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The reactivity state management for React. Made with :heart: and ES6 Proxy API.
Inspired by react-easy-state but more friendly for React Hooks.
- Observable store: the state flow is easy enough.
- State selectable: extract state as needed, the components will not re-render unless any selected state changes.
- Perfectly TypeScript support.
Hodux is a reactivity state management solution for React which supports both Hooks and Class, it has only 2 core APIs and quit easy to learn.
import { store, useSelector } from 'hodux';
const counter = store({
num: 0,
inc() { counter.num += 1; }
export default function Counter(props) {
const num = useSelector(() => counter.num);
return <div onClick={counter.inc}>The num:{num}</div>;
npm install --save hodux
$ yarn add hodux
- Signature:
function store<M extends object>(model: M): M
- Description: creates and returns a proxied observable object by the passed model(object), the original model object is not modified. It's just a wrapper of observable().
create store with object-based model:
const counter = store({
count: 0,
inc() {
async incx() {
await wait(1000);
counter.count += 1;
export default counter;
lazy creates:
export default (initalCount = 0) => {
const state = store({ count: initalCount });
function inc() {
state += n;
async function incx() {
await wait(1000);
state.count += 1;
return { state, inc, incx }
local store(create store inner components):
Maybe use native APIs(useState or useReducer) will be better, the goal of hodux is shared store between components.
export default function Counter() {
const counter = store({ count: 0 });
const count = useSelector(() => counter.count);
return <div onClick={() => counter.count++}>{count}</div>;
useSelector(selector, config?)
- Signature:
function useSelector<V>(selector: Selector<V>, config?: Config<V>): V
- Description: extracts state from store as needed, the components will re-render only if the selected state changes, maybe it's the main difference with react-redux's useSelector(), because react-redux call selector whenever store state changes even not selected at all(react-redux internal decides if makes re-render), so you do't need to use any cache selector library(such as reselect) with useSelector.
accepts two parameters:
the first parameter is a selector function which works as observer API in reactivity system. It subscribes the selected state and equals the previous returned value with the next one to decide if or not re-render. Maybe you can do some compute with state in useSelector and takes result as the return value.
the second is an optional config object
: the compare function between previous return value and the next return value, the defalut is equality
: the debugger function passed to @nx-js/observer-util
Returns basic type is recommended:
useSelector(() => {
const items = store.items;
return items.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.value, 0);
You should pass in equals function when returns object:
useSelector(() => {
return {
loading: listStore.loading,
list: listStore.list
}, { equals: _.equals });
Select state from multiple stores:
function CompWithMutlStore() {
const result = useSelector(() => store1.count + store2.step);
connect(selector, ownProps?)
function connect<V extends {}, OwnProps = {}>(
selector: Selector<V, OwnProps>,
config?: Config<V>
): (classComponent: C) => ConnectedComponent<V, OwnProps>
A HOC wrapper of useSelector
to connect store state to the class components, and is only for class components.
accepts two parameters:
: familiar to selector, but the difference is selectorWithProps must return object type(such as mapStateToProps
in react-redux), selectorWithProps accepts the connected component's props as parameter.
: same as useSelector's config parameter
class component usage:
const counter = store({
n: 0,
inc() { counter.n += 1; }
const selectToProps = () => ({ n: counter.n });
class Counter extends Component {
render() {
return <div onClick={counter.inc}>{n}</div>;
export default const ReactivedCounter = connect(selectToProps)(Counter);
const selectToProps = (props) => ({
step: props.step,
n: testStore.n
class Counter extends React.Component {
state = { n: this.props.n }
inc() {
const n = this.state.n + this.props.step;
this.setState({ n });
render() {
return <div onClick={() => this.inc()}>{this.state.n}</div>;
const Connected = connect(selectToProps)(Counter);
render(<Connected step={10} />);
<HoduxConfig equals={fn} debugger={fn} />
- Type:
- Description: The global config Provider.
function consoleLogger(e) {
if (e.type !== 'get') {
console.log(`[${e.type}]`, e.key, e.value);
<HoduxConfig debugger={consoleLogger}>
<App />
- Signature:
function batch(fn: Function) => void
- Description: a wrapper of
, to prevent multiples render caused by multiple store mutations in asynchronous handler such as setTimeout
and Promise
, etc. If you experience performance issues you can batch changes manually with batch
NOTE: The React team plans to improve render batching in the future. The batch
API may be removed in the future in favor of React's own batching.
const listStore = store({
loading: false,
list: []
listStore.load = async () => {
testStore.loading = true;
const list = await fetchData();
batch(() => {
testStore.loading = false;
testStore.list = list;
Run examples locally
The examples folder contains working examples.
You can run one of them with
$ cd examples/[folder] && npm start
then open http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.