IotMapManager V2.6.8
This library provides management of markers dedicated to projects using mapping.
In your project file (except IotMapManager and IotMapConf, all are optionnal):
import {
} from 'iotmapmanager'
and instanciate classes you need:
conf: IotMapConfig = new IotMapConfig(); // mandatory
commonIotMap: IotMapManager = new IotMapManager(this.conf) // mandatory
iotMapMarkerManager: IotMapMarkerManager = new IotMapMarkerManager(this.commonIotMap, this.conf)
iotMapClusterManager: IotMapClusterManager = new IotMapClusterManager(this.commonIotMap, this.conf)
otMapUserMarkerManager: IotMapUserMarkerManager = new IotMapUserMarkerManager(this.commonIotMap, this.conf)
iotMapPathManager: IotMapPathManager = new IotMapPathManager(this.commonIotMap, this.conf)
In your css file:
@import 'iotmapmanager/iot-map-manager.css';
If your use TypeScript, all types are defined in lib/index.d.ts
marker definition
A marker is defined as follow:
id: string
location: Location
layer?: string
popup?: Popup
tab?: Tab
shape?: Shape
inner?: Inner
template?: string
status?: string
Param | Type | Optionnal | Comment |
id | string | no | Used by update and remove functions |
location | Location | non | (lat, lng) of the marker |
layer | string | yes | you can sort your markers in different layers. A tool allow you to display specific layers (see configuration) |
popup | Popup | yes | a string displayed in a popup when marker is clicked. |
tab | Tab | yes | a little white rectangle displayed above the marker. It contains few characters or icon |
shape | Shape | yes | all information relative to marker shape |
inner | Inner | yes | all information relative to marker inner |
status | string | yes | name of the status to apply (see configuration) |
template | string | yes | name of the template to apply (see configuration) |
manual clusters definition
id: string
location: Location
layer?: string
contentLabel: string
childCount: number
colNumber?: number
aggregation: {
singularState: string
pluralState: string
count: number
color: string
bullet?: string
url?: string
urlTarget?: string
Param | type | optionnal | Comment |
id | string | no | used for update/removeMarker purposes |
location | Location | no | (lat, long) of the cluster |
layer | string | yes | You can sort your manual clusters in different layers. A tool allow you to display specific layers (see configuration) |
contentLabel | string | no | what is clustered ? (devices, cars, buildings...) |
childCount | number | no | number of clustered elements |
colNumber | number | yes | number of columns displayed in a cluster popup |
aggregation | array | no | containing following info for each type of element |
Aggregation :
Param | type | optionnal | Comment |
singularState | string | no | used for only one element |
pluralState | string | no | used for several elements |
count | number | no | number of elements |
color | string | no | color to display is gauge and popup |
bullet | string | yes | bullet used to illustrate current state (plain circle if not specified) |
url | string | yes | state name is then displayed as an hyper link with 'url' as href |
urlTarget | string | yes | specifies where to open the linked document or page ('_blank', '_self', '_parent', '_top', framename) |
user marker definition
location: Location
direction?: number (0-360)
accuracy?: number (in meters)
Param | type | optionnal | Comment |
location | Location | no | position of the user marker on the map |
direction | number | yes | angle in degrees, clockwise |
accuracy | number | yes | radius in meters of accuracy area around the user marker |
path definition
id: string
color?: string
points: Location[]
positions?: Location[]
additional?: {
points: Location[]
color: string
line: number
Param | type | optionnal | Comment |
id | string | no | used for update and remove |
color | string | yes | color of the path |
points | Location array | no | array of geographical points defining the path |
positions | Location array | yes | allow to display intermediate markers along the path |
additional | array of additional path | yes | allow to display additional sub paths along the main path |
additional path :
Param | type | optionnal | Comment |
points | Location array | no | array of geographical points defining the path |
color | string | yes | color of the path |
line | number (1..4) | no | define the place of the sub path (1 is full left, 4 is full right) |
area definition
id: string
points: Location[]
color?: string
fillColor?: string
fillOpacity?: number
Param | type | optionnal | Comment |
id | string | no | used for update and remove |
points | Location array | no | array of geographical points defining the area. Last and first are link, no need to duplicate |
color | string | yes | border color of the area |
fillColor | string | yes | interior color of the area |
fillOpacity | string | yes | interior color opacity of the area |
enum ShapeType { circle, square }
enum TabType { normal, large }
enum PathIconType { start, mid, end }
Common interfaces definitions
interface Location {
lat: number
lng: number
interface GeolocMarker {
location: Location
interface Popup {
title?: string
body?: string
interface Tab {
content: string
type?: TabType
interface Shape {
type?: ShapeType
anchored?: boolean
plain?: boolean
color?: string
percent?: number (0-100)
accuracy?: number (in meters)
direction?: number (0-360)
interface Inner {
color?: string
img?: string
// *** OR ***
icon?: string
// *** OR ***
label?: string
Note: the img has priority over icon, that has priority over the label. To update a marker having an img or an icon by a label, set img
or icon
to null
and define a label.
Default values are set for configuration.
You must instanciate a configuration for each map:
config = new IotMapConfig();
You can modify several values by calling :
Editable values :
- defaultLat: map center latitude
- defaultLng: map center longitude
- defaultZoomLevel: zoom level
- defaultLayerName: layer name if no layer specified in marker info
- clusterRadius: radius used to cluster markers
- externalClustering: if true, auto clustering is deactivated. You need to calculate your own clusters
- layerControl: if true, display a tool in top right corner to manage layers display,
- exclusiveLayers: if true, you can display only one layer at a time, if false, all layers can be displayed simultaneously
- default:
- shape: shape used if no shape is specified in marker info
- inner: color of the marker inner
- for each status (defined by a name as string):
- name:
- singular: name used in cluster popup if there is only one element with this status
- plural: name used in cluster popup if there are several elements with this status
- layer (optionnal): you can sort your markers in different layers. A tool allow you to display specific layers (see configuration)
- popup (optionnal) is a string displayed in a popup when marker is clicked. (see Popup)
- tab (optionnal) is a little white rectangle displayed above the marker. It contains few characters or icon (see Tab)
- shape (optionnal): all information relative to marker shape (see shape)
- inner (optionnal) : all information relative to marker inner (see Inner)
- bullet (optionnal) is the bullet displayed before the name status in cluster popups (html code)
- url (optionnal): if defined, in the cluster popup the name becomes an hyperlink with 'url' as href
- urlTarget specifies where to open the linked document or page ('_blank', '_self', '_parent', '_top', framename)
markerTemplate: agregates all display parameters (colors, shape, icon...)
- for each template (defined by a name as string):
- layer (optionnal): you can sort your markers in different layers. A tool allow you to display specific layers (see configuration)
- popup (optionnal) is a string displayed in a popup when marker is clicked. (see Popup)
- tab (optionnal) is a little white rectangle displayed above the marker. It contains few characters or icon (see Tab)
- shape (optionnal): all information relative to marker shape (see shape)
- inner (optionnal) : all information relative to marker inner (see Inner)
accuracyCircle: default parameters for accuracy area
- layerName: name displayed in layers control list
- color: default border color for accuracy circles
- fillColor: default fill color for accuracy circles
- fillOpacity: interior color opacity for accuracy circles
layerTemplate: parameters that can be applied to a layer
- for each template (defined by a name as string):
- content (optionnal): the html code to display in cluster tab (can be img, text...)
- type (optionnal): the type used for cluster tab (see )
- popupColNumber (optionnal): number of columns to display in cluster popup
- defaultColor: color used if marker has no status, then no status color
- layerName: name displayed in layers control list
- layerName: name displayed in layers control list
- color: default path color
- width: path width in px
- layerName: name displayed in layers control list
- color: default border color for areas
- fillColor: default fill color for areas
- fillOpacity: interior color opacity for areas
Marker data are applied first,
- then default values if needed,
- then template if one,
- then status if one
This class manager the map and every relying to the map:
- layers and there display tool,
- automatic or manual clustering,
- events
This class manages markers:
- addMarker / addMarkers: adds a (list of) marker(s) to the map
- removeMarker / removeMarkers: removes a (list of) marker(s) from the map
- updateMarker: updates specified marker by applying partial IotMarker data
- updateAllMarkers:
- adds non existing markers
- removes existing markers not present in the new list
- updates existing markers present in the new list
- getMarker: returns the L.Marker corresponding to the specified id
- getAllMarkers: returns all L.Marker present in the map
- redrawAll: forces all markers to redraw
IotMapMarkerManager requires a configuration object and an IotMapManager
This class manages manual clusters:
- addCluster / addClusters: adds a (list of) cluster(s) to the map
- removeCluster / removeClusters: removes a (list of) Cluster(s) from the map
- updateCluster: updates specified Cluster by applying partial IotCluster data
- updateAllCluster:
- adds non existing Cluster
- removes existing Cluster not present in the new list
- updates existing Cluster present in the new list
- redrawAll: forces all Cluster to redraw
IotMapClusterManager requires a configuration object and an IotMapManager
This class manages user marker: (!! only one user marker at a time)
- addUserMarker: adds the userMarker to the map
- removeUserMarker: removes the userMarker from the map
- updateUserMarker: updates the userMarker
- getUserMarker: returns the L.Marker corresponding to the userMarker
IotMapUserMarkerManager requires a configuration object and an IotMapManager
This class manages paths:
- addPath/ addPaths: adds a (list of) path(s) to the map
- removePath / removePaths: removes a (list of) path(s) from the map
IotMapPathManager requires a configuration object and an IotMapManager
This class manages areas: