HugBot 🤖
Chatbot maker for HuggingFace 🤗 Inference API and other AI API providers and backends.
- ✨ Free and Open Sauce.
- 💬 Conversation memory buffer with token counting and truncation to fit the chatbot context window.
- 🛠️ Fully customizable including system prompt, LLM hyperparameters, prompt tags etc.
- 🧩 Proper LLM prompt templating using tags and examples provided in model docs and tokenizer configs.
- 🤖 Preconfigured chatbot models.
- ⭐️ Works in browsers, Node and Bun.
- ⚡️ Event driven API with message queue for non-blocking interactions with your bots.
- 🔥 Modular and extensibe architecture.
- 📘 All the Typescript typings.
- 🔮 Integration with different AI api providers other than HuggingFace free API coming soon, maybe.
Preconfigured chatbot models
- Zephyr:
- Hermes:
- Mixtral:
- Mistral:
- StarChat:
npm i hugbot
import { botStorage } from "hugbot"
const zephyr = botStorage.get("Zephyr");
const response = await zephyr.respondTo("Hi!");
const response = await zephyr.respondTo("Hi!", apiToken);
await zephyr.apiToken(apiToken);
zephyr.onResponse((res) => console.log(res));
contextWindow: 2000,
temperature: 0.7,
systemPrompt: "You are a helpful AI assistant."
Use HugBot in Node.js
const hugbot = require('hugbot');
const botStorage = hugbot.botStorage;
const zephyr = botStorage.get("Zephy");
async function chat() {
const query = prompt(">");
const res = await zephyr.respondTo(query, "your api token here");
console.log("\n", res, "\n");
Params available for setParams method:
type HugBotParams = {
systemPrompt: string;
responseAffirmation: string
userInstruction: string
contextWindow: number
topK: number | undefined;
topP: number | undefined;
temperature: number;
repetitionPenalty: number | undefined;
maxNewTokens: number | undefined;
maxTime: number | undefined;
doSample: boolean;
Example, basic default settings:
systemPrompt: "You are a helpful AI assistant.",
userInstruction: "",
responseAffirmation: "",
contextWindow: 2048,
maxNewTokens: 500,
repetitionPenalty: 1.1,
doSample: true,
temperature: 0.7,
topK: 50,
topP: 0.95,
maxTime: 30
Build your own HugBot
import {
BuildHugBot, generateTextResponse, HuggingFaceTextGenClient,
ShortTermMemory, PromptConstructor, IObuffer, SecretsHider,
} from "hugbot"
const zephyr = BuildHugBot("Zephyr").fromComponents({
AIClient: new HuggingFaceTextGenClient({
languageModel: "HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta",
maxNewTokens: 256,
doSample: true,
temperature: 0.7,
topK: 50,
topP: 0.95,
shortTermMemory: new ShortTermMemory({
contextWindow: 2048,
promptConstructor: new PromptConstructor({
bos: "",
system: "<|system|>\n",
user: "<|user|>\n",
bot: "<|assistant|>\n",
closing: "</s>\n",
respondTo: generateTextResponse,
IObuffer: new IObuffer(),
secretsHider: SecretsHider(),
rateLimiter: new RateLimiter(1000)
zephyr.respondTo("Hi!").then((response) => console.log(response));
All available HugBot components so far:
type HugBotEntity = {
id: string;
AIClient?: AIClient;
shortTermMemory?: ShortTermMemory;
promptConstructor?: PromptConstructor;
respondTo?: GenerateResponse;
IObuffer?: IObuffer;
secretsHider?: SecretsHider;
rateLimiter?: RateLimiter;
export {
generateTextResponse, BuildHugBot, HugBotProxy, BotStorage, mistralTokenizer,
SecretsHider, HuggingFaceTextGenClient, AIClientMock, ShortTermMemory,
PromptConstructor, MistralPromptConstructor, IObuffer, FCFSqueue, RateLimiter,
Chatbot builder function for constructing and configuring bots,
takes component instances and returns proxied HugBot entity.
const BuildHugBot: (id: string) => {
fromComponents: (components: Partial<HugBotComponents>) => {
build: () => HugBot;
interface HugBot {
id: string;
apiToken: (key: string | null) => Promise<Res>;
respondTo: (userInput: string, apiToken?: string) => Promise<string>;
onResponse: (...cb: Array<(res: string) => void>) => void;
pushMessage: (msg: string) => void;
setParams: (params: Partial<HugBotParams>) => void;
Main method for interacting with HugBot. Runs all bot components to produce
ai response. Takes HugBot instance, user prompt and optional api token and returns string promise.
type GenerateResponse = (HugBot: HugBotEntity, userInput: string, apiToken?: string) => Promise<string>;
Conversation memory buffer with tokenizer to count prompt tokens and truncate
memory entries to fit the prompt inside limited LLM token window.
Uses push() method to add memory entries:
type MemoryEntry = {
role: "user" | "ai";
input: string;
Dumps current memory state with dump() method to be passed onto prompt constructor:
type MemoryDump = {
conversation: MemoryEntry[];
systemPrompt: string;
responseAffirmation: string;
userInstruction: string;
You can set the following memory state properties:
- tokenizer - Tokenzer function used for token counting, can be set in constructor,
takes string returns num, Mistral tokenizer is used by default;
- contextWindow - Memory buffer length in tokens;
- systemPrompt - "You are a helpful AI assistant.";
- responseAffirmation - Prepended to bot replies, can be used to coerce the bot into
following any instructions, example: "Sure!", "Here you go:"
- userInstruction - added after user query, can be used for RAG and additional instructions.
Short term memory interface:
interface ShortTermMemory {
push: (entry: MemoryEntry) => void;
get dump(): MemoryDump;
Used for prompt templating, takes an object describing
ai prompt tags and current short term memory state dump:
tags: {
bos: "",
system: "<|im_start|>system\n",
user: "<|im_start|>user\n",
bot: "<|im_start|>assistant\n",
closing: "<|im_end|>\n",
Returns prompt template string =>
You are a helpful AI assistant.<|im_end|>
Hello, how can I help you?<|im_end>
Tell me something interesting<|im_end|>
interface PromptConstructor {
getPromptTemplate: (memoryDump: MemoryDump) => string;
Dedicated Mistral prompt formatter because Mistrals have weird prompt format.
Returns prompt string that looks like this:
"<s>[INST] {system_prompt}\n Hello, how are you? [/INST] I'm doing great. How can I help you today?</s> [INST] I'd like to show off how chat templating works! [/INST]"
http client for HuggingFace Inference api.
You can find detailed description for all HuggingFace API params here:
Available props:
type HuggingFaceTextGenParams = {
endPoint: string;
languageModel: string;
topK: number | undefined;
topP: number | undefined;
temperature: number;
repetitionPenalty: number | undefined;
maxNewTokens: number | undefined;
maxTime: number | undefined;
returnFullText: boolean;
numReturnSequences: number;
doSample: boolean;
truncate: number | undefined;
waitForModel: boolean;
useCache: boolean;
HuggingFace client exposes this interface to integrate with HugBot:
interface AIClient {
sendRequest: (prompt: string, apiToken?: string) => Promise<string>;
Fake AI client for testing purposes, returns random responses with random delays.
This is used to implement event driven API with message queue.
The message queue is processed asynchronously by the bot. You can assign
multiple event listeners to handle bot responses using onResponse method.
Use pushMessage to add messages to the queue. IObuffer uses rate limiter,
you can set minimum delay between respondTo calls with rateLimit property
in constructor.
interface IObuffer {
pushMessage: (msg: string) => void;
onResponse: (...cb: Array<(res: string) => void>) => void;
removeEventListener: (name: string | "all") => void;
set setBot(bot: HugBotEntity);
Proxy layer for input validation, handling access and setters. Wraps HugBot entity instance before
returning it from the builder function with .build() method.
const HugBotProxy: (bot: HugBotEntity) => HugBotEntity
Used to encrypt and obfuscate provided api key in memory during runtime.
interface SecretsHider {
set: (secret: string) => Promise<Res>;
get: () => Promise<string | null | Res>;
destroy: () => void;
Built in rate limiter module to prevent API abuse. Throws if spam is detected.
Constructor takes minimum delay betwen requests in milliseconds.
interface RateLimiter {
check: () => void | never;
Bot storage container. Bot names mapped to their corresponding builder functions.
The bot builder function is called and the bot is instantiated when it's retrieved from
storage using the get method.
type BotsInStorage = "StarChat" | "Zephyr" | "Hermes" | "Mixtral" | "Mistral";
const BotStorage: () => {
put: (id: string, fn: () => HugBot) => {
put: ...;
get: (id: BotsInStorage) => HugBot;
get: (id: BotsInStorage) => HugBot;
This project is licensed under the MIT License.