Simple wrapper around "inspector" module.
Basically it adds :
- promises & async/await syntax
- S3 exporter
Version | Supported | Tested |
14.x | yes | yes |
12.x | yes | yes |
10.x | yes | yes |
In order to have all features we recommend to use at least Node.js version 10 or higher.
$ npm install inspector-api --save
CPU profiling
const Inspector = require('inspector-api')
const inspector = new Inspector()
await inspector.profiler.enable()
await inspector.profiler.start()
await inspector.profiler.stop()
Memory sampling
const Inspector = require('inspector-api')
const inspector = new Inspector()
await inspector.heap.enable()
await inspector.heap.startSampling()
await inspector.heap.stopSampling()
Memory snapshot
const Inspector = require('inspector-api')
const inspector = new Inspector()
await inspector.heap.takeSnapshot()
Code coverage
const Inspector = require('inspector-api')
const inspector = new Inspector()
await inspector.profiler.enable()
await inspector.profiler.startPreciseCoverage({ callCount: true, detailed: true })
const data = await inspector.profiler.takePreciseCoverage()
await inspector.profiler.stopPreciseCoverage()
Use S3 exporter
const Inspector = require('inspector-api')
const inspector = new Inspector({
storage: {
type: 's3',
bucket: 'testBucket',
dir: 'inspector'
await inspector.profiler.enable()
await inspector.profiler.start()
await inspector.profiler.stop()
Warning: it seems that the new AWS SDK leads to unexpected error if you use the takeSnapshot method (you should use memory sampling)
Constructor's config
new inspector([config])
Option | description | Default value |
type | Storage type (raw, s3 or fs) | raw |
bucket | S3 bucket's name | none |
dir | Directory where to store the file | none |
If you use fs, the generated data will be store on the disk in your default tmp directory.
You can display it in Node.js with the command require('os').tmpdir()
$ npm test
Coverage report can be found in coverage/.
Version 1.4.0 released on 2021-06-01
Switch to the new AWS SDK
This feature will reduce package size and improve performances.
9be9b5d - Version 1.4.0
Version 1.x released on 2019-10-03
CPU profiling
This feature will trigger a CPU profiling and save data (file, export to S3, return raw data)
7f7265f - Version 1.0.0
Memory Snapshot
This feature can trigger memory snapshot (or memory sampling).
7f7265f - Version 1.0.0
Code coverage
This feature retrieve code coverage data during runtime.
7ab4df1 - Add coverage feature.
Export to S3
This feature allow you to export every generated data to S3.
7f7265f - Version 1.0.0