A hubot script for building graphite links
See src/
for full documentation.
In hubot project repo, run:
npm install hubot-glink --save
Then add hubot-glink to your external-scripts.json
Sample Interaction
user1> hubot graphme users index
As graphite keys will vary from one project to another, you will need to
configure a few things to get hubot-glink going for your project in graphite.
The following environment variables should allow you configure hubot-glink for
your project (See the glink project for
more information as these configs map somewhat to the configuration of glink
Config Var Name | Note |
HUBOT_GLINK_TEMPLATE | i.e. stats.timers.!!#controller#!!.!!#action#!! |
HUBOT_GLINK_TEMPLATE_DEFAULTS | (comma delimited i.e. !!#controller===users#!!, #!!action===index#!! |
HUBOT_GLINK_DEFAULT_PARAMS | optional (comma delimited i.e.: from:-1week, width:800 ) |
HUBOT_GLINK_PORT | optional |
HUBOT_GLINK_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_DELIMITER | optional (defaults to ===) |
For comma delimited configs be sure to use a space after the comma (i.e.
value, other
) as the parsing isn't very forgiving and this will allow you to
use things like graphite value lists (i.e. {foo,bar}
) in your configs without
them being parsed as individual items.
License and Copyright
MIT License
(c) 2015 Jason Madsen