Promised-based Db2 Connector for IBM i (pre-alpha, NOT PRODUCTION READY)
The objective of this project is to provide a database connector for Db2 on i that enables usage of the "await" keyword.
Simple example of using a prepared statement to insert some values into a table, then querying all contents of that table:
var dba = require("idb-pconnector");
async function runInsertAndSelect() {
try {
var dbStmt = new dba.Connection().connect().getStatement();
await dbStmt.prepare("INSERT INTO MYSCHEMA.TABLE1 VALUES (?,?)");
await dbStmt.bind([ [2018,dba.PARM_TYPE_INPUT,2], ['Dog' ,dba.PARM_TYPE_INPUT, 1] ]);
await dbStmt.execute();
var res = await dbStmt.exec("SELECT * FROM MYSCHEMA.TABLE1");
console.log("Select results: "+JSON.stringify(res));
} catch(dbError) {
console.log("Error is " + dbError);
Full Documentation is outlined in the docs folder