A wrapper around the v3 Heroku API.
$ npm install heroku-client --save
Docs are auto-generated and live in the docs directory.
works by providing functions that return proxy objects for
interacting with different resources through the Heroku API.
To begin, require the Heroku module and create a client, passing in an API
var Heroku = require('heroku-client'),
heroku = new Heroku({ token: process.env.HEROKU_API_TOKEN });
The simplest example is listing a user's apps. First, we call heroku.apps()
which returns a proxy object to the /apps endpoint, then we call list()
actually perform the API call:
heroku.apps().list(function (err, apps) {
The advantage of using proxy objects is that they are reusable. Let's get the
info for the user's app "my-app", get the dynos for the app, and
remove a collaborator:
var app = heroku.apps('my-app');
app.info(function (err, app) {
app.dynos().list(function (err, dynos) {
app.collaborators('user@example.com').delete(function (err, collaborator) {
Requests that require a body are easy, as well. Let's add a collaborator to
the user's app "another-app":
var app = heroku.apps('another-app'),
user = { email: 'new-user@example.com' };
app.collaborators().create({ user: user }, function (err, collaborator) {
Generic Requests
heroku-client has get
, post
, patch
, and delete
functions which can make requests with the specified HTTP method to any endpoint:
heroku.get('/apps', function (err, apps) {
heroku.post('/apps', function (err, app) {
heroku.post('/apps', { name: 'my-new-app' }, function (err, app) {
heroku.patch('/apps/my-app', { name: 'my-renamed-app' }, function (err, app) {
heroku.delete('/apps/my-old-app', function (err, app) {
There is also an even more generic request
function that can accept many more options:
method: 'GET',
path: '/apps',
headers: {
'Foo': 'Bar'
}, function (err, responseBody) {
heroku-client works with Node-style callbacks, but also implements promises with the Q library.
var q = require('q');
heroku.apps().list().then(function (apps) {
return q.all(apps.map(function (app) {
return heroku.apps(app.name).dynos().list();
}).then(function (dynos) {
heroku-client performs caching by creating a memcached client using memjs. See the memjs repo for environment-specific configuration instructions and details.
heroku-client will cache any response from the Heroku API that comes with an ETag
header, and each response is cached individually (i.e. even though the client might make multiple calls for a user's apps and then aggregate them into a single JSON array, each required API call is individually cached). For each API request it performs, heroku-client sends an If-None-Match
header if there is a cached response for the API request. If API returns a 304 response code, heroku-client returns the cached response. Otherwise, it writes the new API response to the cache and returns that.
To tell heroku-client to perform caching, call the configure
var Heroku = require('heroku').configure({ cache: true });
environment variable, as well as a HEROKU_CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_SECRET
environment variable that heroku-client uses to build cache keys and encrypt cache contents.
should be a long, random string of characters. heroku-client includes bin/secret
as one way of generating values for this variable. Do not publish this secret or commit it to source control. If it's compromised, flush your memcache and generate a new encryption secret.
can be a single hostname:port
memache address, or a comma-separated list of memcache addresses, e.g. example.com:11211,example.net:11211
. Note that while the environment variable that memjs looks for is named for the MemCachier service it was originally built for, it will work with any memcache server that speaks the binary protocol.
Updating resources
When a new resource manifest is available, download it into the repo, run tests, generate documentation, and bump the version number accordingly.
Generating documentation
Documentation for heroku-client is auto-generated from the resources manifest.
Docs are generated like so:
$ bin/docs
Generating docs also runs a cursory test, ensuring that every documented function is a function that can be called.
Running tests
heroku-client uses jasmine-node for tests:
$ npm test