HyperSDK Cordova plugin
Cordova plugin for HyperSDK which enables payment orchestration via different dynamic modules. More details available at Juspay Developer Docs for Express Checkout SDK and Payment Page SDK. Some part of module depends heavily on native functionalities are not updatable dynamically.
Minimum Requirement
The minimum version of cordova-android supported with HyperSDK is 10.0.0 which uses androidx
and AppCompatActivity
Latest versions of HyperSDK supports IOS Version 12 and Above.
Check Release Notes for more information.
Getting the SDK
SDK is available as a node dependency via:
cordova plugin add hyper-sdk-plugin
Update your clientId provided by Juspay Support Team in the ext block of the root(top) build.gradle file present under platforms/android/build.gradle
ext {
clientId = "<clientId provided by Juspay Team>"
hyperSDKVersion = "2.1.25"
Optionally, you can also provide an override for base SDK version present in plugin (the newer version among both would be considered).
Update your clientId provided by Juspay Support Team in the MerchantConfig.txt
file present under platforms/ios/
clientId = <clientId shared by Juspay Team>
Add the following post_install script in the Podfile (ios/Podfile
post_install do |installer|
fuse_path = "./Pods/HyperSDK/Fuse.rb"
clean_assets = true
if File.exist?(fuse_path)
if system("ruby", fuse_path.to_s, clean_assets.to_s)
Create an instance for HyperSDK cordova plugin by using:
hyperSDKRef = cordova.plugins.HyperSDKPlugin
This method should be called on the render of the host screen. This will boot up the SDK and start the Hyper engine. It takes a stringified JSON
as its argument which will contain the base parameters for the entire session and remains static throughout one SDK instance lifetime.
To call initiate, use the following snippet:
var completePayload = {
"requestId": "8cbc3fad-8b3f-40c0-ae93-2d7e75a8624a",
"service" : "in.juspay.service",
"payload" : {
"action": "initiate",
"merchantKeyId": "<merchantKeyId shared by Juspay Team>",
"merchantId": "<merchantId shared by Juspay Team>",
"clientId": "<clientId shared by Juspay Team>",
"customerId": "customer_id",
"environment": "sandbox"
hyperSDKRef.initiate(JSON.stringify(completePayload), hyperSDKCallback);
var hyperSDKCallback = function (response) {
try {
var parsedData = JSON.parse(response);
var event = parsedData["event"];
switch (event) {
case "show_loader": {
case "hide_loader": {
case "initiate_result": {
console.log("initiate result: ", parsedData)
case "process_result": {
console.log("process result: ", parsedData)
} catch (error) {
Payment Page - All payload ref is available at HyperSDK Payment page doc.
EC Headless - All payload ref is available at HyperSDK EC doc.
Process api helps with all the required operation to be triggered via HyperSDK.
Responses and various events triggered are streamed back to callback passed in Initiate.
var completePayload = {
"requestId": "8cbc3fad-8b3f-40c0-ae93-2d7e75a8624a",
"service" : "in.juspay.service",
"payload" : {
"action": "paymentPage",
"merchantKeyId": "<merchantKeyId shared by Juspay Team>",
"merchantId": "<merchantId shared by Juspay Team>",
"clientId": "<clientId shared by Juspay Team>",
"customerId": "customer_id",
"environment": "sandbox",
"signaturePayload": "signaturePayloadString",
"signature": "signature"
Process payload - All payload ref is available at HyperSDK process.
Optional: isInitialised
This is a helper / optional method to check whether SDK has been initialised after step-2. It returns a boolean
value in the callback function.
hyperSDKRef.isInitialised((response) => {
Android Hardware Back-Press Handling
Hyper SDK
internally uses an android fragment for opening the bank page and will need the control to hardware back press when the bank page is active. To make sure this works properly with this plugin, add eventListenr on backbutton
If the blocking asynchronous call hyperSDKRef.onBackPress
returns true in callback response that means Hyper SDK
will handle the back press, else merchant can handle it.
document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackKeyDown)
function onBackKeyDown() {
hyperSDKRef.onBackPress(function (response) {
if(!response) {
// Your implementation to hanlde hardware backpress.
} else {
// SDK handles the backpress.
This method shall be triggered when HyperSDK
is no longer required.
hyper-sdk-plugin (HyperSDK Cordova) is distributed under AGPL-3.0-only license.