Date class implementation in Jalali calendar
JDate aka Date class implementation for Jalali calendar
This package aimed to develop and maintain Jalaali Calendar also called Persian Calendar in the form of
Javascript Date Class, Basically we have a JDate class with identical interface and behavior of Data class
I believe we need more atomic libraries in javascript that are independent of other frameworks/libs.
this package is one of those atomics, I searched a lot to find a real implementation of Date class for Jalali calendar
and found a few. All of them was not really identical with Date class in term of interface and behavior. the only on
that was close to this idea was jdate and it was pure in coding,
maintenance and modern development, still I'm not sure about it's possible logical bugs! I refactored
this code to a modern and modular npm package for ease of use in modern work flow.
npm install j-date --save
using node, webpack, browserify and other commonjs modular environments
var JDate = require('./dist/j-date.src').JDate;
console.log((new JDate('1394-12-2')).toLocaleString());
import JDate from 'j-date'
import { JDate } from 'j-date'
using globals in browser
download dist/j-date.js and load it using script tag
console.log((new JDate('1394-12-2')).toLocaleString());
Fork this repo and always keep your code on a git branch other than master branch,
Setting up dev environment
npm 3.. or upper
node 4.. or upper
git clone clone
npm install
npm run serve
run build script to make sure build passes without errors
npm run build