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@@ -0,4 +1,23 @@

import z$1, { z } from 'zod';
import OpenAI from 'openai';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { FunctionJson as FunctionJson$1 } from 'function-json-schema';
export * from 'function-json-schema';
declare const chatTurnBaseSchema: z.ZodObject<{
id: z.ZodString;
type: z.ZodString;
sender: z.ZodString;
timestamp: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: string;
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
}, {
id: string;
type: string;
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
type ChatTurnBase = z.infer<typeof chatTurnBaseSchema>;

@@ -14,4 +33,4 @@ * For simple text responses

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "text";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -21,4 +40,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, {
id: string;
type: "text";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -29,2 +48,78 @@ timestamp: string;

type ChatText = z.infer<typeof chatTextSchema>;
declare const chatErrorSchema: z.ZodObject<{
id: z.ZodString;
sender: z.ZodString;
timestamp: z.ZodString;
type: z.ZodLiteral<"error">;
name: z.ZodString;
message: z.ZodString;
cause: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
stack: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "error";
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
message: string;
name: string;
cause?: string | undefined;
stack?: string | undefined;
}, {
id: string;
type: "error";
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
message: string;
name: string;
cause?: string | undefined;
stack?: string | undefined;
type ChatError = z.infer<typeof chatErrorSchema>;
* For image message.
* Inspired by
declare const chatImageSchema: z.ZodObject<{
id: z.ZodString;
sender: z.ZodString;
timestamp: z.ZodString;
type: z.ZodLiteral<"image">;
image: z.ZodString;
description: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "image";
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
description: string;
image: string;
}, {
id: string;
type: "image";
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
description: string;
image: string;
type ChatImage = z.infer<typeof chatImageSchema>;
declare const chatListSchema: z.ZodObject<{
id: z.ZodString;
sender: z.ZodString;
timestamp: z.ZodString;
type: z.ZodLiteral<"list">;
list: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "list";
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
list: string[];
}, {
id: string;
type: "list";
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
list: string[];
type ChatList = z.infer<typeof chatListSchema>;
declare const chatFunctionCallSchema: z.ZodObject<{

@@ -39,4 +134,4 @@ id: z.ZodString;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "functionCall";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -48,4 +143,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, {
id: string;
type: "functionCall";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -66,4 +161,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "functionReturn";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -74,4 +169,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, {
id: string;
type: "functionReturn";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -93,4 +188,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "text";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -100,4 +195,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, {
id: string;
type: "text";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -116,4 +211,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "error";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -126,4 +221,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, {
id: string;
type: "error";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -143,15 +238,15 @@ timestamp: string;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "image";
id: string;
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
description: string;
image: string;
description: string;
}, {
id: string;
type: "image";
id: string;
sender: string;
timestamp: string;
description: string;
image: string;
description: string;
}>, z.ZodObject<{

@@ -164,4 +259,4 @@ id: z.ZodString;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "list";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -171,4 +266,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, {
id: string;
type: "list";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -186,4 +281,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "functionCall";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -195,4 +290,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, {
id: string;
type: "functionCall";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -211,4 +306,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
type: "functionReturn";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -219,4 +314,4 @@ timestamp: string;

}, {
id: string;
type: "functionReturn";
id: string;
sender: string;

@@ -228,3 +323,19 @@ timestamp: string;

type ChatTurn = z.infer<typeof chatTurnSchema>;
* String union for all chat turn types.
type ChatTurnType = ChatTurn['type'];
* ChatTurn base type with unioned type field. The most generic, "all" type.
type ChatTurnUnion = ChatTurnBase & {
type: ChatTurnType;
declare function createFunctionClient(baseUrl: string, apiKey: string): MappedReturnType<{
returnFunctionCall: typeof returnFunctionCall;
nextMessage: typeof nextMessage;
startWorkflow: typeof startWorkflow;
putFunctionJsons: typeof putFunctionJsons;
type ReturnFunctionCallBody = Pick<ChatFunctionReturn, 'functionCallId' | 'functionReturn'>;

@@ -243,3 +354,3 @@ type ReturnFunctionCallRes = {

declare function startWorkflow(baseUrl: string, apiKey: string): (query: string, modules?: string) => Promise<StartWorkflowRes>;
type FunctionJson$1 = {
type FunctionJson = {
name: string;

@@ -253,1309 +364,1145 @@ description?: string;

type putFunctionJsonsReq = {
jsons: FunctionJson$1[];
jsons: FunctionJson[];
module?: string;
declare function putFunctionJsons(baseUrl: string, apiKey: string): (jsons: FunctionJson$1[], module?: string) => Promise<void>;
declare function putFunctionJsons(baseUrl: string, apiKey: string): (jsons: FunctionJson[], module?: string) => Promise<void>;
* Recursive JSON object schema
type ObjectJsonSchema = {
type: 'object';
properties: Record<string, ValueJsonSchema>;
description?: string;
declare const TaskStatus: {
readonly Pending: "Pending";
readonly Planning: "Planning";
readonly Executing: "Executing";
readonly Sequencing: "Sequencing";
readonly Resolved: "Resolved";
readonly Sequenced: "Sequenced";
type RecordJsonSchema = {
type: 'object';
additionalProperties: ValueJsonSchema;
description?: string;
type TaskStatus = (typeof TaskStatus)[keyof typeof TaskStatus];
declare const baseTaskSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
id: z$1.ZodString;
description: z$1.ZodString;
status: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Pending: "Pending";
readonly Planning: "Planning";
readonly Executing: "Executing";
readonly Sequencing: "Sequencing";
readonly Resolved: "Resolved";
readonly Sequenced: "Sequenced";
stepIndex: z$1.ZodNumber;
depth: z$1.ZodNumber;
numRewrites: z$1.ZodNumber;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
status: "Pending" | "Planning" | "Executing" | "Sequencing" | "Resolved" | "Sequenced";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
}, {
id: string;
status: "Pending" | "Planning" | "Executing" | "Sequencing" | "Resolved" | "Sequenced";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
type BaseTask = z$1.infer<typeof baseTaskSchema>;
declare const Feasibility: {
readonly Feasible: "Feasible";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
type ArrayJsonSchema = {
type: 'array';
items: ValueJsonSchema;
description?: string;
type Feasibility = (typeof Feasibility)[keyof typeof Feasibility];
declare const feasibilityCheckSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
feasibility: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Feasible: "Feasible";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
reason: z$1.ZodString;
fix: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
}, {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
type FeasibilityCheck = z$1.infer<typeof feasibilityCheckSchema>;
declare const Resolution: {
readonly Resolved: "Resolved";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
type RealUnionJsonSchema = {
anyOf: ValueJsonSchema[];
description?: string;
declare const valueJsonSchema: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodType<ObjectJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, ObjectJsonSchema>, z.ZodType<RecordJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, RecordJsonSchema>, z.ZodType<ArrayJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, ArrayJsonSchema>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"array">;
prefixItems: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
type Resolution = (typeof Resolution)[keyof typeof Resolution];
declare const resolutionCheckSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
resolution: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Resolved: "Resolved";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
reason: z$1.ZodString;
fix: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"string">;
enum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">>;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
type ResolutionCheck = z$1.infer<typeof resolutionCheckSchema>;
declare const taskPendingSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
id: z$1.ZodString;
description: z$1.ZodString;
stepIndex: z$1.ZodNumber;
depth: z$1.ZodNumber;
numRewrites: z$1.ZodNumber;
status: z$1.ZodLiteral<"Pending">;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
status: "Pending";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
}, {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodLiteral<"number">, z.ZodLiteral<"integer">]>;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
minimum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNumber>;
maximum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNumber>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}, {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"boolean">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodType<RealUnionJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, RealUnionJsonSchema>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"unknown">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"null">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
$ref: z.ZodString;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
type ValueJsonSchema = z.infer<typeof valueJsonSchema>;
* OpenAI function json schema
declare const functionJsonSchema: z.ZodObject<{
name: z.ZodString;
description: z.ZodString;
parameters: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"object">;
properties: z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodType<ObjectJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, ObjectJsonSchema>, z.ZodType<RecordJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, RecordJsonSchema>, z.ZodType<ArrayJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, ArrayJsonSchema>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"array">;
prefixItems: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"string">;
enum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">>;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodLiteral<"number">, z.ZodLiteral<"integer">]>;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
minimum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNumber>;
maximum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNumber>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}, {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"boolean">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodType<RealUnionJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, RealUnionJsonSchema>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"unknown">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"null">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
$ref: z.ZodString;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
required: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Pending";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
type TaskPending = z$1.infer<typeof taskPendingSchema>;
declare const taskPlanningSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
id: z$1.ZodString;
description: z$1.ZodString;
stepIndex: z$1.ZodNumber;
depth: z$1.ZodNumber;
numRewrites: z$1.ZodNumber;
status: z$1.ZodLiteral<"Planning">;
program: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
feasibilityCheck: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodObject<{
feasibility: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Feasible: "Feasible";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
description?: string | undefined;
required?: string[] | undefined;
reason: z$1.ZodString;
fix: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
resolutionCheck: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodObject<{
resolution: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Resolved: "Resolved";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
description?: string | undefined;
required?: string[] | undefined;
}>, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodType<ObjectJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, ObjectJsonSchema>, z.ZodType<RecordJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, RecordJsonSchema>, z.ZodType<ArrayJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, ArrayJsonSchema>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"array">;
prefixItems: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
reason: z$1.ZodString;
fix: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"string">;
enum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">>;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
status: "Planning";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program?: string | undefined;
feasibilityCheck?: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
}, {
id: string;
status: "Planning";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program?: string | undefined;
feasibilityCheck?: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
type TaskPlanning = z$1.infer<typeof taskPlanningSchema>;
declare const taskExecutingSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
id: z$1.ZodString;
description: z$1.ZodString;
stepIndex: z$1.ZodNumber;
depth: z$1.ZodNumber;
numRewrites: z$1.ZodNumber;
status: z$1.ZodLiteral<"Executing">;
program: z$1.ZodString;
usedFunctionNames: z$1.ZodArray<z$1.ZodString, "many">;
feasibilityCheck: z$1.ZodObject<{
feasibility: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Feasible: "Feasible";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
reason: z$1.ZodString;
fix: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodLiteral<"number">, z.ZodLiteral<"integer">]>;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
minimum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNumber>;
maximum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNumber>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
status: "Executing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
}, {
id: string;
status: "Executing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
type TaskExecuting = z$1.infer<typeof taskExecutingSchema>;
declare const taskResolvedSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
id: z$1.ZodString;
description: z$1.ZodString;
stepIndex: z$1.ZodNumber;
depth: z$1.ZodNumber;
numRewrites: z$1.ZodNumber;
status: z$1.ZodLiteral<"Resolved">;
program: z$1.ZodString;
usedFunctionNames: z$1.ZodArray<z$1.ZodString, "many">;
feasibilityCheck: z$1.ZodObject<{
feasibility: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Feasible: "Feasible";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
reason: z$1.ZodString;
fix: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"boolean">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
resolutionCheck: z$1.ZodObject<{
resolution: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Resolved: "Resolved";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
reason: z$1.ZodString;
fix: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
status: "Resolved";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
resolutionCheck: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
}, {
id: string;
status: "Resolved";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
resolutionCheck: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
type TaskResolved = z$1.infer<typeof taskResolvedSchema>;
declare const taskSequencingSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
id: z$1.ZodString;
description: z$1.ZodString;
stepIndex: z$1.ZodNumber;
depth: z$1.ZodNumber;
numRewrites: z$1.ZodNumber;
status: z$1.ZodLiteral<"Sequencing">;
program: z$1.ZodString;
feasibilityCheck: z$1.ZodObject<{
feasibility: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Feasible: "Feasible";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
reason: z$1.ZodString;
fix: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodType<RealUnionJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, RealUnionJsonSchema>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"unknown">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodArray<z$1.ZodString, "many">>;
resolutionCheck: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodObject<{
resolution: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Resolved: "Resolved";
readonly Rewritable: "Rewritable";
readonly Infeasible: "Infeasible";
reason: z$1.ZodString;
fix: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"null">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
$ref: z.ZodString;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}>]>, "many">]>;
returns: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodType<ObjectJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, ObjectJsonSchema>, z.ZodType<RecordJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, RecordJsonSchema>, z.ZodType<ArrayJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, ArrayJsonSchema>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"array">;
prefixItems: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"string">;
enum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">>;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodLiteral<"number">, z.ZodLiteral<"integer">]>;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
minimum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNumber>;
maximum: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNumber>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}, {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"boolean">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodType<RealUnionJsonSchema, z.ZodTypeDef, RealUnionJsonSchema>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"unknown">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"null">;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
$ref: z.ZodString;
description: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}, {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
usageExample: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
returnsExample: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
name: string;
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
id: string;
status: "Sequencing";
description: string;
parameters: ({
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
}, {
id: string;
status: "Sequencing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
type TaskSequencing = z$1.infer<typeof taskSequencingSchema>;
type TaskSequenced = z$1.infer<typeof baseTaskSchema> & {
status: 'Sequenced';
program: string;
subtasks: Task[];
feasibilityCheck: FeasibilityCheck;
usedFunctionNames?: string[];
resolutionCheck?: ResolutionCheck;
declare const taskSequencedSchema: z$1.ZodType<TaskSequenced>;
type Task = TaskPending | TaskPlanning | TaskExecuting | TaskSequencing | TaskSequenced | TaskResolved;
declare const taskSchema: z$1.ZodType<Task>;
type TaskStatusToType = {
[TaskStatus.Pending]: TaskPending;
[TaskStatus.Planning]: TaskPlanning;
[TaskStatus.Executing]: TaskExecuting;
[TaskStatus.Sequencing]: TaskSequencing;
[TaskStatus.Sequenced]: TaskSequenced;
[TaskStatus.Resolved]: TaskResolved;
type TaskStatusesToType<Statuses> = Statuses extends TaskStatus[] ? Statuses[number] extends TaskStatus ? TaskStatusToType[Statuses[number]] : never : Statuses extends TaskStatus ? TaskStatusToType[Statuses] : never;
declare const getWorkflowsResSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
workflowInfos: z$1.ZodArray<z$1.ZodObject<{
workflowId: z$1.ZodString;
modules: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodArray<z$1.ZodString, "many">>;
createdAt: z$1.ZodString;
updatedAt: z$1.ZodString;
description: z$1.ZodString;
status: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Running: "Running";
readonly Completed: "Completed";
readonly Failed: "Failed";
readonly Paused: "Paused";
readonly TimedOut: "TimedOut";
description?: string | undefined;
required?: string[] | undefined;
} | (ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
numLeafTasks: z$1.ZodNumber;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
status: "Running" | "Completed" | "Failed" | "Paused" | "TimedOut";
workflowId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
description: string;
numLeafTasks: number;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
}, {
status: "Running" | "Completed" | "Failed" | "Paused" | "TimedOut";
workflowId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
description: string;
numLeafTasks: number;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
}>, "many">;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
workflowInfos: {
status: "Running" | "Completed" | "Failed" | "Paused" | "TimedOut";
workflowId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
description: string;
numLeafTasks: number;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
}, {
workflowInfos: {
status: "Running" | "Completed" | "Failed" | "Paused" | "TimedOut";
workflowId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
description: string;
numLeafTasks: number;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
type GetWorkflowsRes = z$1.infer<typeof getWorkflowsResSchema>;
declare const getWorkflowByIdReqSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
workflowId: z$1.ZodString;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
workflowId: string;
}, {
workflowId: string;
declare const getWorkflowByIdResSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
workflow: z$1.ZodType<Task, z$1.ZodTypeDef, Task>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
workflow: {
id: string;
status: "Pending";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Planning";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program?: string | undefined;
feasibilityCheck?: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Executing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Sequencing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Resolved";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
resolutionCheck: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | ({
id: string;
status: "Pending" | "Planning" | "Executing" | "Sequencing" | "Resolved" | "Sequenced";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} & {
status: "Sequenced";
program: string;
subtasks: Task[];
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
}, {
workflow: {
id: string;
status: "Pending";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Planning";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program?: string | undefined;
feasibilityCheck?: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
})[]) & ({
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
required?: string[] | undefined;
} | (ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Executing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Sequencing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Resolved";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
resolutionCheck: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | ({
id: string;
status: "Pending" | "Planning" | "Executing" | "Sequencing" | "Resolved" | "Sequenced";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} & {
status: "Sequenced";
program: string;
subtasks: Task[];
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
type GetWorkflowByIdReq = z$1.infer<typeof getWorkflowByIdReqSchema>;
type GetWorkflowByIdRes = z$1.infer<typeof getWorkflowByIdResSchema>;
declare const postWorkflowsReqSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
query: z$1.ZodString;
modules: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodArray<z$1.ZodString, "many">>;
orgId: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
query: string;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
orgId?: string | undefined;
}, {
query: string;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
orgId?: string | undefined;
declare const postWorkflowsResSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
message: z$1.ZodString;
workflowId: z$1.ZodString;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
message: string;
workflowId: string;
}, {
message: string;
workflowId: string;
type PostWorkflowsReq = z$1.infer<typeof postWorkflowsReqSchema>;
type PostWorkflowsRes = z$1.infer<typeof postWorkflowsResSchema>;
* Main client
declare function createWorkflowClient(baseUrl: string, apiKey: string): MappedReturnType<{
fetchGetWorkflows: typeof fetchGetWorkflows;
fetchGetWorkflowById: typeof fetchGetWorkflowById;
fetchPostWorkflows: typeof fetchPostWorkflows;
type WorkflowClient = ReturnType<typeof createWorkflowClient>;
declare function fetchGetWorkflows(baseUrl: string, apiKey: string): () => Promise<GetWorkflowsRes>;
declare function fetchGetWorkflowById(baseUrl: string, apiKey: string): (req: GetWorkflowByIdReq) => Promise<GetWorkflowByIdRes>;
declare function fetchPostWorkflows(baseUrl: string, apiKey: string): (req: PostWorkflowsReq) => Promise<PostWorkflowsRes>;
declare const WorkflowStatus: {
readonly Running: "Running";
readonly Completed: "Completed";
readonly Failed: "Failed";
readonly Paused: "Paused";
readonly TimedOut: "TimedOut";
type WorkflowStatus = (typeof WorkflowStatus)[keyof typeof WorkflowStatus];
declare const workflowSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
workflowId: z$1.ZodString;
root: z$1.ZodType<Task, z$1.ZodTypeDef, Task>;
modules: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodArray<z$1.ZodString, "many">>;
createdAt: z$1.ZodString;
updatedAt: z$1.ZodString;
orgId: z$1.ZodString;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
workflowId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
orgId: string;
root: {
id: string;
status: "Pending";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Planning";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program?: string | undefined;
feasibilityCheck?: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Executing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Sequencing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
})[] | undefined);
returns: ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Resolved";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
resolutionCheck: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | ({
id: string;
status: "Pending" | "Planning" | "Executing" | "Sequencing" | "Resolved" | "Sequenced";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} & {
status: "Sequenced";
program: string;
subtasks: Task[];
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
}, {
workflowId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
orgId: string;
root: {
id: string;
status: "Pending";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Planning";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program?: string | undefined;
feasibilityCheck?: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Executing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Sequencing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} | (ObjectJsonSchema & RecordJsonSchema) | (ObjectJsonSchema & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (ObjectJsonSchema & RealUnionJsonSchema) | (ObjectJsonSchema & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RecordJsonSchema & ObjectJsonSchema) | (RecordJsonSchema & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RecordJsonSchema & RealUnionJsonSchema) | (RecordJsonSchema & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (ArrayJsonSchema & {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (ArrayJsonSchema & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (ArrayJsonSchema & RealUnionJsonSchema) | (ArrayJsonSchema & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & ArrayJsonSchema) | ({
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Resolved";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
resolutionCheck: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | ({
id: string;
status: "Pending" | "Planning" | "Executing" | "Sequencing" | "Resolved" | "Sequenced";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & ObjectJsonSchema) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & RecordJsonSchema) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & ArrayJsonSchema) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & ObjectJsonSchema) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & RecordJsonSchema) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & ArrayJsonSchema) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & ObjectJsonSchema) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & RecordJsonSchema) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & ArrayJsonSchema) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
status: "Sequenced";
program: string;
subtasks: Task[];
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
usageExample?: string | undefined;
returnsExample?: string | undefined;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
type Workflow = z$1.infer<typeof workflowSchema>;
declare const workflowInfoSchema: z$1.ZodObject<{
workflowId: z$1.ZodString;
modules: z$1.ZodOptional<z$1.ZodArray<z$1.ZodString, "many">>;
createdAt: z$1.ZodString;
updatedAt: z$1.ZodString;
description: z$1.ZodString;
status: z$1.ZodNativeEnum<{
readonly Running: "Running";
readonly Completed: "Completed";
readonly Failed: "Failed";
readonly Paused: "Paused";
readonly TimedOut: "TimedOut";
numLeafTasks: z$1.ZodNumber;
}, "strip", z$1.ZodTypeAny, {
status: "Running" | "Completed" | "Failed" | "Paused" | "TimedOut";
workflowId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
description: string;
numLeafTasks: number;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
}, {
name: string;
status: "Running" | "Completed" | "Failed" | "Paused" | "TimedOut";
workflowId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
description: string;
parameters: ({
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
numLeafTasks: number;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
type WorkflowInfo = z$1.infer<typeof workflowInfoSchema>;
declare function createClient(baseUrl: string, apiKey: string): {
fetchGetWorkflows: () => Promise<{
workflowInfos: {
status: "Running" | "Completed" | "Failed" | "Paused" | "TimedOut";
workflowId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
description: string;
numLeafTasks: number;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
fetchGetWorkflowById: (req: {
workflowId: string;
}) => Promise<{
workflow: {
id: string;
status: "Pending";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Planning";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program?: string | undefined;
feasibilityCheck?: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Executing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Sequencing";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
id: string;
status: "Resolved";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
program: string;
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
resolutionCheck: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames: string[];
} | ({
id: string;
status: "Pending" | "Planning" | "Executing" | "Sequencing" | "Resolved" | "Sequenced";
description: string;
stepIndex: number;
depth: number;
numRewrites: number;
} & {
status: "Sequenced";
program: string;
subtasks: Task[];
feasibilityCheck: {
feasibility: "Feasible" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
reason: string;
fix?: string | undefined;
usedFunctionNames?: string[] | undefined;
resolutionCheck?: {
reason: string;
resolution: "Resolved" | "Rewritable" | "Infeasible";
fix?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
fetchPostWorkflows: (req: {
query: string;
modules?: string[] | undefined;
orgId?: string | undefined;
}) => Promise<{
message: string;
workflowId: string;
returnFunctionCall: (functionCallId: string, functionReturn: string) => Promise<void>;
nextMessage: (workflowId: string) => Promise<NextMessageRes>;
startWorkflow: (query: string, modules?: string | undefined) => Promise<StartWorkflowRes>;
putFunctionJsons: (jsons: {
name: string;
description?: string | undefined;
required?: string[] | undefined;
} | (ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
})[]) & ({
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
required?: string[] | undefined;
} | (ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
})[] | undefined);
returns: ObjectJsonSchema | RecordJsonSchema | ArrayJsonSchema | {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} | {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} | RealUnionJsonSchema | {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} | {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} | (ObjectJsonSchema & RecordJsonSchema) | (ObjectJsonSchema & RealUnionJsonSchema) | (RecordJsonSchema & ObjectJsonSchema) | (RecordJsonSchema & RealUnionJsonSchema) | (ArrayJsonSchema & RealUnionJsonSchema) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & ObjectJsonSchema) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & RecordJsonSchema) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & ArrayJsonSchema) | (ObjectJsonSchema & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (ObjectJsonSchema & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RecordJsonSchema & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RecordJsonSchema & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (ArrayJsonSchema & {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (ArrayJsonSchema & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (ArrayJsonSchema & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & ArrayJsonSchema) | ({
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & ObjectJsonSchema) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & RecordJsonSchema) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & ArrayJsonSchema) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | (RealUnionJsonSchema & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & ObjectJsonSchema) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & RecordJsonSchema) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & ArrayJsonSchema) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "array";
prefixItems: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "string";
enum?: string[] | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "number" | "integer";
description?: string | undefined;
minimum?: number | undefined;
maximum?: number | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "boolean";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: string[];
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & RealUnionJsonSchema) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "unknown";
description?: string | undefined;
}) | ({
$ref: string;
description?: string | undefined;
} & {
type: "null";
description?: string | undefined;
usageExample?: string | undefined;
returnsExample?: string | undefined;
type FunctionJson = z.infer<typeof functionJsonSchema>;
declare const nullFunctionJson: FunctionJson;
parameters?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
returns?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
usageExample?: string | undefined;
returnsExample?: string | undefined;
}[], module?: string | undefined) => Promise<void>;

@@ -1585,2 +1532,4 @@ declare const DEFAULT_BASE_URL = "";

maxTries: number;
client: ReturnType<typeof createClient>;
currentWorkflowId?: Promise<string>;
functionLinker?: (fnName: string) => (...args: any[]) => unknown;

@@ -1592,3 +1541,3 @@ constructor({ apiKey, baseUrl, maxTries, }?: {

uploadFunctions: (jsons: Array<OpenAI.ChatCompletionCreateParams.Function | FunctionJson>, modules?: string) => Promise<void>;
uploadFunctions: (jsons: Array<OpenAI.ChatCompletionCreateParams.Function | FunctionJson$1>, modules?: string) => Promise<void>;
linkFunctions: (functionLinker: (fnName: string) => (...args: any[]) => unknown) => void;

@@ -1608,2 +1557,3 @@ /**

sendMessage: (message: string) => Promise<string>;
streamCurrentTask(): AsyncGenerator<Task>;
chatCompletionsCreate: (body: OpenAI.ChatCompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming & {

@@ -1628,3 +1578,7 @@ messages: Array<ChatCompletionMessageWithIudex>;

declare function extractMessageTextContent(content: OpenAI.ChatCompletionUserMessageParam['content']): string;
declare function getLastTaskByStatus<Statuses extends TaskStatus | TaskStatus[]>(root: Task, status: Statuses): TaskStatusesToType<Statuses> | undefined;
declare function getFirstTaskByStatus<S extends TaskStatus | TaskStatus[]>(root: Task, status: S | S[]): TaskStatusesToType<S | S[]> | undefined;
declare function reversePreOrderTraversal<T>(getChildren: (node: T) => T[], predicate: (node: T) => boolean): (node: T) => T | undefined;
declare function preOrderTraversal<T>(getChildren: (node: T) => T[], predicate: (node: T) => boolean): (node: T) => T | undefined;
export { type ChatCompletionMessageWithIudex, type ChatCompletionWithIudex, DEFAULT_BASE_URL, type FunctionJson, Iudex, type IudexMessage, type NextMessageRes, type ObjectJsonSchema, type ReturnFunctionCallBody, type ReturnFunctionCallRes, type StartWorkflowRes, type ValueJsonSchema, Iudex as default, extractMessageTextContent, functionJsonSchema, mapIudexToOpenAi, nextMessage, nullFunctionJson, putFunctionJsons, type putFunctionJsonsReq, returnFunctionCall, startWorkflow };
export { type BaseTask, type ChatCompletionMessageWithIudex, type ChatCompletionWithIudex, type ChatError, type ChatFunctionCall, type ChatFunctionReturn, type ChatImage, type ChatList, type ChatText, type ChatTurn, type ChatTurnType, type ChatTurnUnion, DEFAULT_BASE_URL, Feasibility, type FeasibilityCheck, type GetWorkflowByIdReq, type GetWorkflowByIdRes, type GetWorkflowsRes, Iudex, type IudexMessage, type NextMessageRes, type PostWorkflowsReq, type PostWorkflowsRes, Resolution, type ResolutionCheck, type ReturnFunctionCallBody, type ReturnFunctionCallRes, type StartWorkflowRes, type Task, type TaskExecuting, type TaskPending, type TaskPlanning, type TaskResolved, type TaskSequenced, type TaskSequencing, TaskStatus, type TaskStatusToType, type TaskStatusesToType, type Workflow, type WorkflowClient, type WorkflowInfo, WorkflowStatus, baseTaskSchema, chatErrorSchema, chatFunctionCallSchema, chatFunctionReturnSchema, chatImageSchema, chatListSchema, chatTextSchema, chatTurnSchema, createClient, createFunctionClient, createWorkflowClient, extractMessageTextContent, feasibilityCheckSchema, fetchGetWorkflowById, fetchGetWorkflows, fetchPostWorkflows, getFirstTaskByStatus, getLastTaskByStatus, getWorkflowByIdReqSchema, getWorkflowByIdResSchema, getWorkflowsResSchema, mapIudexToOpenAi, nextMessage, postWorkflowsReqSchema, postWorkflowsResSchema, preOrderTraversal, putFunctionJsons, type putFunctionJsonsReq, resolutionCheckSchema, returnFunctionCall, reversePreOrderTraversal, startWorkflow, taskExecutingSchema, taskPendingSchema, taskPlanningSchema, taskResolvedSchema, taskSchema, taskSequencedSchema, taskSequencingSchema, workflowInfoSchema, workflowSchema };
"use strict";
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;

@@ -18,2 +20,11 @@ var __export = (target, all) => {

var __reExport = (target, mod, secondTarget) => (__copyProps(target, mod, "default"), secondTarget && __copyProps(secondTarget, mod, "default"));
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);

@@ -25,16 +36,229 @@

Feasibility: () => Feasibility,
Iudex: () => Iudex,
default: () => src_default,
Resolution: () => Resolution,
TaskStatus: () => TaskStatus,
WorkflowStatus: () => WorkflowStatus,
baseTaskSchema: () => baseTaskSchema,
chatErrorSchema: () => chatErrorSchema,
chatFunctionCallSchema: () => chatFunctionCallSchema,
chatFunctionReturnSchema: () => chatFunctionReturnSchema,
chatImageSchema: () => chatImageSchema,
chatListSchema: () => chatListSchema,
chatTextSchema: () => chatTextSchema,
chatTurnSchema: () => chatTurnSchema,
createClient: () => createClient,
createFunctionClient: () => createFunctionClient,
createWorkflowClient: () => createWorkflowClient,
extractMessageTextContent: () => extractMessageTextContent,
functionJsonSchema: () => functionJsonSchema,
feasibilityCheckSchema: () => feasibilityCheckSchema,
fetchGetWorkflowById: () => fetchGetWorkflowById,
fetchGetWorkflows: () => fetchGetWorkflows,
fetchPostWorkflows: () => fetchPostWorkflows,
getFirstTaskByStatus: () => getFirstTaskByStatus,
getLastTaskByStatus: () => getLastTaskByStatus,
getWorkflowByIdReqSchema: () => getWorkflowByIdReqSchema,
getWorkflowByIdResSchema: () => getWorkflowByIdResSchema,
getWorkflowsResSchema: () => getWorkflowsResSchema,
mapIudexToOpenAi: () => mapIudexToOpenAi,
nextMessage: () => nextMessage,
nullFunctionJson: () => nullFunctionJson,
postWorkflowsReqSchema: () => postWorkflowsReqSchema,
postWorkflowsResSchema: () => postWorkflowsResSchema,
preOrderTraversal: () => preOrderTraversal,
putFunctionJsons: () => putFunctionJsons,
resolutionCheckSchema: () => resolutionCheckSchema,
returnFunctionCall: () => returnFunctionCall,
startWorkflow: () => startWorkflow
reversePreOrderTraversal: () => reversePreOrderTraversal,
startWorkflow: () => startWorkflow,
taskExecutingSchema: () => taskExecutingSchema,
taskPendingSchema: () => taskPendingSchema,
taskPlanningSchema: () => taskPlanningSchema,
taskResolvedSchema: () => taskResolvedSchema,
taskSchema: () => taskSchema,
taskSequencedSchema: () => taskSequencedSchema,
taskSequencingSchema: () => taskSequencingSchema,
workflowInfoSchema: () => workflowInfoSchema,
workflowSchema: () => workflowSchema
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
__reExport(src_exports, require("function-json-schema"), module.exports);
// src/client.ts
// src/utils.ts
function setTimeoutPromise(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function poll(fn, args, {
} = { maxTries: 60, tries: 0, waitMs: 1e3 }) {
if (tries >= maxTries) {
throw Error(
`Polling failed after ${maxTries} tries for function ${}.`
return fn(...args).then((res) => {
if (res == null) {
return setTimeoutPromise(waitMs).then(() => poll(fn, args, { maxTries, tries: tries + 1, waitMs }));
return res;
function deconstructedPromise() {
let promiseResolve;
let promiseReject;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
promiseResolve = resolve;
promiseReject = reject;
return {
resolve: promiseResolve,
reject: promiseReject
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/internal/_isPlaceholder.js
function _isPlaceholder(a) {
return a != null && typeof a === "object" && a["@@functional/placeholder"] === true;
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/internal/_curry1.js
function _curry1(fn) {
return function f1(a) {
if (arguments.length === 0 || _isPlaceholder(a)) {
return f1;
} else {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/internal/_curry2.js
function _curry2(fn) {
return function f2(a, b) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
return f2;
case 1:
return _isPlaceholder(a) ? f2 : _curry1(function(_b) {
return fn(a, _b);
return _isPlaceholder(a) && _isPlaceholder(b) ? f2 : _isPlaceholder(a) ? _curry1(function(_a) {
return fn(_a, b);
}) : _isPlaceholder(b) ? _curry1(function(_b) {
return fn(a, _b);
}) : fn(a, b);
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/internal/_isArray.js
var isArray_default = Array.isArray || function _isArray(val) {
return val != null && val.length >= 0 && === "[object Array]";
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/internal/_has.js
function _has(prop, obj) {
return, prop);
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/internal/_isArguments.js
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
var _isArguments = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
return === "[object Arguments]" ? function _isArguments2(x) {
return === "[object Arguments]";
} : function _isArguments2(x) {
return _has("callee", x);
var isArguments_default = _isArguments;
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/keys.js
var hasEnumBug = !/* @__PURE__ */ {
toString: null
var nonEnumerableProps = ["constructor", "valueOf", "isPrototypeOf", "toString", "propertyIsEnumerable", "hasOwnProperty", "toLocaleString"];
var hasArgsEnumBug = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
"use strict";
return arguments.propertyIsEnumerable("length");
var contains = function contains2(list, item) {
var idx = 0;
while (idx < list.length) {
if (list[idx] === item) {
return true;
idx += 1;
return false;
var keys = typeof Object.keys === "function" && !hasArgsEnumBug ? /* @__PURE__ */ _curry1(function keys2(obj) {
return Object(obj) !== obj ? [] : Object.keys(obj);
}) : /* @__PURE__ */ _curry1(function keys3(obj) {
if (Object(obj) !== obj) {
return [];
var prop, nIdx;
var ks = [];
var checkArgsLength = hasArgsEnumBug && isArguments_default(obj);
for (prop in obj) {
if (_has(prop, obj) && (!checkArgsLength || prop !== "length")) {
ks[ks.length] = prop;
if (hasEnumBug) {
nIdx = nonEnumerableProps.length - 1;
while (nIdx >= 0) {
prop = nonEnumerableProps[nIdx];
if (_has(prop, obj) && !contains(ks, prop)) {
ks[ks.length] = prop;
nIdx -= 1;
return ks;
var keys_default = keys;
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/internal/_toISOString.js
var pad = function pad2(n) {
return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n;
var _toISOString = typeof Date.prototype.toISOString === "function" ? function _toISOString2(d) {
return d.toISOString();
} : function _toISOString3(d) {
return d.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + pad(d.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + pad(d.getUTCDate()) + "T" + pad(d.getUTCHours()) + ":" + pad(d.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + pad(d.getUTCSeconds()) + "." + (d.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1e3).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5) + "Z";
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/internal/_arrayReduce.js
function _arrayReduce(reducer, acc, list) {
var index = 0;
var length = list.length;
while (index < length) {
acc = reducer(acc, list[index]);
index += 1;
return acc;
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/internal/_isInteger.js
var isInteger_default = Number.isInteger || function _isInteger(n) {
return n << 0 === n;
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/mapObjIndexed.js
var mapObjIndexed = /* @__PURE__ */ _curry2(function mapObjIndexed2(fn, obj) {
return _arrayReduce(function(acc, key) {
acc[key] = fn(obj[key], key, obj);
return acc;
}, {}, keys_default(obj));
var mapObjIndexed_default = mapObjIndexed;
// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/ramda@0.29.0/node_modules/ramda/es/trim.js
var hasProtoTrim = typeof String.prototype.trim === "function";
// src/clients/function-client.ts
function checkResponse(r) {

@@ -71,2 +295,11 @@ if (!r.ok) {

function createFunctionClient(baseUrl, apiKey) {
const fns = {
return mapObjIndexed_default((fn) => fn(baseUrl, apiKey), fns);
function returnFunctionCall(baseUrl, apiKey) {

@@ -113,120 +346,248 @@ return function(functionCallId, functionReturn) {

// src/utils.ts
function setTimeoutPromise(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// src/clients/workflow-client.ts
function createWorkflowClient(baseUrl, apiKey) {
const fns = {
return mapObjIndexed_default((fn) => fn(baseUrl, apiKey), fns);
function poll(fn, args, {
} = { maxTries: 60, tries: 0, waitMs: 1e3 }) {
if (tries >= maxTries) {
throw Error(
`Polling failed after ${maxTries} tries for function ${}.`
async function checkResponseStatus(res) {
const body = await res.json();
if (!res.ok) {
const error = body.error || res.statusText;
throw new Error(`Request failed with: ${error}`);
return fn(...args).then((res) => {
if (res == null) {
return setTimeoutPromise(waitMs).then(() => poll(fn, args, { maxTries, tries: tries + 1, waitMs }));
return res;
return body;
function fetchGetWorkflows(baseUrl, apiKey) {
return function() {
return fetch(`${baseUrl}/workflows`, {
method: "GET",
headers: { "x-api-key": apiKey }
function fetchGetWorkflowById(baseUrl, apiKey) {
return function(req) {
return fetch(`${baseUrl}/workflows/${req.workflowId}`, {
method: "GET",
headers: { "x-api-key": apiKey }
function fetchPostWorkflows(baseUrl, apiKey) {
return function(req) {
return fetch(`${baseUrl}/workflows`, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(req),
headers: { "x-api-key": apiKey }
// src/function-types.ts
var import_zod = require("zod");
var objectJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.literal("object"),
properties: import_zod.z.record(import_zod.z.lazy(() => valueJsonSchema)),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional(),
required: import_zod.z.array(import_zod.z.string()).optional()
// src/clients/workflow-schemas.ts
var import_zod3 = __toESM(require("zod"));
// src/types/task-types.ts
var import_zod = __toESM(require("zod"));
var TaskStatus = {
// Queued state
Pending: "Pending",
// awaiting processing
// Processing states
Planning: "Planning",
// in programmer
Executing: "Executing",
// in executor
Sequencing: "Sequencing",
// in sequencer
// Terminal states
Resolved: "Resolved",
// execution resolved task
Sequenced: "Sequenced"
// no resolution; sequuencer created subtasks
var baseTaskSchema = import_zod.default.object({
id: import_zod.default.string(),
description: import_zod.default.string(),
status: import_zod.default.nativeEnum(TaskStatus),
stepIndex: import_zod.default.number(),
depth: import_zod.default.number(),
numRewrites: import_zod.default.number()
var recordJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.literal("object"),
additionalProperties: import_zod.z.lazy(() => valueJsonSchema),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var Feasibility = {
Feasible: "Feasible",
Rewritable: "Rewritable",
Infeasible: "Infeasible"
var feasibilityCheckSchema = import_zod.default.object({
feasibility: import_zod.default.nativeEnum(Feasibility),
reason: import_zod.default.coerce.string(),
fix: import_zod.default.string().optional()
var arrayJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.literal("array"),
items: import_zod.z.lazy(() => valueJsonSchema),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var Resolution = {
Resolved: "Resolved",
Rewritable: "Rewritable",
Infeasible: "Infeasible"
var resolutionCheckSchema = import_zod.default.object({
resolution: import_zod.default.nativeEnum(Resolution),
reason: import_zod.default.coerce.string(),
fix: import_zod.default.string().optional()
var tupleJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.literal("array"),
prefixItems: import_zod.z.array(import_zod.z.string()),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var taskPendingSchema = baseTaskSchema.extend({
status: import_zod.default.literal(TaskStatus.Pending)
var stringJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.literal("string"),
enum: import_zod.z.array(import_zod.z.string()).optional(),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var taskPlanningSchema = baseTaskSchema.extend({
status: import_zod.default.literal(TaskStatus.Planning),
// present if rewriting
program: import_zod.default.string().optional(),
feasibilityCheck: feasibilityCheckSchema.optional(),
// present if rewriting from executor
resolutionCheck: resolutionCheckSchema.optional()
var numberJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.union([import_zod.z.literal("number"), import_zod.z.literal("integer")]),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional(),
minimum: import_zod.z.number().optional(),
maximum: import_zod.z.number().optional()
var taskExecutingSchema = baseTaskSchema.extend({
status: import_zod.default.literal(TaskStatus.Executing),
program: import_zod.default.string(),
usedFunctionNames: import_zod.default.array(import_zod.default.string()),
feasibilityCheck: feasibilityCheckSchema
var booleanJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.literal("boolean"),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var taskResolvedSchema = baseTaskSchema.extend({
status: import_zod.default.literal(TaskStatus.Resolved),
program: import_zod.default.string(),
usedFunctionNames: import_zod.default.array(import_zod.default.string()),
feasibilityCheck: feasibilityCheckSchema,
resolutionCheck: resolutionCheckSchema
var unionJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.array(import_zod.z.string()),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var taskSequencingSchema = baseTaskSchema.extend({
status: import_zod.default.literal(TaskStatus.Sequencing),
program: import_zod.default.string(),
feasibilityCheck: feasibilityCheckSchema,
// present if sequencing from executor
usedFunctionNames: import_zod.default.array(import_zod.default.string()).optional(),
resolutionCheck: resolutionCheckSchema.optional()
var realUnionJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
anyOf: import_zod.z.array(import_zod.z.lazy(() => valueJsonSchema)),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var taskSequencedSchema = baseTaskSchema.extend({
status: import_zod.default.literal(TaskStatus.Sequenced),
program: import_zod.default.string(),
subtasks: import_zod.default.lazy(() => taskSchema.array()),
feasibilityCheck: feasibilityCheckSchema,
usedFunctionNames: import_zod.default.array(import_zod.default.string()).optional(),
resolutionCheck: resolutionCheckSchema.optional()
var unknownJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.literal("unknown"),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var taskSchema = import_zod.default.union([
// src/types/workflow-types.ts
var import_zod2 = __toESM(require("zod"));
var WorkflowStatus = {
Running: "Running",
Completed: "Completed",
Failed: "Failed",
Paused: "Paused",
TimedOut: "TimedOut"
var workflowSchema = import_zod2.default.object({
workflowId: import_zod2.default.string(),
root: taskSchema,
modules: import_zod2.default.array(import_zod2.default.string()).optional(),
createdAt: import_zod2.default.string(),
updatedAt: import_zod2.default.string(),
orgId: import_zod2.default.string()
var nullJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
type: import_zod.z.literal("null"),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var workflowInfoSchema = import_zod2.default.object({
workflowId: import_zod2.default.string(),
modules: import_zod2.default.array(import_zod2.default.string()).optional(),
createdAt: import_zod2.default.string(),
updatedAt: import_zod2.default.string(),
// Task summary
description: import_zod2.default.string(),
status: import_zod2.default.nativeEnum(WorkflowStatus),
numLeafTasks: import_zod2.default.number()
var refJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
$ref: import_zod.z.string(),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional()
// src/clients/workflow-schemas.ts
var getWorkflowsResSchema = import_zod3.default.object({
workflowInfos: import_zod3.default.array(workflowInfoSchema)
var valueJsonSchema = import_zod.z.union([
var functionJsonSchema = import_zod.z.object({
name: import_zod.z.string(),
description: import_zod.z.string(),
parameters: import_zod.z.union([
type: import_zod.z.literal("object"),
properties: import_zod.z.record(valueJsonSchema),
description: import_zod.z.string().optional(),
required: import_zod.z.array(import_zod.z.string()).optional()
returns: valueJsonSchema,
usageExample: import_zod.z.string().optional(),
returnsExample: import_zod.z.string().optional()
var getWorkflowByIdReqSchema = import_zod3.default.object({
workflowId: import_zod3.default.string()
var nullFunctionJson = {
name: "",
description: "",
parameters: [],
returns: { type: "null" }
var getWorkflowByIdResSchema = import_zod3.default.object({
workflow: taskSchema
// root task
var postWorkflowsReqSchema = import_zod3.default.object({
query: import_zod3.default.string(),
modules: import_zod3.default.array(import_zod3.default.string()).optional(),
orgId: import_zod3.default.string().optional()
var postWorkflowsResSchema = import_zod3.default.object({
message: import_zod3.default.string(),
workflowId: import_zod3.default.string()
// src/types/chat-types.ts
var import_zod4 = require("zod");
var chatTurnBaseSchema = import_zod4.z.object({
id: import_zod4.z.string(),
type: import_zod4.z.string(),
sender: import_zod4.z.string(),
timestamp: import_zod4.z.string()
var chatTextSchema = chatTurnBaseSchema.extend({
type: import_zod4.z.literal("text"),
text: import_zod4.z.string()
var chatErrorSchema = chatTurnBaseSchema.extend({
type: import_zod4.z.literal("error"),
name: import_zod4.z.string(),
message: import_zod4.z.string(),
cause: import_zod4.z.string().optional(),
stack: import_zod4.z.string().optional()
var chatImageSchema = chatTurnBaseSchema.extend({
type: import_zod4.z.literal("image"),
image: import_zod4.z.string(),
description: import_zod4.z.string()
var chatListSchema = chatTurnBaseSchema.extend({
type: import_zod4.z.literal("list"),
list: import_zod4.z.array(import_zod4.z.string())
var chatFunctionCallSchema = chatTurnBaseSchema.extend({
type: import_zod4.z.literal("functionCall"),
functionCallId: import_zod4.z.string(),
functionName: import_zod4.z.string(),
functionArgs: import_zod4.z.record(import_zod4.z.unknown())
var chatFunctionReturnSchema = chatTurnBaseSchema.extend({
type: import_zod4.z.literal("functionReturn"),
functionCallId: import_zod4.z.string(),
functionReturn: import_zod4.z.string()
var chatTurnSchema = import_zod4.z.discriminatedUnion("type", [
// src/index.ts
function createClient(baseUrl, apiKey) {
return {
...createFunctionClient(baseUrl, apiKey),
...createWorkflowClient(baseUrl, apiKey)

@@ -237,2 +598,4 @@ var Iudex = class {


@@ -252,5 +615,7 @@ constructor({

this.maxTries = maxTries;
this.client = createClient(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey);
this.streamCurrentTask = this.streamCurrentTask.bind(this);
uploadFunctions = (jsons, modules) => {
return putFunctionJsons(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey)(jsons, modules);
return this.client.putFunctionJsons(jsons, modules);

@@ -266,2 +631,8 @@ linkFunctions = (functionLinker) => {

const { onChatTurn } = opts;
const {
promise: currentWorkflowId,
resolve: setCurrentWorkflowId,
reject: rejectCurrentWorkflowId
} = deconstructedPromise();
this.currentWorkflowId = currentWorkflowId;
const userTurn = {

@@ -275,5 +646,9 @@ id: "msg_ephemeral_" + (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString(),

const { workflowId } = await startWorkflow(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey)(userTurn.text);
const { workflowId } = await this.client.startWorkflow(userTurn.text).catch((e) => {
throw e;
let nextMessage2 = await poll(
nextMessage(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey),

@@ -300,3 +675,3 @@ { maxTries: 60, tries: 0, waitMs: 1e3 }

await returnFunctionCall(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey)(
await this.client.returnFunctionCall(

@@ -306,3 +681,3 @@ fnReturnTurn.functionReturn

nextMessage2 = await poll(
nextMessage(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey),

@@ -323,3 +698,37 @@ { maxTries: 60, tries: 0, waitMs: 1e3 }

// OpenAI interface shim
async *streamCurrentTask() {
if (!this.currentWorkflowId) {
throw Error("No current workflow id. Send a message first.");
const workflowId = await this.currentWorkflowId;
let rootTask = await this.client.fetchGetWorkflowById({ workflowId }).then((r) => r.workflow);
let processingTask = getFirstTaskByStatus(rootTask, [
let oldProcessingTask;
while (processingTask) {
if (oldProcessingTask?.id !== || oldProcessingTask?.status !== processingTask.status) {
yield processingTask;
oldProcessingTask = processingTask;
await setTimeoutPromise(1e3);
rootTask = await this.client.fetchGetWorkflowById({ workflowId }).then((r) => r.workflow);
processingTask = getFirstTaskByStatus(rootTask, [
const resolvedTask = getLastTaskByStatus(rootTask, "Resolved");
if (!resolvedTask) {
throw Error("No processing nor resolved task found.");
yield resolvedTask;
// ======================= OpenAI interface shim ======================
chatCompletionsCreate = (body) => {

@@ -335,5 +744,5 @@ const lastMessage = body.messages[body.messages.length - 1];

const functionReturn = lastMessage.content || "";
const functionCallRes = returnFunctionCall(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey)(callId, String(functionReturn));
const functionCallRes = this.client.returnFunctionCall(callId, String(functionReturn));
const nextMessageRes = functionCallRes.then(() => poll(
nextMessage(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey),

@@ -352,6 +761,13 @@ { maxTries: 60, tries: 0, waitMs: 1e3 }

const {
promise: currentWorkflowId,
resolve: setCurrentWorkflowId,
reject: rejectCurrentWorkflowId
} = deconstructedPromise();
this.currentWorkflowId = currentWorkflowId;
const messageContent = extractMessageTextContent(lastMessage.content);
return startWorkflow(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey)(messageContent).then(
({ workflowId }) => poll(
nextMessage(this.baseUrl, this.apiKey),
return this.client.startWorkflow(messageContent).then(({ workflowId }) => {
return poll(

@@ -364,4 +780,7 @@ { maxTries: 60, tries: 0, waitMs: 1e3 }

}).catch((e) => {
throw e;

@@ -424,16 +843,98 @@ chat = {

var src_default = Iudex;
function getLastTaskByStatus(root, status) {
const arrayStatus = !Array.isArray(status) ? [status] : status;
const traverse = reversePreOrderTraversal(
(t) => t.subtasks || [],
(t) => arrayStatus.includes(t.status)
return traverse(root);
function getFirstTaskByStatus(root, status) {
const arrayStatus = !Array.isArray(status) ? [status] : status;
const traverse = preOrderTraversal(
(t) => t.subtasks || [],
(t) => arrayStatus.includes(t.status)
return traverse(root);
function reversePreOrderTraversal(getChildren, predicate) {
return function traverse(node) {
if (predicate(node)) {
return node;
const reversedChildren = getChildren(node).reverse();
for (const child of reversedChildren) {
const maybeFound = traverse(child);
if (maybeFound !== void 0) {
return maybeFound;
return void 0;
function preOrderTraversal(getChildren, predicate) {
return function traverse(node) {
if (predicate(node)) {
return node;
const children = getChildren(node);
for (const child of children) {
const maybeFound = traverse(child);
if (maybeFound !== void 0) {
return maybeFound;
return void 0;
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
0 && (module.exports = {
"name": "iudex",
"version": "0.8.8",
"version": "0.9.0",
"description": "Iudex client",

@@ -33,2 +33,3 @@ "scripts": {

"devDependencies": {
"@tsconfig/recommended": "^1.0.4",
"@types/node": "^20.11.16",

@@ -43,2 +44,3 @@ "bun": "^1.0.26",

"dependencies": {
"function-json-schema": "^1.0.1",
"p-map": "^7.0.1",

@@ -45,0 +47,0 @@ "p-retry": "^6.2.0",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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