HUSL - JavaScript implementation
Client-side: download the latest husl.min.js from the
releases page.
Once this module is loaded in the browser, you can access it via the
global window.HUSL
Server-side: npm install husl
husl.toHex(hue, saturation, lightness)
hue is a number between 0 and 360, saturation and lightness are
numbers between 0 and 100. This function returns the resulting color as
a hex string.
husl.toRGB(hue, saturation, lightness)
Like above, but returns an array of 3 numbers between 0 and 1, for the
r, g, and b channel.
Takes a hex string and returns the HUSL color as array that contains
the hue (0-360), saturation(0-100) and lightness(0-100) channel.
Note: The result can have rounding errors. For example saturation can
be 100.00000000000007
husl.fromRGB(red, green, blue)
Like above, but red, green and blue are passed as numbers between
0 and 1.
Use husl.p.toHex, husl.p.toRGB, husl.p.fromHex and
husl.p.fromRGB for the pastel variant (HUSLp). Note that HUSLp does
not contain all the colors of RGB, so converting arbitrary RGB to it may
generate invalid HUSLp colors.
HUSL can also be used as a Stylus
plugin. See here.
node test.js