Img-bfs is a JavaScript library for breadth-first traversal in image.
Main function
The main function of the library is
bfs(<HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement> img, <Coord | Array> startCoord, <Object> eventMap, <Array> blacklist);
It starts search in img image from startCoord coordinate(s) and skips all pixels from blacklist.
You can subscribe to events via eventMap param. For example:
bfs(img, {x: 10, y: 10}, {
onvisit: function(e) {
Currently just onvisit event supported. This event rises when img-bfs visits each pixel.
Event object structure:
pixel: {
coord: {x: Number, y: Number},
color: [Number, Number, Number, Number]
stop: Function,
skip: Function
Property pixel contains information about visited pixel: coordinates and color (rgba).
Function stop stops search. Useful if you found a pixel that was needed and want to stop search.
Function skip skips neighbors. When you call this function all neighbors of the visited pixel won't be added to the processing queue. Useful if you found boundary pixel of some shape, want to continue search within the shape and not to go beyond its boundaries.
We have an image with 3 markers:
<img src="" width="440", height="280">
When user clicks to one of them we need to add mask on top of it:
<img src="" width="440", height="280">
To implement this feature we need to get all pixels of the clicked marker and draw our mask in these pixel positions. Let's find pixels and draw mask on canvas overlay:
window.onload = function() {
var img = document.getElementById('myImg'),
canv = document.getElementById("canv"),
ctx = canv.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)";
canv.onclick = function(e) {
bfs(img, {x: e.offsetX, y: e.offsetY}, {
onvisit: draw
function draw(e) {
ctx.arc(e.pixel.coord.x, e.pixel.coord.y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
// skip neighbors of the white pixels,
// white pixels are not belongs to the marker
if (e.pixel.color[0] === 255 &&
e.pixel.color[1] === 255 &&
e.pixel.color[2] === 255) {
See full code of this example here.
0.1.2 — 04.02.2015
0.1.1 — 26.10.2014
- Blacklist added
- package.json added
0.1.0 — 15.08.2014