Iron (Fe) is an opinionated yet flexible FrontEnd development framework
Why another front end tool?
We want Iron to be a foundation for projects. Like all foundations it is a place to start but a foundation is just a begining. There can be many directions you can go after you have a firm foundation. We want to give front end developers who work with AEM access to the same tools that we have when working outside AEM. Iron makes a few decisions for you.
Where is Iron opinionated?
- Iron encourages you to write your components in small sets of independent functionality
- All components just blueprinted common js modules
- with a package.json, main.js, and a main.css files
- Components are bundled via Browserify
- Bundles are formed in client libraries.
- once the code is bundled it will be moved to a client library in AEM.
To install Iron's Generator
npm install -g iron-fe
Iron's API
Iron can be used in your build tools. The API is a set of functions to access the data that is held and created by Iron's generator.
Install for use in build tools
npm install iron-fe --save-dev
The API is split into sections by the type of asset you want to work with. Currently there are two such assets, Client Libraries and Components
iron initialization
var iron = require('iron-fe');
Iron.clientlibraries is a set of functions that helps you minipulate and build the client libraries.
iron.clientlibraries.match( filePath )
Match takes a file path of a component and will return an array of all client libraries that have that component as a dependency. This function might be used to match the changed file, from a build watcher such has gulp or grunt watch, with the correct client library to compile.
var iron = require('iron-fe');
var matchedLibrariesArray = iron.clientlibraries.match( '/path/to/my/component' );