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inline-style-prefixer adds required vendor prefixes to your style object. It only adds prefixes if they're actually required by evaluating the browser's userAgent
against data from caniuse.com.
Browser Support
Supports the major browsers with the following versions.
For legacy support check custom build.
- Chrome: 30+
- Safari: 6+
- Firefox: 25+
- Opera: 13+
- IE: 9+
- Edge 12+
- iOS: 6+
- Android: 4+
- IE mobile: 9+
- Opera mini: 5+
- Android UC: 9+
- Android Chrome: 30+
If using an unsupported browser or even run without any userAgent
, it will use inline-style-prefix-all as a fallback.
If you got any issue using this prefixer, please first check the FAQ's. Most cases are already covered and provide a solid solution.
npm install inline-style-prefixer --save
import Prefixer from 'inline-style-prefixer'
const styles = {
transition: '200ms all linear',
userSelect: 'none',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
display: 'flex',
color: 'blue'
const prefixer = new Prefixer()
const prefixedStyles = prefixer.prefix(styles)
const output = {
transition: '200ms all linear',
WebkitUserSelect: 'none',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
display: '-webkit-flex',
color: 'blue'
Default: navigator.userAgent
Sometimes your environment does not provide a proper userAgent string e.g. if you are rendering on server-side. Therefore optionally just pass a userAgent-string.
const customUserAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.155 Safari/537.36'
const prefixer = new Prefixer({userAgent: customUserAgent})
Default: false
Use this option to keep default values. This should be used if you're facing wrong prefixes.
const styles = {
userSelect: 'none',
display: 'flex'
const prefixer = new Prefixer({keepUnprefixed: true})
const prefixedStyles = prefixer.prefix(styles)
const output = {
WebkitUserSelect: 'none',
userSelect: 'none',
display: '-webkit-flex;display:flex'
Prefixer.prefixAll (static)
Deprecated! Use inline-style-prefix-all if you only need static prefixing.
If you want static prefixing for every browser you can use Prefixer.prefixAll
which uses inline-style-prefix-all, but this will be removed soon.
const styles = {alignItems: 'center'}
const prefixedStyles = Prefixer.prefixAll(styles)
const output = {
WebkitAlignItems: 'space-around',
msAlignItems: 'space-around',
alignItems: 'space-around',
WebkitBoxAlign: 'justify',
msFlexAlign: 'distribute',
Prefix Information
Every Prefixer
instance also provides prefix information.
prefixer.cssPrefix = '-webkit-'
prefixer.jsPrefix = 'Webkit'
prefixer.prefixedKeyframes = '-webkit-keyframes'
Custom Build & Legacy Support
You may have to create a custom build if you need older browser versions. Just modify the config.js file which includes all the browser version specifications.
npm install
npm run build
inline-style-prefixer is licensed under the MIT License.
Documentation is licensed under Creative Common License.
Created with ♥ by @rofrischmann.
I would love to see people getting involved.
If you have a feature request please create an issue. Also if you're even improving inline-style-prefixer by any kind please don't be shy and send a pull request to let everyone benefit.
If you're having any issue please let me know as fast as possible to find a solution a hopefully fix the issue. Try to add as much information as possible such as your environment, exact case, the line of actions to reproduce the issue.
Pull Requests
If you are creating a pull request, try to use commit messages that are self-explanatory. Also always add some tests unless it's totally senseless (add a reason why it's senseless) and test your code before you commit so Travis won't throw errors.