Jenesius Vue Modal
Jenesius vue modal is simple modal system library for Vue 3 only .
Using this library, you can simply show both one and several modal windows at the same time, integrate with vue-router
npm i jenesius-vue-modal
The main condition for library initialization is adding a container inside your App.vue file. Note that this container only needs to be mounted once in the main parent component. Opened modals will be shown inside this container.
<widget-container-modal />
import {container} from "jenesius-vue-modal";
export default {
components: {WidgetContainerModal: container},
name: "App"
Modal show
Methods openModal
and pushModal
used to display modal windows.
- close all previous modals and then display provided component.pushModal
- display provided component
import {openModal} from "jenesius-vue-modal";
import SomeVueComponent from "SomeVueComponent.vue";
openModal(SomeVueComponent, props);
- props will provide in your component, example
Methods return promise, in this case promise is resolved modalObject.
More information
const modal = await openModal(SomeVueComponent);
- close all modals and then open provided modal.pushModal
- add one more provided modal.closeModal
- close all modals.popModal
- close last opened modal.promptModal
- opening a modal window and waiting for a value to be returned. More information
For detailed information about existing methods, follow the link
import {openModal, pushModal, closeModal, popModal} from "jenesius-vue-modal"
Handle events
Using modalObject you can handle any events:
// Modal.vue
<button @click = "emit('update', value)"></button>
When we click on the button we can handle event using modal.on(eventName, callback)
const modal = await openModal(Modal, {value: 123});
modal.on('update', v => {
Lifecycle Hooks
All hooks use only returned value(Boolean) for navigation hooks.
If function return false or throwing an Error modal window will not be closed.
There are three ways to track the closing of a modal:
const modal = await openModal(Modal, {title: "welcome"});
modal.onclose = () => {
return false;
or if using function declaration you have access to modal Instance by this.
This declaration provide way to view data within the modal in the parent's onclose() method:
props: {title: String},
data : () => ({info: "Version x.x.x"}),
methods: {
modal.onclose = function(){
export default {
props: {},
data: () => ({isValidate: false}),
if (!isValidate) return false;
import {onBeforeModalClose} from "jenesius-vue-modal"
export default{
setup() {
onBeforeModalClose(() => {
Hooks also can be asynchronous functions:
async beforeModalClose(){
await doSome();
return false;
return Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 2000);
Integration with VueRouter
For integrate modals into VueRouter you need to initialize your application:
- Provide router to the useModalRouter:
import {createWebHistory, createRouter} from "vue-router";
import {useModalRouter} from "jenesius-vue-modal";
const router = createRouter({
history: createWebHistory(),
routes: [...],
- Wrap your component in a route handler:
import Modal from "Modal.vue"
const routes = [
path: "/any-route",
component: useModalRouter(Modal)
Now, when route will be /any-route the Modal window will open.
For more information see Docs.
Style and Animation
Please refer to the documentation to change the styles or animations of modals.
Example VueModalComponent
export default {
props: {
title: String
To show this component
import {openModal} from "jenesius-vue-modal"
import WidgeTestModal from "WidgeTestModal.vue";
openModal(WidgeTestModal, {
title: "Hello World!"
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