Webpack loader used for inline replacement of SVG reference in src attribute of img tags with actual content of SVG file.
Loader has built-in SVGO support for SVG optimization.
npm install img-svg-inline-loader --save-dev
In webpack config:
test: /\.html$/,
use: [
loader: "img-svg-inline-loader",
options: { }
In code:
<img svg-inline class="icon" src="./images/fa/user.svg" alt="fa-user" />
Which replaces into:
<svg svg-inline class="icon" alt="fa-user" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M256 0c88.366 0 160 71.634 160 160s-71.634 160-160 160S96 248.366 96 160 167.634 0 256 0zm183.283 333.821l-71.313-17.828c-74.923 53.89-165.738 41.864-223.94 0l-71.313 17.828C29.981 344.505 0 382.903 0 426.955V464c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-37.045c0-44.052-29.981-82.45-72.717-93.134z"/></svg>
In case of some conflicts, you can use data attribute data-svg-inline
instead of attribute svg-inline
Default options:
strict: true,
svgo: {
plugins: [
cleanupAttrs: true
In strict mode loader replaces only img tags with attribute svg-inline
or data-svg-inline
. If strict mode is disabled, loader replaces all img tags.
SVGO documentation can be found here. If you do not want use SVGO, set it to null.
Notes: User-defined options are not deep-merged with default options.
Based on markup-inline-loader.