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hotscript - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.4 to 1.0.5




@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Apply, Call, Call2, Eval, Fn, Pipe, PipeRight, _ } from "./internals/core/Core";
import { Apply, Call, Call2, Eval, Fn, Pipe, PipeRight, _, arg, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 } from "./internals/core/Core";
import { Functions } from "./internals/functions/Functions";

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ import { Numbers } from "./internals/numbers/Numbers";

import { Booleans } from "./internals/booleans/Booleans";
export { _, Fn, Pipe, PipeRight, Call, Call2, Apply, Eval, Booleans, Objects, Unions, Strings, Numbers, Tuples, Functions, Booleans as B, Objects as O, Unions as U, Strings as S, Numbers as N, Tuples as T, Functions as F, };
import { Match } from "./internals/match/Match";
export { _, arg, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, Fn, Pipe, PipeRight, Call, Call2, Apply, Eval, Booleans, Objects, Unions, Strings, Numbers, Tuples, Functions, Match, Booleans as B, Objects as O, Unions as U, Strings as S, Numbers as N, Tuples as T, Functions as F, };

@@ -46,3 +46,11 @@ import { Equal, Every, Some } from "../helpers";

export type Or<a = unset, b = unset> = Functions.PartialApply<OrFn, [a, b]>;
interface XOrFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [
infer first extends boolean,
infer second extends boolean,
] ? first extends second ? false : true : never;
export type XOr<a = unset, b = unset> = Functions.PartialApply<XOrFn, [a, b]>;
export {};

@@ -33,2 +33,11 @@ declare const rawArgs: unique symbol;

export type _ = "@hotscript/placeholder";
export type arg<Index extends number, Constraint = unknown> = {
tag: "@hotscript/arg";
index: Index;
constraint: Constraint;
export type arg0<Constraint = unknown> = arg<0, Constraint>;
export type arg1<Constraint = unknown> = arg<1, Constraint>;
export type arg2<Constraint = unknown> = arg<2, Constraint>;
export type arg3<Constraint = unknown> = arg<3, Constraint>;

@@ -35,0 +44,0 @@ * Call a HOTScript function with the given arguments.



@@ -81,2 +81,3 @@ export type Equal<a, b> = (<T>() => T extends a ? 1 : 2) extends <T>() => T extends b ? 1 : 2 ? true : false;

export type Stringifiable = string | number | boolean | bigint | null | undefined;
export type Primitive = string | number | boolean | bigint | null | undefined | symbol;
export {};

@@ -97,3 +97,3 @@ import { Fn, unset, _ } from "../core/Core";

export type Mod<n1 extends number | bigint | _ | unset = unset, n2 extends number | bigint | _ | unset = unset> = Functions.PartialApply<ModFn, [n1, n2]>;
export type Mod<n1 extends number | bigint | _ | unset = unset, n2 extends number | bigint | _ | unset = unset> = Functions.PartialApply<ModFn, n2 extends unset ? [unset, n1] : [n1, n2]>;
interface ModFn extends Fn {

@@ -100,0 +100,0 @@ return: this["args"] extends [

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { GetFromPath, IsArrayStrict, Prettify, UnionToIntersection } from "../helpers";
import { Call, Call2, Fn, unset, _ } from "../core/Core";
import { GetFromPath, IsArrayStrict, Prettify, Primitive, UnionToIntersection } from "../helpers";
import { arg, Call, Call2, Fn, unset, _ } from "../core/Core";
import { Std } from "../std/Std";

@@ -111,3 +111,40 @@ import { Strings } from "../strings/Strings";

* Create an object from parameters
* @description This function is used to make an object from parameters
* And allows to place the parameters in any object property
* @param args - The parameters to make the object from
* @returns The object made from the parameters
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Apply<O.Create<{ a: arg0, b: arg1 }>, [1, 2]>; // { a: 1, b: 2 }
* ```
interface CreateFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer pattern, ...infer args] ? CreateImpl<pattern, args> : never;
type CreateImpl<pattern, args extends unknown[]> = pattern extends arg<infer N extends number> ? args[N] : pattern extends Primitive ? pattern : pattern extends [any, ...any] ? {
[key in keyof pattern]: CreateImpl<pattern[key], args>;
} : pattern extends (infer V)[] ? CreateImpl<V, args>[] : pattern extends object ? {
[key in keyof pattern]: CreateImpl<pattern[key], args>;
} : pattern;
export type Create<pattern = unset, arg0 = unset, arg1 = unset, arg2 = unset, arg3 = unset> = Functions.PartialApply<CreateFn, [pattern, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3]>;
interface RecordFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer union extends string, infer value] ? Std._Record<union, value> : never;
* Create a record from a union of strings and a value type
* @description This function is used to create a record from a union of strings
* @param union - The union of strings to create the record from
* @param value - The value to assign to each property
* @returns The record created from the union of strings
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<O.Record<'a' | 'b' | 'c'>, 1>; // { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 }
* ```
export type Record<union extends string | _ | unset = unset, value = unset> = Functions.PartialApply<RecordFn, [union, value]>;
export {};

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ export declare namespace Std {

type _Uncapitalize<a extends string> = Uncapitalize<a>;
type _Record<k extends PropertyKey, v> = Record<k, v>;
import { Functions as F, Functions } from "../functions/Functions";
import { Numbers as N } from "../numbers/Numbers";
import * as NumbersImpl from "../numbers/impl/numbers";
import { Call, Call2, Eval, Fn, unset, _ } from "../core/Core";
import { Numbers as N, Numbers } from "../numbers/Numbers";
import { Call, Call2, Eval, Fn, Pipe, unset, _ } from "../core/Core";
import { Iterator, Stringifiable } from "../helpers";

@@ -59,3 +58,17 @@ export declare namespace Tuples {

interface ToUnionFn extends Fn {
return: this["arg0"][number];
* Convert a tuple to a union of its elements.
* @param tuple - The tuple to convert.
* @returns A union of the tuple's elements.
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Tuples.ToUnion, [1, 2, 3]>; // 1 | 2 | 3
* type T1 = Eval<Tuples.ToUnion<[1, 2, 3]>>; // 1 | 2 | 3
* ```
export type ToUnion<tuple extends readonly any[] | _ | unset = unset> = Functions.PartialApply<ToUnionFn, [tuple]>;
* Returns the first element of a tuple.

@@ -494,9 +507,13 @@ * @params args[0] - A tuple.

infer end extends number
] ? NumbersImpl.LessThanOrEqual<start, end> extends true ? NumbersImpl.Abs<NumbersImpl.Add<1, NumbersImpl.Sub<end, start>>> extends infer length extends number ? RangeImpl<start, length> : never : never : never;
] ? Call2<Numbers.LessThanOrEqual, start, end> extends true ? Pipe<start, [
Numbers.Sub<end, _>,
]> extends infer length extends number ? RangeImpl<start, length> : never : never : never;
type RangeImpl<start extends number, length extends number, output extends any[] = []> = output["length"] extends length ? output : RangeImpl<start, length, [
NumbersImpl.Add<start, output["length"]>
Eval<Numbers.Add<start, output["length"]>>
export {};
"name": "hotscript",
"version": "1.0.4",
"version": "1.0.5",
"description": "Type-level madness",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "type": "module",

@@ -91,3 +91,14 @@ # Higher-Order TypeScript (HOTScript)

- [x] Some
- [x] ToUnion
- [ ] Object
- [ ] Readonly
- [ ] Mutable
- [ ] Required
- [ ] Partial
- [ ] ReadonlyDeep
- [ ] MutableDeep
- [ ] RequiredDeep
- [ ] PartialDeep
- [x] Record
- [x] Create
- [x] Get

@@ -164,2 +175,3 @@ - [x] FromEntries

- [x] Or
- [x] XOr
- [x] Not

@@ -166,0 +178,0 @@ - [x] Extends

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