Yet another hogan.js(moustache templates) middleware. Can render templates with partials serverside or precompile them for use on the client.
var hoganyam = require('hoganyam');
As connect-style middleware
Makes the templates available individually.
app.use(hoganyam.provide(templatesDir, options));
Bundle all templates in directory into one js file
app.use(hoganyam.bundle(templatesDir, options));
Serverside rendering
hoganyam.render(file, context, options, function(err, str) {
Use as broadway plugin for flatiron
app.use(hoganyam.plugin, {dir: templatesDir, ext: '.html'});
app.render(res, 'templatename', { title: 'Hello Hogan'});
For options see source
MIT License
Install with npm
npm install hoganyam
Run tests
npm test