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The flexible TypeScript Markdown editor that powers https://octo.app.
How to install
Ink is written in TypeScript and provides both ES and UMD packages.
yarn add @writewithocto/ink
npm install --save @writewithocto/ink
How to get started
There are many ways to customize Ink to fit your needs. Here are a few examples to get you started.
Minimal setup
Mount the component and start writing.
import ink from '@writewithocto/ink'
Track state changes with hooks
To sync the editor with your app's state, you can use the afterUpdate
import { defineOptions, ink } from '@writewithocto/ink'
const state = { doc: '# Start with some text' }
const options = defineOptions({
doc: state.doc,
hooks: {
afterUpdate: (doc: string) => {
state.doc = doc
const editor = ink(document.getElementById('editor')!, options)
Futher customization
Option | Description | Type | Default |
options.doc | Initialize the editor with an existing doc | string | '' |
options.files.clipboard | Enable file uploads on paste | boolean | false |
options.files.dragAndDrop | Enable drag-and-drop file uploads | boolean | false |
options.files.handler | Handle file uploads (not handled by Ink) | (files: FileList) => Promise<any> | void | () => {} |
options.hooks.afterUpdate | Run some code after the doc is updated | (doc: string) => void | () => {} |
options.hooks.beforeUpdate | Run some code before the doc is updated | (doc: string) => void | () => {} |
options.interface.appearance | Change the editor theme | 'auto' | 'dark' | 'light' | 'auto' |
options.interface.attribution | Show the "Powered by Ink" attribution | boolean | true |
options.interface.images | Render images in the editor | boolean | false |
options.interface.spellcheck | Enable spellcheck | boolean | true |
options.interface.toolbar | Enable the formatting toolbar | boolean | false |
options.selections | Initialize the editor with selections | Ink.Editor.Selection[] | [] |
options.toolbar.bold | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.code | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.codeBlock | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.heading | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.image | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.italic | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.link | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.list | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.orderedList | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.quote | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.taskList | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | true |
options.toolbar.upload | Include this button in the toolbar | boolean | false |
options.vim | Use Vim keybindings to edit the doc | boolean | false |
Many aspects of the editor's appearance can be customized with CSS custom properties (aka CSS variables).
General-purpose styles
CSS Custom Property | CSS Property | Default (Dark) | Override (Light) |
--ink-border-radius | border-radius | 0.25rem | |
--ink-color | color | #fafafa | #171717 |
--ink-font-family | font-family | sans-serif | |
--ink-flex-direction | flex-direction | column | |
Block styles
Blocks are used to provide a dynamic user experience. Examples of blocks are images, multiline code blocks, and the toolbar.
CSS Custom Property | CSS Property | Default (Dark) | Override (Light) |
--ink-block-background-color | background-color | #121212 | #f5f5f5 |
--ink-block-background-color-on-hover | background-color | #0f0f0f | #e0e0e0 |
--ink-block-max-height | max-height | 20rem | |
--ink-block-padding | padding | 0.5rem | |
Code styles
These styles are for code blocks and inline code.
CSS Custom Property | CSS Property | Default (Dark) | Override (Light) |
--ink-code-background-color | background-color | var(--ink-block-background-color) | |
--ink-code-color | color | inherit | |
--ink-code-font-family | font-family | 'Monaco', Courier, monospace | |
Syntax highlighting
You can customize the entire syntax theme too.
CSS Custom Property | CSS Property | Default (Dark) | Override (Light) |
--ink-syntax-atom-color | color | #d19a66 | |
--ink-syntax-comment-color | color | #abb2bf | |
--ink-syntax-emphasis-color | color | inherit | |
--ink-syntax-emphasis-font-style | font-style | italic | |
--ink-syntax-heading-color | color | #e06c75 | |
--ink-syntax-heading-font-size | font-size | 1em | |
--ink-syntax-heading-font-weight | font-weight | 600 | |
--ink-syntax-heading1-color | color | #e06c75 | |
--ink-syntax-heading1-font-size | font-size | 1.6em | |
--ink-syntax-heading1-font-weight | font-weight | 600 | |
--ink-syntax-heading2-color | color | #e06c75 | |
--ink-syntax-heading2-font-size | font-size | 1.5em | |
--ink-syntax-heading2-font-weight | font-weight | 600 | |
--ink-syntax-heading3-color | color | #e06c75 | |
--ink-syntax-heading3-font-size | font-size | 1.4em | |
--ink-syntax-heading3-font-weight | font-weight | 600 | |
--ink-syntax-heading4-color | color | #e06c75 | |
--ink-syntax-heading4-font-size | font-size | 1.3em | |
--ink-syntax-heading4-font-weight | font-weight | 600 | |
--ink-syntax-heading5-color | color | #e06c75 | |
--ink-syntax-heading5-font-size | font-size | 1.2em | |
--ink-syntax-heading5-font-weight | font-weight | 600 | |
--ink-syntax-heading6-color | color | #e06c75 | |
--ink-syntax-heading6-font-size | font-size | 1.1em | |
--ink-syntax-heading6-font-weight | font-weight | 600 | |
--ink-syntax-keyword-color | color | #c678dd | |
--ink-syntax-link-color | color | #96c0d8 | |
--ink-syntax-meta-color | color | #abb2bf | |
--ink-syntax-name-color | color | #d19a66 | |
--ink-syntax-name-label-color | color | #abb2bf | |
--ink-syntax-name-property-color | color | #96c0d8 | |
--ink-syntax-name-property-definition-color | color | #e06c75 | |
--ink-syntax-name-variable-color | color | #e06c75 | |
--ink-syntax-name-variable-definition-color | color | #e5c07b | |
--ink-syntax-name-variable-local-color | color | #d19a66 | |
--ink-syntax-name-variable-special-color | color | inherit | |
--ink-syntax-number-color | color | #d19a66 | |
--ink-syntax-operator-color | color | #96c0d8 | |
--ink-syntax-processing-instruction-color | color | #444444 | #bbbbbb |
--ink-syntax-punctuation-color | color | #abb2bf | |
--ink-syntax-strikethrough-color | color | inherit | |
--ink-syntax-strikethrough-text-decoration | text-decoration | line-through | |
--ink-syntax-string-color | color | #98c379 | |
--ink-syntax-string-special-color | color | inherit | |
--ink-syntax-strong-color | color | inherit | |
--ink-syntax-strong-font-weight | font-weight | 600 | |
--ink-syntax-url-color | color | #96c0d8 | |
Your support is appreciated. Here are some ways you can help. ♥️
Leave the Attribution enabled
There is a small Powered by Ink
attribution in the bottom-right corner of all Ink instances by default. Ink is a free MIT-licensed library under independent development, and that attribution helps to increase awareness of this project.
Tell us what you think
Your feedback is immensely important for building Ink into a library that we all love. Consider starting a discussion under Octo if you have a question or just want to chat about ideas!
Open a Pull Request
If you feel comfortable with an existing issue, please consider opening a Pull Request. I would love to work with you to get it merged!
Become a financial backer