email-obfuscator for Node.js
This module combines some Email obfuscation technics in the browser.
- The @ char is removed and only its index is passed on. It will be reinserted using the expression String.fromCharCode(422*4).
- The address itself will be transmitted as a ROT13 transformed string which will be retransformed by Javascript.
The Email address "" will result in the following string:
var emailObfuscator = require('email-obfuscator');
var obfuscated = emailObfuscator.obfuscate('');
var htmlScript = emailObfuscator.asHtmlScript('');
var original = emailObfuscator.unobfuscate(obfuscate);
asHtmlScript output which can be included instead of the email address:
<script type="text/javascript">
var action=":otliam".split("").reverse().join("");
var href="znvyrknzcyr.pbz".replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, function(c){return String.fromCharCode((c<="Z"?90:122)>=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});
href=href.substr(0, 4) + String.fromCharCode(4*2*2*4) + href.substr(4);
var a = "<a href=\""+action+href+"\">"+href+"</a>";
npm install --save email-obfuscator