Hops Server
Hops server is a small collection of shared functionality that can be used in express-like interfaces to register the hops-middleware.
It also exports a simple middleware that takes care of rewriting the paths of incoming http requests based on the values set in hops-config.
rewritePath(request, response, next) => void
is an express-style middleware that adds a trailing slash to the url of the incoming request.
registerMiddleware(app, middleware) => void
is a helper function that registers a wildcard middleware for every location defined in the hops-config, if available. Otherwise it registers the given middleware for a wildcard route at the root.
run(app, callback) => void
is a helper function that starts the express-like server with the parameters defined in hops-config.
bootstrap(app, hopsConfig) => void
teardown(app, hopsConfig) => void
These functions allow to customize the server through hops-config. It is possible to define hopsConfig.bootstrapServer
and hopsConfig.teardownServer
to override these functions and execute some custom logic on the app
Target Audience
If you want to build an express-like server and reuse the hops-config while doing so, then this middleware will help dealing with the locations and basePath config.
var path = require('path');
var express = require('express');
var server = require('hops-server');
var hopsConfig = require('hops-config');
var pathToGeneratedMiddleware = path.join(hopsConfig.cacheDir, 'server.js');
var app = express();
server.bootstrap(app, hopsConfig);
server.teardown(app, hopsConfig);