![Sign in with Ethereum for the Internet Computer](https://github.com/kristoferlund/ic-siwe.git#main/raw/HEAD/media/header.png)
is a React hook and context provider for easy frontend integration with SIWE enabled Internet Computer canisters.
is part of the ic-siwe project that enables Ethereum wallet-based authentication for applications on the Internet Computer (ICP) platform. The goal of the project is to enhance the interoperability between Ethereum and the Internet Computer platform, enabling developers to build applications that leverage the strengths of both platforms.
A SIWE enabled canister is a canister that integrates the ic_siwe library and exposes the SIWE login interface. The ic_siwe
library provides a set of functions for managing Internet Computer delegate identities created using Ethereum signatures.
- Cached Identity: The identity is cached in local storage and restored on page load. This allows the user to stay logged in even if the page is refreshed.
- Login progress: State varibles are provided to indicate whether the user is logged in, logging in, or logged out.
- Wagmi Integration: Uses wagmi for Ethereum wallet integration.
- Works with ic-use-actor: Plays nicely with ic-use-actor for hassle free frontend integration.
- Works with ic_siwe_provider: An easy alternative to integrating with
directly is using the prebuilt ic_siwe_provider canister. The provider canister can be added to your project as a dependency and used as a login provider for you project.
Table of Contents
In addition to ic-use-siwe-identity
, these peer dependencies are required:
npm install ic-use-siwe-identity wagmi viem @dfinity/agent @dfinity/candid @dfinity/identity
For a complete example, see the ic-siwe-react-demo-rust demo project.
To use ic-use-siwe-identity
in your React application, follow these steps:
1. Add an Ethereum wallet provider
Before interacting with the useSiweIdentity hook, you need to add an Ethereum wallet provider to your application. The easiest way to do this is by using the wagmi library. Wagmi provides a React hook for connecting to Ethereum wallets, and is used internally by ic-use-siwe-identity
. We also recommend adding RainbowKit to handle the wallet connection UI.
<WagmiConfig config={wagmiConfig}>
// ...your app
2. Setup the SiweIdentityProvider
Wrap your application's root component with SiweIdentityProvider
to provide all child components access to the SIWE identity context. Provide the component with the _SERVICPE
type argument, where _SERVICPE
represents the canister service definition of a canister that implements the SIWE login interface. This could be a canister that you have created yourself, using the ic_siwe library, or the prebuilt ic_siwe_provider canister. Adding the provider canister to your project as a dependency is the easiest way to get started.
import { SiweIdentityProvider } from 'ic-use-siwe-identity';
import { _SERVICE } from "path-to/siwe-enabled-canister.did";
function App() {
return (
3. Prepare the login
This is an optional step, as the login process will automatically call prepareLogin
if it has not been called manually. However, calling prepareLogin
before initiating the login process improves the user experience by reducing the time it takes to complete the login process. The prepareLogin
function requests a SIWE message from the backend. This is an update call that usually takes two to three seconds to complete.
The prepareLoginStatus
state variable can be used to indicate the status of the prepare login process. Errors that occur during the prepare login process are stored in the prepareLoginError
state variable.
Be sure to call prepareLogin
again on wallet change, as the SIWE message is unique to the Ethereum address of the user. If the user changes their wallet, the SIWE message will be invalid and a new one must be requested.
const { isConnected, address } = useAccount();
const { prepareLogin, prepareLoginStatus, prepareLoginError, loginError } =
useEffect(() => {
if (prepareLoginStatus !== "idle" || !isConnected || !address) return;
}, [isConnected, address, prepareLogin, prepareLoginStatus]);
4. Initiate the login process
The login process is initiated by calling the login
function. This function requests a SIWE message from the backend if it has not already been loaded. The user is asked to sign the message using their Ethereum wallet and the signed message is sent to the backend for authentication. Once the authentication is complete, the user's identity is stored in local storage and the identity
state variable is updated with the new identity.
The loginStatus
state variable can be used to indicate the status of the login process. Errors that occur during the login process are stored in the loginError
state variable.
const { isConnected } = useAccount();
const { login, loginStatus, prepareLoginStatus } = useSiweIdentity();
const text = loginStatus === "logging-in" ? "Signing in …" : "Sign in";
const disabled =
loginStatus === "logging-in" ||
!isConnected ||
prepareLoginStatus !== "success";
return (
<Button disabled={disabled} onClick={login}>
SiweIdentityProvider props
httpAgentOptions?: HttpAgentOptions;
actorOptions?: ActorConfig;
idlFactory: IDL.InterfaceFactory;
canisterId: string;
children: ReactNode;
useSiweIdentity interface
export type SiweIdentityContextType = {
isInitializing: boolean;
prepareLogin: () => void;
prepareLoginStatus: PrepareLoginStatus;
prepareLoginError?: Error;
login: () => void;
loginStatus: LoginStatus;
loginError?: Error;
signMessageStatus: "error" | "loading" | "success" | "idle";
signMessageError: Error | null;
delegationChain?: DelegationChain;
identity?: DelegationIdentity;
identityAddress?: string;
clear: () => void;
Contributions are welcome. Please submit your pull requests or open issues to propose changes or report bugs.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.