A Node.js library for SmugMug
This library is very much in it infancy and only support a small number of methods that the SmugMug 1.3.0 API supports. These methods should work, but they have not been tested on a large scale. SmugMug states that 1.3.0 is deprecated and will be removed "in the future." It is unlikely that this API will be removed tomorrow since the 2.0 API is still in beta.
Example Usage
The example below will login and list all of the albums for the user exampleuser
var humble = require('humblemug');
humble.config({api_key: '1234567890abc'});
humble.login.anon().then(function () {
humble.albums.get('exampleuser').then(function (album_list) {
Config takes in an object of configuration information to store and use.
humble.config({api_key: '1234567890abc'});
humble.login.anon().then(function () {
Lists all of the albums for a given user
humble.albums.get('username').then(function (album_list) {
Gets all the info for a given album
humble.albums.getInfo('album_id', 'album_key').then(function (album_info) {
Lists all of the images in an album
humble.images.get('album_id', 'album_key').then(function (image_list) {