Hello World Emo
A hello world npm module whose real purpose is to experiment a 'modern' (typescript / ES6)
module declaration and its consumption by various environments, including legacy.
This is an "emo" version, in reference to this article: JavaScript Modules: Welcome to My Emo Hellscape.
npm i --save hello-world-emo
Then in your code:
- node 6+ :
const { hello } = require('hello-world-emo')
- node stable (4):
const hello = require('hello-world-emo').hello
- node legacy (<4):
var hello = require('hello-world-emo/dist/index.node-legacy').hello
- ES2015/ES6:
import { hello } from 'hello-world-emo'
- a "jsnext" entry is provided in package.json for rollup users, pointing to ES6 code
- typescript:
import { hello } from 'hello-world-emo'
- browser
hello() --> Hello, World :-(
hello('Offirmo') --> Hello, Offirmo :-(
What did you expect ?
nvm use 6
npm run test:quick
npm run test:interactive
npm run build
npm run np patch
This module is aiming at having optimal consumption by :
- node stable, latest and legacy
- browser: vanilla, requireJs, SystemJS...
- ES6
- mainly for rollup tree-shaking (jsnext)
- typescript 1 & 2
References :