Compiles govuk mustache template into a more usable format and provide middleware for use in apps.
Existing govuk mustache template has simple mustache placeholders for content sections, which necessitates a two step compile process where sections are compiled individually and then again into the parent template.
Compiling the template to replace these placeholders with variables allows for templates to implement the govuk template as a parent partial.
{{< govuk-template}}
<h1>Page Content</h1>
{{/ govuk-template}}
npm install [--save] hof-govuk-template
When used as part of an express app, a middleware is returned which will add a static fileserver (using serve-static) to serve the template assets without needing to copy them to any other location.
It will also add the template as a mustache partial with a name of "govuk-template".
To configure express middleware
To use the mustache partial
{{< govuk-template}}
{{$pageTitle}}An example page{{/pageTitle}}
<h1>Page Content</h1>
{{/ govuk-template}}
A number of options can be passed with the app into the setup method:
- Sets the base path for the location of static assets - Default: /govuk-assets
Other options are passed onto the serve-static configuration, and more details can be found in the serve-static documentation
Nonce values
Version 18.0.0 and above of HOF provides and requires a nonce value for all inline javascript, as unsafe-inline is disabled.
Older versions (pre 18.0.0) will work with the hof-govuk-template templates as expected as the nonce value fields will only be added
if a nonce value is provided by the version of HOF.
There is an example implmentation in '/example'. To run:
cd example
npm install
npm start