ES6 Tagged Template for compiling HTML template streams.
This package is distributed via npm:
npm install html-template-tag
It can also be used in Deno.
String Interpolation
At its core, this module just performs simple ES6 string interpolation.
import html from "html-template-tag-stream"
var name = `Jon`
var string = ""
for await (const s of html`Hello, ${name}!`) {
string += s
Nevertheless, it escapes HTML special characters without refraining its use in
import html from "html-template-tag-stream"
var names = ["Jon", "George", "/><script>alert('xss')</script>"];
var string = ""
var template = html`
${ => html`
<li>Hello, ${name}!</li>
for await (const s of template) {
string += s
Skip autoscaping
You can use double dollar signs in interpolation to mark the value as safe
(which means that this variable will not be escaped).
var name = `<strong>Jon</strong>`;
var string = ""
for await (var s of html`Hello, $${name}!`) {
string += s
HTML Template Pre-Compiling
This small module can also be used to pre-compile HTML templates:
import html from "html-template-tag-stream"
var data = {
count: 2,
names: ["Jon", "George"]
var template = ({names}) => html`
${ => html`
<li>Hello, ${name}!</li>
var string = ""
for await (var s of template(data)) {
string += s
NB: The formatting of the string literal is kept.
That's not all the things you can do with this. Here's a more complex example
for a more realistic case beyond what the original library used. You can use
this to stream HTML from a server or from a service worker.
const encoder = new TextEncoder()
function streamResponse(generator) {
let { body, headers } =
"body" in generator
? generator
: { body: generator, headers: {} }
const stream = new ReadableStream({
async start(controller : ReadableStreamDefaultController<any>) {
for await (let s of body) {
return new Response(
stream, {
headers: {
"content-type": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
See the tests for all the types you can pass in!
Originally based off of
Which was in turn inspired by:
The code for this module has been heavily inspired on Axel Rauschmayer's post
on HTML templating with ES6 template
strings and Stefan