Javascript data formatter for human readability.
Idea, name, and initial code blatently stolen from milanvrekic/JS-humanize
Can be loaded via AMD or in node directly.
npm install humanize
var humanize = require('humanize');'Y-m-d');
Functions available:
Give control of the "humanize" variable back to its previous owner. Returns a reference to the humanize object.
Retrieves the current time in seconds [, timestamp / JS Date Object = new Date()])####
This is a port of php.js date and behaves exactly like PHP's date
####humanize.numberFormat(number [, decimals = 2, decPoint = '.', thousandsSep = ','])####
Format a number to have decimal significant decimal places, using decPoint as the decimal separator, and thousandsSep as thousands separater
####humanize.naturalDay(timestamp [, format = 'Y-m-d'])####
Returns 'today', 'tomorrow' or 'yesterday', as appropriate, otherwise format the date using the passed format with
Returns a relative time to the current time, seconds as the most granular up to years to the least granular.
Converts a number into its ordinal representation.
####humanize.filesize(filesize [, kilo = 1024, decimals = 2, decPoint = '.', thousandsSep = ',']) ####
Converts a byte count to a human readable value using kilo as the basis, and numberFormat formatting
Converts a string's newlines into properly formatted html ie. one new line -> br, two new lines -> p, entire thing wrapped in p
Converts a string's newlines into br's
####humanize.truncatechars(string, length)####
Truncates a string to length-1 and appends '…'. If string is shorter than length, then no-op
####humanize.truncatewords(string, numWords)####
Truncates a string to only include the first numWords words and appends '…'. If string has fewer words than newWords, then no-op