is a tiny JavaScript library supplying I18N translation support for Node.js and the Browser.
It provides simple, yet powerful solutions for multiple plural forms and interpolation.
has no dependencies.
- Context support
- Simple plural form
- Multiple plural forms
- Interpolation
Getting started
Install islyngten
using npm.
npm install islyngten --save
Then require it into any module.
const Islyngten = require('islyngten');
const i18n = new Islyngten();
has no dependencies, which makes it easy to include in a Browser.
You can download the latest release from the repository
Use a script tag to directly add Islyngten
to the global scope.
<script src="islyngten.min.js"></script>
const i18n = new Islyngten();
const i18n = new Islyngten();
i18n.resources('myapp', 'de', {
"Do you really want to delete the file {{filename}}?":
"Wollen Sie die Datei {{filename}} wirklich löschen?"
i18n.resources('myapp', 'fr', {
"Do you really want to delete the file {{filename}}?":
"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer le fichier {{filename}}?"
var rb = i18n.resourceBundle('myapp', 'en');
var translation = rb._("Do you really want to delete the file {{filename}}?", {
'{{filename}}': "test.txt"
rb = i18n.resourceBundle('myapp', 'de');
translation = rb._("Do you really want to delete the file {{filename}}?", {
'{{filename}}': "test.txt"
rb = i18n.resourceBundle('myapp', 'fr');
translation = rb._("Do you really want to delete the file {{filename}}?", {
'{{filename}}': "test.txt"
Simple example
const i18n = new Islyngten();
i18n.resources('animals', 'de', {
"dog": "Hund",
"cat": "Katze",
"mouse": "Maus"
i18n.resources('animals', 'fr', {
"dog": "chien",
"cat": "chat",
"mouse": "souris"
var rb = i18n.resourceBundle('animals', 'de');
var rbfr = i18n.resourceBundle('animals', 'fr');
More examples
Simple plural
const i18n = new Islyngten();
i18n.resources('questions', 'de', {
"Delete the selected file?": "Selektierte Datei entfernen?",
"Delete the selected files?": "Selektierte Dateien entfernen?"
var rb = i18n.resourceBundle('questions', 'de');
var fileCount = 1;
var translation = rb.__("Delete the selected file?", "Delete the selected files?", fileCount);
fileCount = 4;
translation = rb.__("Delete the selected file?", "Delete the selected files?", fileCount);
Simple plural with variables (interpolation)
const i18n = new Islyngten();
i18n.resources('dingdong', 'de', {
"The list contains $count item": "Die Liste enthält $count Eintrag",
"The list contains $count items": "Die Liste enthält $count Einträge"
var rb = i18n.resourceBundle('dingdong', 'de');
var count = 0;
var translation = rb.__("The list contains $count item", "The list contains $count items", count, {
'$count': count
count = 1;
translation = rb.__("The list contains $count item", "The list contains $count items", count, {
'$count': count
count = 12;
translation = rb.__("The list contains $count item", "The list contains $count items", count, {
'$count': count
Multiple plural forms
The previous examle showed an easy way to support simple plural forms by using the nget() [ __(), tt() ] methods.
But what, if you need to translate in other languages where multiple plural forms exist?
For example, in Polish, the word ‘file’ pluralises like this:
- 1 plik
- 2,3,4 pliki
- 5-21 plików
- 22-24 pliki
- 25-31 plików
(More details here)
const i18n = new Islyngten();
i18n.resources('multi', 'pl', {
"file": "plik",
"files": {
'2,3,4': "pliki",
'5-21': "plików",
'22-24': "pliki",
'25-31': "plików"
const rb = i18n.resourceBundle('multi', 'pl');
var translation = rb.__("file", "files", 1);
translation = rb.__("file", "files", 2);
translation = rb.__("file", "files", 3);
translation = rb.__("file", "files", 4);
translation = rb.__("file", "files", 5);
translation = rb.__("file", "files", 6);
translation = rb.__("file", "files", 20);
translation = rb.__("file", "files", 23);
translation = rb.__("file", "files", 30);
const i18n = new Islyngten();
i18n.resources('interpol', 'de', {
"Height must be within {{arg0}} and {{arg1}} cm.":
"Höhe muss innerhalb von {{arg0}} und {{arg1}} cm liegen."
const rb = i18n.resourceBundle('interpol', 'de');
const translation = rb._("Height must be within {{arg0}} and {{arg1}} cm.", {
'{{arg0}}': "120",
'{{arg1}}': "250"
Even more examples
Please refer to the test spec for more examples.
We are using Jasmine testing framework and Istanbul test coverage framework.
- Clone or download the repository.
- Change into project directory.
- Use
npm install
to install all development dependencies. - Use
npm test
to run the tests. - The output should display successful execution results and a code coverage map.
- Clone or download the repository.
- Change into project directory.
- Use
in project directory to build islyngten.min.js
from islyngten.js
Please use Github issues for requests.
Pull requests are welcome.
We use GitHub issues to track bugs. Please ensure your bug description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.
The absolute best way to report a bug is to submit a pull request including a new failing test which describes the bug. When the bug is fixed, your pull request can then be merged.
The next best way to report a bug is to provide a reduced test case on jsFiddle or jsBin or produce exact code inline in the issue which will reproduce the bug.
Copyright (c) 2013-present, Belexos GmbH. Islyngten
is licensed under the MIT License.