Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) generator for Hexo.
helps you hexo's projects that automatically generates AMP.
Output file path is the ./amp/index.html
. Also, You can freely choose the template(.ejs) and style(.css).
Documents : read me
DEMO : HTML page | generated AMP HTML page
$ npm install hexo-generator-amp --save
1. Edit your theme
Then add this theme in your themes/(your-theme)/layout/_partial/head.ejs
<% if (is_post() && config.generator_amp){ %>
<link rel="amphtml" href="./amp/index.html">
<% } %>
2. Add your config file
Please set the following options . Please edit your config file (_config.yml
templateDir: amp-template
assetDistDir: amp-dist
path: sample-logo.png
width: 600
height: 60
path: sample-substituteTitleImage.png
width: 1024
height: 800
google_analytics: UA-123456789-1
warningLog: false
3. Validate AMP
Output file path is the ./amp/index.html
. Validate your AMP pages. Please see below
Accelerated Mobile Pages Project - Validate AMP Pages
How to validate AMP - my blog
can set the following options.
data_ad_client: ca-pub-123456789876543
data_ad_slot: 0123456789
width: 336
height: 280
templateDir: amp-template
assetDistDir: amp-dist
path: sample-logo.png
width: 600
height: 60
path: sample-substituteTitleImage.png
width: 1024
height: 800
cssFilePath: sample-amp.css
templateFilePath: sample-amp.ejs
google_analytics: UA-123456789-1
warningLog: true
authorReading: Your name description
path: sample-avator.png
width: 150
height: 150
description: Self introduction
copyright_notice: The footer copyright notice
A description of the options
generator_amp settings
- substituteGoogle_adsense
- substituteGoogle_adsense.data_ad_client: substitute data_ad_client id
- substituteGoogle_adsense.data_ad_slot: substitute data_ad_slot id
- substituteGoogle_adsense.width: substitute ad width
- substituteGoogle_adsense.height: substitute ad height
- templateDir: File path of a your AMP template files.
- assetDistDir: File path of a your public AMP Assets.
- logo
- logo.path: File path of a your logo image.
- logo.width: Width of a your logo image. (width <= 600px)
- logo.height: Height of a your logo image. (height <= 60px)
- substituteTitleImage
- substituteTitleImage.path: File path of a your substitute title image. (Use this when the image is not in the markdown)
- substituteTitleImage.width: Width of a your substitute title image. (width >= 696px)
- substituteTitleImage.height: Height of a your substitute title image.
- cssFilePath(optional): File path of a your css file for AMP. (e.g. ./sample-amp.css)
- templateFilePath(optional): File path of a your template file for AMP. (e.g. ./sample-amp.ejs)
- google_analytics: Your google analytics tracking ID.
- warningLog: Enabled warnings.
Auther detail settings (optional)
- authorReading: Your name description.
- avatar
- avatar.path: File path of a your avator image.
- avatar.width: Width of a your avator image.
- avatar.height: Height of a your avator image.
- description: Self introduction.
Auther copyright settings (optional)
- copyright_notice: The footer copyright notice.
Front-matter option.
ampSettings.titleImage.path (optional)
You can choose path of schema.org image on a per post. If your post is not contain this option , this plugin search image from content.
For example : hello-world.md
, Please set the following options.
title: Hello World
path: titleImage-on-the-local-folder.png
Welcome to [Hexo](https://hexo.io/)! This is your very first post.
If image on the external , Please set the width and height options.
title: Hello World
path: http://titleImage-on-the-external.png
width: 1024
height: 800
Welcome to [Hexo](https://hexo.io/)! This is your very first post.