hapi-ts-scaffold globally
npm install -g hapi-ts-scaffold
2.) To generate new project use the following command
ht create helloWorld
3.) To create new module, navigate to root folder helloWorld
cd helloWorld
ht -m user
Generated folder structure above executed command
| gulpfile.js
| package.json
| tsconfig.json
| tslint.json
| config.ts
| server.ts
| Logger.ts
4.) Npm install to install all required modules
npm install
5.) To run the application
npm start
6.) Application will be running on following port