Heroku Connect Toolbelt Plugin
$ heroku plugins:install heroku-connect-plugin
heroku help connect
heroku connect:auth - Authenticate a connection to Salesforce
heroku connect:preauth - Store a Salesforce authentication for future use
heroku connect:export - Export a mapping configuration json file
heroku connect:import - Import a mapping configuration json file
heroku connect:mapping MAPPING - Returns a status JSON doc for a single mapping
heroku connect:setup - configure a new connection
heroku connect:state - Return the state flag for a single connection
heroku connect:status - Print connection status
Create a new mapping
heroku connect:create-mapping Contact --fields FirstName,Email --with-required
Delete a mapping
heroku connect:delete-mapping Account
Download the mapping configuration
heroku connect:export
Create an authorization into your Salesforce org. Note the result token.
heroku connect:preauth
Token: xxx
Make sure you have a Heroku app, with a Postgres database attached
Add the Heroku Connect add-on to your app
$ heroku addons:create herokuconnect -a <app>
Link the new connection (the Heroku Connect add-on instance) to your Heroku user
$ heroku connect:status -a <app>
Now link the connection to the database and the Salesforce Org, using the preauth token
$ heroku connect:setup -d DATABASE_URL -s salesforce -t <token from step 1> -a <app>
Verify that connection is now in 'IDLE' state
$ heroku connect:status -a <app>
.. check for '(IDLE)'
Now sync the Contact table
$ heroku connect:create-mapping Contact --fields FirstName,LastName --mode write --with-required -a <app>
Connect to your database to see the data
$ heroku pg:psql -a <app>
> select * from salesforce.contact;