jDataView - A unique way to work with a binary file in JavaScript.
jDataView provides a standard way to read and/or modify binary files in all the browsers. It follows the DataView Specification and even extends it for a more practical use.
There are three ways to read a binary file from the browser.
The first one is to download the file through XHR with charset=x-user-defined. You get the file as a String, convert it to byte Array and you have to rewrite all the decoding and encoding functions (getUint16, getFloat32, ...). All the browsers support this.
Then browsers that implemented Canvas also added CanvasPixelArray as part of ImageData. It is fast byte array that is created and used internally by <canvas />
element for manipulating low-level image data. We can create such host element and use it as factory for our own instances of this array.
Then browsers that implemented WebGL added ArrayBuffer. It is a plain buffer that can be read with views called TypedArrays (Int32Array, Float64Array, ...). You can use them to decode the file but this is not very handy. It has big drawback, it can't read non-aligned data (but we can actually hack that). So they replaced CanvasPixelArray with Uint8ClampedArray (same as Uint8Array, but cuts off numbers outside 0..255 range).
A new revision of the specification added DataViews. It is a view around your buffer that can read/write arbitrary data types directly through functions: getUint32, getFloat64 ...
And one way to read a binary file from the server.
jDataView provides the DataView API using the best available option between Arrays, TypedArrays, NodeJS Buffers and DataViews.
See the Typed Array Specification for a detailed API.
- new jDataView(buffer, offset, length, littleEndian = false)
- buffer can be either a binary String, any Array-like byte storage (Array, Uint8Array, Arguments, jQuery(Array), ...) or count of bytes if you want to operate on new empty buffer.
- littleEndian = false (Big Endian mode) is a default value for the view
Specification API
The wrapper satisfies all the specification getters:
- getInt8(byteOffset)
- getUint8(byteOffset)
- getInt16(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- getUint16(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- getInt32(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- getUint32(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- getFloat32(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- getFloat64(byteOffset, littleEndian)
And setters:
- setInt8(byteOffset, value)
- setUint8(byteOffset, value)
- setInt16(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- setUint16(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- setInt32(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- setUint32(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- setFloat32(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- setFloat64(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
Extended Specification
Addition of a littleEndian argument to the constructor. Big Endian will be the default mode of getters if their littleEndian value is undefined.
- jDataView(buffer, offset, length, littleEndian = false)
The byteOffset parameter is now optional. If you omit it, it will read right after the latest read offset. You can interact with the internal pointer with those two functions.
- seek(byteOffset)
- Moves the internal pointer to the position
- tell()
- Returns the current position
- skip(byteLength)
- Skips given count of bytes
- slice(start, end, forceCopy = false)
- Returns view (jDataView) on part of original one; may point to the same memory buffer or copy data into new one depending on forceCopy parameter.
Also, specification DataView setters require byteOffset as first argument, and passing "undefined" for sequential writes can be not very convenient.
You can use writeXXX
methods instead, which will set values at current position automatically:
- writeInt8(value)
- writeUint8(value)
- writeInt16(value, littleEndian)
- writeUint16(value, littleEndian)
- writeInt32(value, littleEndian)
- writeUint32(value, littleEndian)
- writeFloat32(value, littleEndian)
- writeFloat64(value, littleEndian)
Addition of Char, String and Bytes utilities.
String operations globally support 'binary' (by default) and 'utf8' encodings; Char is always one-byte 'binary'.
- getChar(byteOffset)
- setChar(byteOffset, char)
- writeChar(char)
- getString(byteLength, byteOffset, encoding = 'binary')
- setString(byteOffset, chars, encoding = 'binary')
- writeString(chars, encoding = 'binary')
- getBytes(length, byteOffset, littleEndian = true, toArray = false)
- setBytes(byteOffset, bytes, littleEndian = true)
- writeBytes(bytes, littleEndian = true)
Addition of 64-bit signed and unsigned integer types.
IMPORTANT: Those types behave like primitive numbers (you can manipulate with them using arithmetic operations, convert them to strings etc.)., BUT due to IEEE.754 limitations, there is precision loss for numbers outside the ±2^53 range, and that's why they also contain
and hi
fields for retrieving corresponding 32-bit unsigned parts. You can pass both primitive numbers (with the same restriction as above) or jDataView.Uint64
instances with lo
and hi
fields to writer functions as well.
- getInt64(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- setInt64(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- writeInt64(value, littleEndian)
- getUint64(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- setUint64(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- writeUint64(value, littleEndian)
Addition of bitfield support. Allows to use bitLength <= 32 bits. Don't forget to ensure byte padding before reading non-bitfield values after calling those methods.
- getSigned(bitLength, byteOffset)
- setSigned(byteOffset, value, bitLength)
- writeSigned(value, bitLength)
- getUnsigned(bitLength, byteOffset)
- setUnsigned(byteOffset, value, bitLength)
- writeUnsigned(value, bitLength)
Addition of wrapBuffer and createBuffer, utilities to easily create buffers with the latest available storage type (Node.js Buffer, ArrayBuffer, CanvasPixelArray or simple Array).
- wrapBuffer(string_or_bytes_or_byteCount)
- createBuffer(byte1, byte2, ...)
First we need a file. Either you get it through XHR or use the createBuffer utility.
var file = jDataView.createBuffer(
0x10, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x90, 0xcf, 0x1b, 0x47,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0x4d, 0x44, 0x32, 0x30,
Now we use the DataView as defined in the specification, the only thing that changes is the j before jDataView.
var view = new jDataView(file);
var version = view.getInt32(0);
var float = view.getFloat32(4);
The wrapper extends the specification to make the DataView easier to use.
var view = new jDataView(file);
version = view.getInt32();
float = view.getFloat32();
var tag = view.getString(4);
var char = view.getChar();
You can use a patched version of jQuery that supports ArrayBuffer for AJAX.
function (view) {
var tag = view.getString(4);
var version = view.getUint32();
- August 23 2013
- Added bitfield support (was considered to be borrowed from jBinary, but implemented faster and simpler version).
- Completely dynamic one-time write* definition for all the set* methods.
- Restructured tests using Mocha's BDD style, so now possible to test separate features and/or engines.
- May 15 2013
- jDataView got own account! More projects and demos coming soon.
- May 30 2013:
- RReverser added support for UTF-8 strings
- Added support for 64-bit signed and unsigned integers (with precision loss outside the ±2^53 range when using primitive JS numbers due to IEEE.754 restrictions)
- Added support for CanvasPixelArray as fast byte array for browsers that don't support Typed Arrays yet (like IE9)
- Refactored code.
- Added ability to test library on all the engines that are supported on current platform at once.
- Added JSHint configuration according to project code guidelines and implemented corresponding QUnit test.
- April 8 2013:
- mmthomas implemented support for denormalized float values in setters
- March 16 2013:
- RReverser added support for setters in all supported implementations!
- Performance improvements changing lower level constructs and type of inner buffers
- Addition of [gs]etBytes, write*, wrapBuffer and slice helpers
- Added support for any Array-like byte storage as input (Array, Uint8Array, Arguments, jQuery(Array), ...)
- Added ability to create empty buffer (and operate on it) by passing count of bytes to wrapBuffer.
- June 30 2012: Thanks to Mithgol for the changes!
- Changed default to big endian from little endian to be compatible with DataView specification
- Dropped support for NodeJS < 0.5.5, it was buggy anyway
- Fixed an issue where ArrayBuffer would not work on NodeJS
- Moved the compatibility checks outside of the read functions for hopefully better performance
- December 22 2011: Added IE6-9 support by scintill
- November 30 2011:
- Added NodeJS Buffer support + NPM Package.
- Added support for NaN and Infinity in the float shim.
- Added
, byteLength
and byteOffset
attributes. - Fixed bugs using non zero
and added more bound checks.
- September 21 2011: Added a missing
argument on getInt16. - April 28 2011: Seeking to the end of file no longer throws an error.
- April 26 2011: Fixed a bug with extremely large unsigned 32bit being considered as signed. (Solution).
- April 8 2011: Added littleEndian argument on the constructor. Opera 11.50 does not fully implement DataView, improved check.
A simple tar viewer. It is a "Hello World" demo of how easy it is to use the library.
BMP viewer with ability to load files by URL or using File API, parsing them using library and rendering with Canvas (no <img />
elements at all).
A PhotoSynth WebGL Viewer by Visual Experiments. It uses jDataView to read the binary file and then WebGL to display it.
Please tell us if you made something with jDataView :)
Licence: Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License