Say hello to the best React form library you have ever used! Informed is an extensive, simple, and efficient solution for creating basic to complex forms in React. Out of the box you get the ability to grab and manipulate values, validate fields, create custom inputs, multi-step forms, array fields, and much much more!
Getting Started
Install with npm
npm install --save informed
Live Examples / Docs
What Can it do ?
See for yourself.
By default it comes with native dom inputs that are controlled by informed.
import { Form, Input, Select, Checkbox, Relevant, Debug } from 'informed';
const onSubmit = ({ values }) => console.log(values);
const ExampleForm = () => (
<Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<Input name="name" label="Name" placeholder="Elon" />
<Input name="age" type="number" label="Age" required="Age Required" />
<Input name="phone" label="Phone" formatter="+1 (###)-###-####" />
<Select name="car" label="Car" initialValue="ms">
<option value="ms">Model S</option>
<option value="m3">Model 3</option>
<option value="mx">Model X</option>
<option value="my">Model Y</option>
<Checkbox name="married" label="Married?" />
<Relevant when={({ formState }) => formState.values.married}>
<Input name="spouse" label="Spouse" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<Debug />
Creating Your Own Fields
But what if you dont want the out of the box stuff??
No problem, see example below!
import { useForm, useField, Relevant, FormState } from 'informed';
const Form = ({ children, }) => {
const { formController, render, userProps } = useForm(rest);
return render(
<form noValidate {...userProps} onSubmit={formController.submitForm}>
const Input = props => {
const { render, informed, userProps, ref } = useField({
type: 'text',
const { label, id, } = userProps;
return render(
<label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>
<input id={id} ref={ref} {...informed} {} />
const Checkbox = props => {
const { render, informed, userProps, ref } = useField({
type: 'checkbox',
const { label, id, } = userProps;
return render(
<label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>
<input id={id} ref={ref} {...informed} {} />
const ErrorInput = props => {
const { render, informed, userProps, fieldState, ref } = useField({
type: 'text',
const { label, id, } = userProps;
const { showError } = fieldState;
const style = showError ? { border: 'solid 1px red' } : null;
return render(
<label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>
<input id={id} ref={ref} {...informed} {} style={style} />
{showError && <small style={{ color: 'red' }}>{fieldState.error}</small>}
const Select = props => {
const { render, informed, userProps, ref } = useField({
type: 'select',
const { label, id, children, } = userProps;
return render(
<label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>
<select id={id} ref={ref} {...informed} {}>
const onSubmit = ({ values }) => console.log(values);
const ExampleForm = () => (
<Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<Input name="name" label="Name" placeholder="Elon" />
<ErrorInput name="age" type="number" label="Age" required="Age Required" />
<Input name="phone" label="Phone" formatter="+1 (###)-###-####" />
<Select name="car" label="Car" initialValue="ms">
<option value="ms">Model S</option>
<option value="m3">Model 3</option>
<option value="mx">Model X</option>
<option value="my">Model Y</option>
<Checkbox name="married" label="Married?" />
<Relevant when={({ formState }) => formState.values.married}>
<Input name="spouse" label="Spouse" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<Debug />