image input react component let user upload image and see what is uploaded
this package use jb-image-input underneath so you can
ability multiple image upload
can connect to your custom REST service bridge (you can have your own way of uploading or downloading image event with JWT token)
show loading
can be used in both instant upload or keep image and upload image on form submit
customizable format
sample: https://codepen.io/javadbat/pen/XWpoEYY
npm i jb-image-input
import {JBImageInput} from 'jb-image-input-react';
check validation
you can check is image input value meet your validation standard by dom.triggerInputValidation(showError)
the showError
parameter is optional and its default is true but you cant set it false so if value is invalid component don't react and show error to user and just return validation object
multi image selector
by default jb-image-input don't support multi image upload but in set of hack you can implement a system that user can select and upload multiple image
we have 4 step to help you implement multi image input
1- set multiple
attribute to dom to let user select multiple image
<JBImageInput multiple="true"/>
2- imageSelected
event is fired on user select image and in event.detail.files
you can get all files that user selected
3- render new <JBImageInput>
component for each selected file.
4- inject the files you get in step 2 into your component by a ref.current.selectImageByFile
remember first file is uploaded by original image input and you don't need to inject it to another input and thats why we start from index 1
image accept type
tell web-component what image mimetype are acceptable
<JBImageInput acceptTypes="image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/png,image/svg+xml"/>
set bridge for upload and download image
do not upload and download image automatically. it just handle ui states.
you must provide 2 function uploader
and downloader
to component like this:
<JBImageInput bridge={{
uploader: function (file,config,uploadProgressCallbackFunction) { },
downloader: function (value, config) { }
you can create a class and pass class instance or create a simple object and pass it to component, depend on your need.
both uploader and downloader must return Promise
and resolve it on task completed
bridge example for typescript:
import { JBImageInputBridge, JBImageInputConfig } from "jb-image-input-react";
type ImageData = {
alt:string | null,
export const imageBridge:JBImageInputBridge<ImageData> = {
downloader(data, config) {
const url = data.url;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
axios.get(url, {responseType: "blob" }).then((response) => {
var reader = new window.FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
var imageDataUrl = reader.result;
resolve(imageDataUrl as string);
}).catch((err) => {
uploader(file, config, onProgressCallback) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var bodyFormData = new FormData();
bodyFormData.append('file', file);
bodyFormData.append('another-field', config.customField)
axios.post(config.uploadUrl as string,bodyFormData,{headers: { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data" }}).then((res)=>{
set config
config is not something that our component use, it just the config you need in your bridge so you can set it however you want base on your need. we just keep it in component and send it to your uploader and downloader function so you can structure it your self. we just make a default structure as following object
this.config = {
uploadUrl: '',
downloadUrl: '',
custom placeholder
if you want to show your custom content when uploader is empty and ready to receive image in first place ypo can put your own content by using custom slot.
to make that happen you just have to put your div and content in JBImageInput
tag like below example:
<div slot="placeholder">
<div>custom placeholder</div>
you can place any element you need base on you design in <div slot="placeholder">
you can use anything other than div too for example <h1 slot="placeholder">
but you must set attribute slot="placeholder"
in it.
max File Size
you can set max for user file size so user cant upload file larger than your limit. to do so just set maxFileSize
like following example:
<JBImageInput maxFileSize={2*1024*1024} />
when user select file bigger than that image input will ignore file and dispatch(fire) the maxSizeExceed
<JBImageInput maxSizeExceed={(e)=>{
alert(`your file is ${e.detail.file.size} size and it's bigger than 2MB`);
}} />
set custom style
in some cases in your project you need to change default style of web-component for example you need zero margin or different border-radius and etc.
if you want to set a custom style to this web-component all you need is to set css variable in parent scope of web-component
css variable name | description |
--jb-image-input-width | web-component width default is 100% |
--jb-image-input-height | web-component height default is 100% |
--jb-image-input-bg-color | web-component background-color default is #f7f6f6 |
--jb-image-input-border-radius | web-component border radius default is 24px |
--jb-image-input-placeholder-p-color | web-component placeholder icon primary color |
--jb-image-input-placeholder-bg-color | web-component placeholder background-color default is transparent |
--jb-image-input-placeholder-sec-color | placeholder secondary color |