Twitch adapter for Hubot
Hubot is a chat bot by GitHub, modelled after their Campfire bot.
Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.
This adapter allows your Hubot to join channels on Twitch.
Getting started
You will need a Twitch account to start, which you can sign up for free.
Next, you will need to create an account for your Hubot.
Hubot defaults to using its shell, so to use Twitch instead, you can run hubot with -a twitch-adapter
% bin/hubot -a twitch-adapter
If you are deploying to Heroku or using foreman, you need to make sure the hubot is called with -a twitch-adapter
in the Procfile:
web: bin/hubot -a twitch-adapter -n Hubot
The adapter requires the following environment variables.
You can use the Twitch Chat OAuth Password Generator to generate a password for your Hubot.
Configuring the variables on Heroku
% heroku config:set HUBOT_TWITCH_USERNAME="myusername"
% heroku config:set HUBOT_TWITCH_PASSWORD="oauth:mypassword"
% heroku config:set HUBOT_TWITCH_CHANNELS="#mychannel"
Configuring the variables on UNIX
% export HUBOT_TWITCH_USERNAME="myusername"
% export HUBOT_TWITCH_PASSWORD="oauth:mypassword"
% export HUBOT_TWITCH_CHANNELS="#mychannel"
Configuring the variables on Windows
Using PowerShell:
setx HUBOT_TWITCH_USERNAME="myusername" /m
setx HUBOT_TWITCH_PASSWORD="oauth:mypassword" /m
setx HUBOT_TWITCH_CHANNELS="#mychannel" /m
Additional configuration
The adapter also supports the following environmental variables: