node-heroku-bouncer ![Build Status](
node-heroku-bouncer is an easy-to-use module for adding Heroku OAuth
authentication to express 4 apps.
$ npm install heroku-bouncer --save
node-heroku-bouncer assumes you've already added cookie-parser
and client-sessions middlewares to your app. To set it up,
pass it your OAuth client ID and secret and another secret used to encrypt your
user's OAuth session data.
Use the bouncer.middleware
object to set up middleware that will ensure that
your users are logged in (and redirect otherwise), and the bouncer.routes
object to add the OAuth-specific routes to your app:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.use(require('cookie-parser')('your cookie secret'));
secret: 'your session secret',
cookie: {
path : '/',
signed : true,
httpOnly: true,
maxAge : null
var bouncer = require('heroku-bouncer')({
herokuOAuthID : 'client-id',
herokuOAuthSecret : 'client-secret',
herokuBouncerSecret: 'bouncer-secret'
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.end('you are clearly logged in!');
After requests pass through bouncer.middleware
, they'll have a
property on them:
token: 'user-api-token',
id : 'user-id',
name : 'user-name',
email: 'user-email'
To log a user out, send them to /auth/heroku/logout
Options | Required? | Default | Description |
herokuOAuthID | Yes | n/a | The ID of your Heroku OAuth client |
herokuOAuthSecret | Yes | n/a | The secret of your Heroku OAuth client |
herokuBouncerSecret | Yes | n/a | A random string used to encrypt your user session data |
sessionSyncNonce | No | null | The name of a nonce cookie to validate sessions against |
ignoreRoutes | No | [] | An array of regular expressions to match routes to be ignored |
herokuAuthURL | No | "" | The location of the Heroku OAuth server |
herokaiOnly | No | false | Whether or not to restrict the app to Herokai only |
herokaiOnlyRedirect | No | "" | Where to redirect non-Herokai to when using herokaiOnly |
$ npm test