Just Another React Live Editor
Jarle is a as light weight and feature rich React component editor with live
import { Provider, Editor, Error, Preview } from 'jarle';
function LiveEditor() {
return (
<Provider code="<strong>Hello World!</strong>">
<Editor />
<Error />
<Preview />
Rendering Code
Jarle removes boilerplate code in your examples, by rendering the last expression in your code block.
Define variables, components, whatever, as long as the last line is a JSX expression.
function Example({ subject }) {
return <div>Hello {subject}</div>
<Example subject="World"/>
If you do need more control over what get's rendered, or need to render asynchronously, a
function is always in scope:
setTimeout(() => {
render(<div>I'm late!</div>);
}, 1000);
Jarle also supports rendering your code as a component, helpful for illustrating
hooks or render behavior with minimal extra code. When using renderAsComponent
the code text is used as the body of React function component, so you can use
state and other hooks.
const [secondsPast, setSeconds] = useState(0)
useEffect(() => {
let interval = setInterval(() => {
setSeconds(prev => prev + 1)
}, 1000)
return () => clearInterval(interval)
}, [])
<div>Seconds past: {secondsPast}</div>
Differences from React Live