Convert HTML to PDFMake format with ease. This library bridges the gap between HTML content and PDFMake document definitions, allowing you to generate PDFs from basic HTML while maintaining based styling and structure.
Note: if you need to convert a complex HTML, check some online solutions, like Doppio, or you could try to convert your HTML to canvas and then to export it to PDF.
- Convert HTML to PDFMake-compatible format
- Preserve basic styling and structure
- Support for tables, lists, images, and more
- Customizable styling options
- Works in both browser and Node.js environments
- Handle nested elements
- Custom tag support
- Image handling with reference support
Online Demo
Try it live with the online demo.
Quick Start
Browser Usage
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// Convert HTML to PDFMake format
const html = `
<h1>Sample Document</h1>
<p>This is a <strong>simple</strong> example with <em>formatted</em> text.</p>
const converted = htmlToPdfmake(html);
const docDefinition = { content: converted };
// Generate PDF
Node.js Usage
npm install html-to-pdfmake jsdom
const pdfMake = require('pdfmake/build/pdfmake');
const pdfFonts = require('pdfmake/build/vfs_fonts');
const htmlToPdfmake = require('html-to-pdfmake');
const jsdom = require('jsdom');
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
pdfMake.vfs = pdfFonts;
const { window } = new JSDOM('');
const html = `
<h1>Sample Document</h1>
<p>This is a <strong>simple</strong> example with <em>formatted</em> text.</p>
const converted = htmlToPdfmake(html, { window });
const docDefinition = { content: converted };
pdfMake.createPdf(docDefinition).getBuffer((buffer) => {
require('fs').writeFileSync('output.pdf', buffer);
Supported HTML Elements
Block Elements
, <p>
, <h1>
to <h6>
, <thead>
, <tbody>
, <tfoot>
, <tr>
, <th>
, <td>
, <ol>
, <li>
Inline Elements
, <strong>
, <b>
, <em>
, <i>
, <s>
(with support for external and internal links)<sub>
, <sup>
, <svg>
, <hr>
CSS Properties Support
The library handles these CSS properties:
Property | Support Details |
background-color | Good support |
border | Including individual borders |
color | Good support, including opacity |
font-family | Basic support |
font-style | Support for italic |
font-weight | Support for bold |
height | For tables and images |
width | For tables and images |
margin | Including individual margins |
text-align | Good support |
text-decoration | Support for underline , line-through |
text-indent | Basic support |
white-space | Support for nowrap , pre , break-spaces |
line-height | Basic support |
list-style-type | Good support |
Configuration Options
The htmlToPdfmake
function accepts an options object as its second parameter:
const options = {
defaultStyles: {
b: {bold:true},
strong: {bold:true},
u: {decoration:'underline'},
del: {decoration:'lineThrough'},
s: {decoration: 'lineThrough'},
em: {italics:true},
i: {italics:true},
h1: {fontSize:24, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
h2: {fontSize:22, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
h3: {fontSize:20, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
h4: {fontSize:18, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
h5: {fontSize:16, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
h6: {fontSize:14, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
a: {color:'blue', decoration:'underline'},
strike: {decoration: 'lineThrough'},
p: {margin:[0, 5, 0, 10]},
ul: {marginBottom:5,marginLeft:5},
table: {marginBottom:5},
th: {bold:true, fillColor:'#EEEEEE'}
tableAutoSize: false,
imagesByReference: false,
removeExtraBlanks: false,
removeTagClasses: false,
window: window,
ignoreStyles: [],
fontSizes: [10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28],
customTag: function(params) { }
const converted = htmlToPdfmake(html, options);
Options Explained
Object to override the default element styling. Useful for consistent document appearance:
const options = {
defaultStyles: {
h1: { fontSize: 24, bold: true, marginBottom: 10 },
p: { margin: [0, 5, 0, 10] },
a: { color: 'purple', decoration: null }
Boolean that enables automatic table sizing based on content and CSS properties
const result = htmlToPdfmake(`<table>
<tr style="height:100px">
<td style="width:250px">height:100px / width:250px</td>
<td>height:100px / width:'auto'</td>
<td style="width:100px">Here it will use 250px for the width because we have to use the largest col's width</td>
<td style="height:200px">height:200px / width:'auto'</td>
</table>`, { tableAutoSize:true });
For Web browser only, not for Node
Boolean that enables the images handling by reference instead of embedding. It will automatically load your images in your PDF using the {images}
option of PDFMake.
Using this option will change the output that will return an object with {content, images}
const html = `<img src="">`;
const result = htmlToPdfmake(html, { imagesByReference:true });
Function to handle custom HTML tags or modify existing tag behavior:
const options = {
customTag: function({ element, ret, parents }) {
if (element.nodeName === 'CUSTOM-TAG') {
ret.text = 'Custom content'; = ['custom-style'];
return ret;
Example with a QR code generator:
const html = htmlToPdfMake(`<code typecode="QR" style="foreground:black;background:yellow;fit:300px">texto in code</code>`, {
customTag:function(params) {
let ret = params.ret;
let element = params.element;
let parents = params.parents;
switch(ret.nodeName) {
case "CODE": {
ret = this.applyStyle({ret:ret, parents:parents.concat([element])});
ret.qr = ret.text[0].text;
case 'QR':
delete ret.text;
if(! || !Array.isArray({ = [];
return ret;
Boolean that will remove extra unwanted blank spaces from the PDF.
In some cases these blank spaces could appear. Using this option could be quite resource consuming.
Boolean to display the hidden elements (display:none
) in the PDF.
Boolean that permits to remove the html-TAG
classes added for each node.
Array of string to define a list of style properties that should not be parsed.
For example, to ignore font-family
htmlToPdfmake("[the html code here]", { ignoreStyles:['font-family'] })
Array of 7 integers to overwrite the default sizes for the old HTML4 tag <font>
Function with two parameters (text
and nodes
) to modify the text of all the nodes in your HTML document.
const result = htmlToPdfmake(`<p style='text-align: justify;'>Lorem Ipsum is simply d-ummy text of th-e printing and typese-tting industry. Lorem Ipsum has b-een the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s</p>`, {
replaceText:function(text, nodes) {
return text.replace(/-/g, "\\u2011");
Advanced Features
Custom Styling with data-pdfmake
Apply PDFMake-specific properties using the data-pdfmake
<table data-pdfmake='{"widths": [100, "*", "auto"], "heights": 40}'>
<td>Fixed Width</td>
<td>Fill Space</td>
<td>Auto Width</td>
<hr data-pdfmake='{"color": "red", "thickness": 2}'>
Page Breaks
Control page breaks using CSS classes and PDFMake's pageBreakBefore
const html = `
<h1>First Page</h1>
<h1 class="page-break">Second Page</h1>
const docDefinition = {
content: htmlToPdfmake(html),
pageBreakBefore: function(node) {
return &&'page-break');
Image Handling
Support for various image formats and references:
<img src="...">
<img src="">
<img data-src='{"url": "", "headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer token"}}'>
For Base64 encoded image, please refer to the PDFMake documentation and here. And you can check this Stackoverflow question to know the different ways to get a base64 encoded content from an image.
Common Use Cases
Tables with Complex Layouts
<th colspan="2">Header</th>
<td rowspan="2">Cell 1</td>
<td>Cell 2</td>
<td>Cell 3</td>
Styled Lists
<ul style="margin-left: 20px">
<li>First item</li>
<li style="color: red">Second item</li>
Nested list:
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha">
<li>Sub-item a</li>
<li>Sub-item b</li>
Links and Anchors
<a href="">Visit Website</a>
<a href="#section1">Jump to Section</a>
<h2 id="section1">Section 1</h2>
PDFMake has a concept of columns
. We use <div data-pdfmake-type="columns"></div>
to identify it.
Example to center a table in the page:
<div data-pdfmake-type="columns">
<div data-pdfmake='{"width":"*"}'></div>
<div style="width:auto">
<div data-pdfmake='{"width":"*"}'></div>
You can find more examples in example.js which will create example.pdf:
npm install
node example.js
You can support my work by making a donation, or by visiting my Github Sponsors page. Thank you!