Simple lookup interface for iso country codes to countries and reverse.
The only dependency is mout, so this module works both in node and in the browser(ify).
npm install iso-3166-1-alpha-2
var iso3311a2 = require('./iso-3166-1-alpha-2')
// Lookup country by code
console.log iso3311a2.getCountry("DE") // "Germany"
// Lookup code by country
console.log iso3311a2.getCode("Germany") // "DE"
// Get array of all country codes
console.log iso3311a2.getCodes() // ["AF","AX","AL",...]
// Get array of all country names
console.log iso3311a2.getCountries() // ["Afghanistan","Åland Islands","Albania",...]
// Get Object with code (key) to country (value) mappings
console.log iso3311a2.getData() // { "AF" : "Afghanistan", .... }
Docco annotated source is found here: (docs/index.html)