Apache solr search integration for the IrisJS framework
Integrate a fully featured search engine into your Iris site. Apache solr is a popular open-source search based on Lucene. Out of the box with this module you can choose which entity types you want to be indexed as well as which fields within those types should be indexed. A basic search page is provided at http://yoursite.com/search
Quick install
- In your project directory run 'npm install irisjs-apachesolr'
- Install Apache Solr (tested on version 5.5.0)
- Enable the irisjs-apachesolr module on your iris site - yoursite.com/admin/modules
Configure solr
At /admin/config/search/solr enter the connection details for you solr instance. Example based on solr setup above:
port: 8983
core: iris_shard1_replica1
path: /solr
Go to /admin/config/search/solr/entities to choose which entities and fields should be indexed.
How to use
- Add or Update an entity
- Navigate to /search
- Search for an entity that you have added eg:
For keyword search ?filter=foo
or field specific searchs ?filter=fieldname:foo
- enjoy and help improve the search POC page