Browser-friendly enhanced inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js
and coffee-script.
This package modifies and enhances the standard inherits
from node.js
module in node environment. It also has a shim for old
browsers with no Object.create
Differs from the standard implementation is:
- coffee-script supports
- multi-inheritances(inheritance chain) supports
- inherits at anytime.
- you can not declare method/property before inherits in the standard way for it will replace the prototype object.
- duplication inheritance check
- more helper functions
The standard inherits
implementation is in inherits-ex/lib/inheritsDirectly
of casue it's the coffee-script supports and browser-friendly.
inherits(ctor, superCtor|[superCtor, ...])
var inherits = require('inherits-ex/lib/inherits')
The enhanced inherits
- coffee-script supports
- multi-inheritances(inheritance chain) supports
- inherits at anytime.
- you can not declare method/property before inherits in the standard way for it will replace the prototype object.
- duplication inheritance check
assert = require('assert')
inherits = require('inherits-ex/lib/inherits')
isInheritedFrom = require('inherits-ex/lib/isInheritedFrom')
log = console.log.bind console
class Root
m: -> log('root')
class A
inherits A, Root
m: ->
class B
inherits B, Root
m: -> log('B')
class MyClass
# MyClass -> A -> Root
inherits MyClass, B
# MyClass -> A -> B -> Root
inherits MyClass, A
assert.notOk inherits(A, Root) #duplication inheritances prohibited.
assert.ok isInheritedFrom(MyClass, A)
assert.ok isInheritedFrom(MyClass, Root)
assert.ok isInheritedFrom(MyClass, B)
and the following codes do same thing:
class Root
m: -> log('root')
class A
m: ->
class B
m: -> log('B')
class MyClass
# create inheritances chain:
# MyClass -> A -> B -> Root
inherits MyClass, [A, B, Root]
assert.ok isInheritedFrom(MyClass, A)
assert.ok isInheritedFrom(MyClass, Root)
assert.ok isInheritedFrom(MyClass, B)
inheritsDirectly(ctor, superCtor)
var inheritsDirectly = require('inherits-ex/lib/inheritsDirectly')
The standard inherits
implementation in node.js environment with coffee-script supports
and browser-friendly.
isInheritedFrom(ctor, superCtor|superCtorName, raiseError=false)
var isInheritedFrom = require('inherits-ex/lib/isInheritedFrom')
return the superCtor's son if ctor is inherited from superCtor.
else return false.
it will use the to check whether inherited from superCtorName.
mixin(ctor, superCtor|[superCtor, ...])
var mixin = require('inherits-ex/lib/mixin')
mixin all superCtors to ctor.
- duplication mixin or inheritance check
- the methods in mixins could super() across mixin classes.
mCallOrder = []
class Root
class C
m: ->
mCallOrder.push 'C'
class A
m: ->
mCallOrder.push 'A'
class A1
m: ->
mCallOrder.push 'A1'
class B
inherits B, Root
class B1
m: ->
mCallOrder.push 'B1'
inherits(C, Root) true, "C should inherits from Root"
inherits(B1, B) true, "B1 should inherits from B"
inherits(A1, A) true, "A1 should inherits from A"
mixin(B1, [A1, C]) true, 'mixin'
o = new B1()
o.m("a", 12) # call chain: B1::m -> C::m -> A1::m -> A::m
A::m.should.have.been.calledWith "a", 12 ['B1', 'C', 'A1', 'A']
The inheritance chain: B1 -> MixinCtor_ -> B -> Root
All mixins will be added to MixinCtor_
isMixinedFrom(ctor, superCtor|superCtorName)
var isMixinedFrom = require('inherits-ex/lib/isMixinedFrom')
createObject(ctor, args...)
the helper function to create object.
var createObject = require('inherits-ex/lib/createObject')
class RefObject
constructor: -> @initialize.apply @, arguments
class MyObject
inherits MyObject, RefObject
initialize: (@a,@b)->
obj = createObject(MyObject, "a", "b")
#obj = new MyObject("a", "b") # it will have no property a and b.
assert.equal obj.a "a"
assert.equal obj.b "b"
createObjectWith(ctor, [args...])
the helper function to create object.
var createObjectWith = require('inherits-ex/lib/createObjectWith')