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The unofficial HLTV Node.js API
:star: This package supports the new HLTV that was deployed on May 22nd.
Table of contents
import HLTV from 'hltv'
const HLTV = require('hltv')
Parses most information from a match page
Option | Type | Default value | Description |
id | int | - | The match id |
HLTV.getMatch({id: 2306295}).then(res => {
Results in an object with the following schema:
Property | Type | Note |
team1 | string? | |
team1Id | int? | |
team2 | string? | |
team2Id | int? | |
date | int | Unix timestamp |
format | string | |
additionalInfo | string? | e.g. "* Grand final" |
event | object | Object schema: {name: string, link: string} |
maps | [objects] | Object schema: {map: string, result: string} |
streams | [objects] | Object schema: {name: string, link: string} |
players | object | Object schema: {$team1$: [string], $team2$: [string]} |
title | string? | Exists when the teams are still unknown (e.g. "iBP Masters Grand Final" ) |
Parses all matches from the hltv.org/matches/
Option | Type | Default Value | Description |
- | - | - | - |
HLTV.getMatches().then((res) => {
Results in an array of objects with the following schema:
Property | Type | Note |
date | int | Unix timestamp, will be undefined if the match is live |
team1 | string? | |
team1Id | int? | |
team2 | string? | |
team2Id | int? | |
maps | [string]? | Only exists if the match is BO1 or if the match is live |
format | string? | |
label | string? | Exists when the teams are still unknown (e.g. "iBP Masters Grand Final" ) |
id | int | |
event | object | Object schema: {name: string, id: int} |
live | boolean | |
Parses all matches from the hltv.org/results/
Option | Type | Default Value | Description |
pages | int | 1 | Number of pages with results to be parsed |
HLTV.getLatestResults({pages: 2}).then((res) => {
Results in an array of objects with the following schema:
Property | Type | Note |
result | string | e.g. "2 - 0" or "16 - 9" |
team1 | string | |
team1Id | int | |
team2 | string | |
team2Id | int | |
maps | [string]? | Only exists if the match is BO1 |
format | string | |
id | string | |
event | object | Object schema: {name: string, id: int} |
Parses all streams present on the front page of HLTV
Option | Type | Default Value | Description |
loadLinks | boolean | false | Enables parsing of the stream links. Its an option since it can slow down the response (every stream is a separate request). |
HLTV.getStreams().then((res) => {
Results in an array of objects with the following schema:
Property | Type | Note |
name | string | |
category | string | e.g. "Caster" or "Female player" |
country | object | Object schema: {name: string, code: string} |
hltvLink | string | |
realLink | string | Only if the loadLinks flag is enabled |
viewers | int | |
Parses the latest threads on the front page of HLTV
Option | Type | Default Value | Description |
- | - | - | - |
HLTV.getActiveThreads().then((res) => {
Results in an array of objects with the following schema:
Property | Type | Note |
title | string | |
link | string | |
replies | int | |
category | string | Thread's category (news, forum, match etc) |
Returns the years/months/days on which team rankings have been updated. You can use this method to construct a filter for getTeamRanking
Option | Type | Default Value | Description |
- | - | - | - |
HLTV.getTeamRankingDates().then((res) => {
HLTV.getTeamRanking({year: res.year[0], month: res.month[1], day: res.day[2]})
Results in an object with the following schema:
Property | Type | Note |
year | [string] | |
month | [string] | |
day | [string] | |
Parses the info from the hltv.org/ranking/teams/
Option | Type | Default Value | Description |
year | string | - | - |
month | string | - | Must be lowercase and in MMMM format |
day | string | - | - |
HLTV.getTeamRanking({year: '2017', month: 'may', day: '29'}).then((res) => {
Results in an array of objects with the following schema:
Property | Type | Note |
team | object | Object schema: {name: string, id: int} |
points | int | |
place | int | |
change | int | Change in placement since last ranking, e.g. +3 or -3 |
Presents an interface to receive data when the HLTV scorebot updates
Option | Type | Default Value | Description |
id | int | - | The match ID |
onScoreboardUpdate | function? | - | Callback that is called when there is new scoreboard data |
onLogUpdate | function? | - | Callback that is called when there is new game log data |
onConnect | function? | - | Callback that is called when a connection with the scorebot is established |
onDisconnect | function? | - | Callback that is called when the scorebot disconnects |
HLTV.connectToScorebot({id: 2311609, onScoreboardUpdate: (data) => {
}, onLogUpdate: (data) => {